Chapter (85): Strain your mind

Ryan stood behind the window but drew his way to the door. Opening the door, Margaret attempted to avoid him from getting out.

"Son, please! You are not in a condition to stroll in cold."

"I am fine, darling! The faerie remedy worked fine. I must see what is going there."

He picked his coat and turned to the door, from utmost view he couldn't understand why his father and Dorian hurried out of the smithery.

He marched out but found Elizabeth beside him.

"What are you doing here?"

Ryan growled.

"I can take care of myself."

"I have no doubt but father might become mad at you."

"Not a sufficient answer! He wouldn't."

The snow was already melted by the rain and left only some pieces of ice. Steam streamed out of Ryan's mouth as he sighed. His chest was feeling well since the itching and burnings had gotten tired of playing with his nerves.

"What is in the Barn?"