
Soon some dark-skinned people having frizzy hair walked out from behind the trees and bushes. They had their arms outstretched holding bows, and arrows were drawn back, touching the tips of their ears.

"So everybody likes to cover their jewel here", the professor let out a rough chuckle. When she drifted her eyes to their lower parts, she saw it covered with a leather material which she presumed they had made from animals skin. The alpha glared at the girl, not understanding what was happening there. She was just attacked by her people and there she was smiling like a maniac. Is she normal? The alpha thought.

"I'm not here for a violent disturbance", the arrow was snapped in the hands of the alpha who saw hunters approaching them. He had taken a shortcut hidden with overly grown plants and thickly loaded branches of trees to the land of hunters that nobody knew about.

"We did not hope a visit from the mighty alpha", another man who looked in his late forties to the professor stepped out of the bushes. The others lined up to the sides, making a way for the man to stand in the front.

"Chief, he said he's not here for violence", the boy on his left spoke.

"I believe you cannot be here for the concord too", the man who was referred to as 'Chief' shifted his eyes from the alpha to the girl standing along with him.

"Considering your terms, we can never set on an agreement", the alpha responded.

"I'm here to return your thing to you", grabbing the girl from her arm, the alpha pushed her forward that resulted having the girl tripping and almost losing her balance. Well, almost.

Scarlett could feel sweat beads forming on her forehead. She wasn't this nervous when she was caught by her parents, watching her ready to climb back into the camp house through the window years ago. She had been caught red-handed many times. She was about to get caught again. However, the only difference was she had a vampire standing on her back, the hunters aiming arrows in the front.

"You see no hunter has ever made it out alive if found wandering on our land. Just consider yourself blessed this time", the man had thought to kill the girl in front of her people for, one, stepping on his land, two, lying at his face, third, making him come here all the way, but his inner alpha stood in his way. He didn't understand why his alpha was acting strange. Also, he wasn't on his land. Thus, he decided to let this one slide.

"We don't know who she is", first when the chief saw the girl, he thought the alpha had brought a vampire with him on their ground as he would never put his pack members in danger. But when he saw the type of wound on the girl's leg and how she stumbled, he confirmed that she wasn't from the vampires' tribe. Vampires weren't that weaker to have cut from the wild plants in the jungle.

"Does your whole tribe has decided to lie to my face?", first the hunter, and now the chief too. Instead of being grateful for having their hunter save and sound, they attempted to lie.

"You know quite well that it is against the dignity of a hunter to lie, alpha. This girl doesn't belong to us. She isn't a hunter."

The alpha's stared at the girl in amazement. There were only three groups on the lands they had been inhabited for hundreds and thousands of years. Werewolves, vampires and hunters. He had assumed her lying every time she said she wasn't a hunter. Now, having it affirmed by the chief of the hunter tribe, he was caught unaware.

Who was she?

"If we are done, I would like you to get out of my land or else", the arrows were stretched in the bows, all the men on-stand, waiting for a signal from their chief. As much curious the chief also was to know the matter with the girl the alpha had brought to their land, he couldn't overlook the safety of his people when a cruel was standing in his territory.

"You are aware that these needles are no harm to me", the alpha scoffed at the hopeless action of the hunters.

"Not to you, but the one you've brought looks prone to get highly injured by them", now all the arrows turned were aimed at the professor who, for the first time, was having Dylan's words ringing into her ears.

'It could cost you your life.'

Back to that day, she thought about what could possibly harm her in the year 2020. She wasn't travelling to the time of Nuclear Warfare. Missiles wouldn't be flying over her head. If she had known that she would be stuck in something worse than it, she wouldn't travel. Would she?

Well, she would.

"I will take her back with me", the alpha could tear all of them to shreds but he wouldn't for two reasons, one, he was standing on their land, two, it was him crossing the border unannounced this time.

"Follow me", the girl was standing still, her feet frozen to the ground. She thought the second she moved, the arrows would be released at her.

The alpha exhaled in disbelief. When he threatened her to be eaten by a werewolf or sucked up by a vampire, she remained neutral. What got her anchored to the ground were those arrows that were harmless to him. She was unbelievable.

He took a hold of her wrist and yanked her back, dragging her out of the hunters' land. If she was being stubborn, he knew how to exactly treat her.

While Scarlett was taking her time to process what on earth was happening with her now, the alpha continued pulling the girl until they reached the top of a hill.

"I'm asking you for the last time. Who are you?", he harshly turned the girl around on the edge of the cliff.

"A genome", the professor cheekily smiled at the man, but she wasn't cool inside. She could hear her heart beating louder in her eardrums.

"Stop this absurd language of yours and answer", he snarled at the girl whose back was facing the world on the front side of hills.

"There's nothing absurd. How many times do I've to tell you I'm a human for having you believe me? You just don't want to acc- - -", the girl was cut off in the midst of her sentence when the alpha spoke.

"I've been exceptionally polite with you. I should've done this the minute you were brought to my cabin", his hand raised in the air.

"Hey wai- - -", before she would continue, the hand was collided against her chest, right on the top of her beating heart and she was pushed over the edge of the cliff.