The Torn

As I stood near the hallway, all I could think of was her.

Her sweet voice, those soft intense eyes, that line on her face between the two parting slices of a summer fruit, one that vaguely resembled a smile.

I remembered it as vividly as the seashells lying on the shore, sounds coming out of it making love with the sand that covered the shoreline.

Her ears were smaller than most people's, but somehow complimented her roundish face, like the moon in the cold, dark night sky.

And just like the night sky, whenever I looked at her. I felt this sense of peace, this sense of security and assurance. This sense of warmth and comfort as I would rest my head on her soft chest. There was always something I longed for in this tainted cruel reality.

The one thing that gave meaning to 9 to 5. The one thing that made me cope up with everything my corporate bosses imposed on me.

After each day of painful labour and hardships, I would rush towards my home. Towards the kitchen, cause that's where she was... most of the times. But due to the extreme workload...For sometime, it had all become unsatisfactory to a lot of extent. This was my biggest suffering, My deepest regret.

My deepest regret wasn't letting the absurdity of life and reality consume me. It was letting them tear her to bits.

Letting them harm her, scar her heart away.

Everytime she would say my name, The shackled chain of terror would force her skin to go pail.

Yes, A demon I was, but despite that I still carried around the heart of a little boy. One who used to play outside all day. Until one day the chains of responsibility took over.

My only hope was... her. UNTIL THAT DAY.

It was an autumn's night. I came home just a bit earlier than usual. I stood at the main door of our old apartment for a few minutes but no one came. After several unheard doorbells I opened the door with the spare key.

It was too dark. The lights of the living room were completely shut, but despite that it wasn't utter darkness. The room at the further corner was lit. And inside it i could hear atleast 2 people. I slowly crept my way in without making any noise, The room smelled very unusually vulgar for some weird reason. Only a few times before I had smelt it like this.

The stench was stronger on certain days of the week. Mostly on Wednesdays. It was also the busiest day of my Job.

I slowly went to the door and peeked in through the keyhole.

I saw her, but she wasn't alone. There was another person. A Young Man in his 20s. together the 2 of them...In a shared ecstasy of bliss. No worldly fabrics between them...

how could I blame her... Anyone would fall for a face like that.

Looking at her in the act of sharing one's soul to another person was devastating. But I kept on watching. I watched And WATCHED AND WATCHED. TILL MY HEART STARTED BLEEDING BLOOD. TILL MY PAIN WAS SO INTENSE THAT IT TORE MY ENTIRE BODY APART WITH THIS AROUSAL AND HATRED.

I WENT INTO THE KITCHEN AND PICKED UP A KNIFE. I SLAMMED MYSELF TO THE DOOR AND BROKE IN THE ROOM. And the moment I looked them dead in the eyes...I fell to pieces.

For some weird reason, all the energy I felt a few minutes ago was gone. I stood there, fallen on my knees and in my hands was a knife dripping with blood.

Even to this day I vividly remember the horror I saw that day.

'2 bodies intermingled in the purest of form. Torn to shreds. Nothing humanly remaining. No mere knife should be able to do this...And I am sure it wasn't me...

It must have been him, THE EVIL ONE.