Chapter 11

"Hey! You! You!-" says the king while looking at Hwang Yoon Yeong.

Yoon Yeong tries to cover herself as the king might find out her true identity.

"Why? What is it? Speak clearly." says Yoon Yeong.

Then the king stutters but responds in a low voice,

"Are you by any chance trying to get back at me by making me fall into this cold water? I know you don't like me but you should at least be thankful for what I did yesterday. Don't you think so?" asks the king.

Still cautious about the king finding out about her identity Yoon Yeong answers," It's nothing like that. We fell in by mistake, I did not push you purposely. But tell me what were you doing here?"

The king starts getting out of the water as he says," I just woke up early today so I thought about giving my roommate some company. What about you? Why are you here so early?"

"I just couldn't sleep so I thought about taking a bath. You-You can just go now and sleep. I will take care of my own business here." replies Yoon Yeong.

"Why? Do you want to get rid of me? Is there anything you are hiding?" asks the king with a smirk on his face.

"No, there is no such thing. I just wanted to spend some time alone without anyone bothering me. So you can go now." replies Yoon Yeong.

The king says, "Okay" and leaves, still smiling.

"Ah! I almost got caught today. I should be more careful, especially of His Highness. If I get caught by His Highness everything we planned will be of waste. I need to do what I am here for. I need to protect His Highness at all cost." says Yoon Yeong to herself.

She takes a bath quickly, washes her clothes and goes back to her room. She sees everyone sleeping but does not find the king in the room. The first bell rings and everyone starts to wake up.

"You are ready before us, today too!" says Park Dong Min.

"Yes, I got up early." replies Yoon Yeong.

"But you know that you won't get any food without us. Then why wake up early?" asks Song Won Shik.

Yoon Yeong clears her throat and says," I know of course. The thing is-"

The king enters the room and cuts their conversation. He leans in towards Yoon Yeong, his face dangerously close to hers and says, "Hwang Yoon Yeong, the teacher has commanded to see you now. Looks like he has something to discuss with you." he smirks at Yoon Yeong while saying it.

"What is it that father wants to discuss with me? Did His Highness find out who I am? Did he put an act this morning and then went to my father to complain?" all kinds of scenarios started running through her head as she walked towards the teachers room.