Chapter (65): Close to end

He walked forward to the Inn and halted without looking back added, "take care of your heart, if you don't want to be a murderer because we no longer can feel it."

Wilmore left the girl and saw a young man at the door of the Inn. His eyes grew brutal. He peered into his eyes while passing by. It seemed the attacks of vampires had affected this village. Eliot took his eyes down the knight that his hood covered his face and stood there.

"What is your name?"

He asked Eliot.

"Eliot Rogers! Sir."

"How old?"


"Matured enough! Do you want to be a knight?"

It sounded foolish but Wilmore could find two talented people in this far away land.

"Can I?"

Wilmore removed his hood and revealed his icy eyes to the young man.

"You can feel what I am, don't you?"

He received silence instead of words.

"I gather people like me."

Wilmore declared and stepped inside the Inn to see how terrible Ryan's condition was. Yet, he believed that son of the Lord was his nephew.

The woman who was waiting for her dead husband to be brought up back, peeked at Ell. It was a pity to see her weeping.

Elizabeth felt that was getting colder as the rain ceased.

"We must burn him."

The elder of the village declared.

"No, it is their fault! They brought those devils here. We should burn them and bury my husband."

The wailing woman got up, protesting at Elizabeth.

"We didn't bring them."

Elizabeth could understand her grief but that was an accusation because the imp had nothing to do with them.

"You brought the devil head here." The woman shouted out again, insisting that they caused this.

"My cousin is dying because of you."

People murmured to each other. They were ashamed to blame them.

The elder moved to the woman, his hand landed on her shoulder.

"Listen, daughter, you must know that if it wasn't for these passengers, now all of us were slaughtered by those imps."

The woman fell on her knees. What he said was reasonable. John sighed, it was so familiar to him to be blamed.

"Captain Black! Could you catch those smugglers?"

Captain shook his head in denial.

"No, we caught the brokers that were transferring these beasts. I had put my men in poison to be watchful." Dorian answered John.

Elizabeth bowed her head to the old man in respect and roamed inside the Inn.

Opening the door, the pleasant heat caressed her cheeks. She went beside the fireplace and stood there. Hux was talking to prince Wilmore, perhaps reporting Ryan's health condition and other stuff.

Elizabeth let her clothes dry and then passed by the counter, going to the left corridor which there was a room and they kept Ryan.

Inside the dim place a figure approached, holding a basket in her hand, it was full of bloody fabric and pieces of cotton.

"Is he alright, Maria?"

The old Lady nodded, "he is awake, darling! I thought we are going to get close to the end but now he is better, we stitched the claw wound but it will leave a deep scar. He has a strong body."

She shook her head, the young man would remember this anytime he get undressed. Maria left to hand the basket to a cleaning Lady.

Elizabeth took a deep breath to hold her courage. She had to go inside and check in on him with her own eyes.

She took the first twitching step then straightened her shoulder, "he will stay alive, I won't disappoint Luna!"

She murmured to herself and walked further until she reached the end of that corridor.

Her hand moved on the door and her knuckles hit it smoothly.

"Get in!" It was uncle Miguel's voice.

She clasped the handle and went inside. Ryan was leaned back and his chest was wrapped with a decent cloth.

His eyes moved on Elizabeth and smiled.

"Darling, come inside."

With a scan, he noticed that Natasha was there and only father and son were talking. No doubt she had about the subject of their conversation. She closed the door behind her and walked to the bed where her uncle was sitting. She shoved the questions down because now something else was her priority. Her sister.

"Is Luna fine, uncle?"

Uncle Miguel nodded, directed to the chair, "let yourself have some rest. Ryan is fine so don't worry."

Elizabeth kept her eyes down, playing with her fingers she went to the chair, taking her seat.

"We were talking about the imps, Elizabeth, well done! I have underestimated you."

Elizabeth bitterly beamed, she couldn't be happy that a beast was provoked within her out of fear.

"Uncle, we got the cure for her eyes but she didn't have a solution for the curse."

Miguel was glad that at least they had found a remedy for her eyes and could survive the imps.

"Calm down, it is fine and we will find a way for that later. Ryan, are you sure that you want to come?"

Ryan didn't want to waste a single time on here at all. They should have to get back and give her the cure that had limited time.

"Father, I told you! The potion works until tonight. It is already day and we can't miss this chance."

"Fine, don't panic! We will talk at home."

He got to his feet and went to the door, added, "I will take a carriage from here! You can't ride on a horse."

Ryan couldn't protest against this, his pain was undeniable.

Uncle Miguel left the room and Elizabeth bent further, "don't tell anyone about the curse's key, that's Luna who must make her decision."

Ryan's face ran gloomy, he pulled the sheet away and went to the coat that Maria brought him, had placed on the hanger.

"Don't be concerned. I am not the one who must explain. You talk to Luna and leave the choice to her."

He groaned at the pain, Elizabeth went on her legs and strode to aid him.

"I saw the witch! She was here the whole time."

Ryan's eyes fixed on her.