Chapter (183): Assess and move

Kate went to a village near Fin lake that had an hour of distance from the castle. The village was before the great town of Bolingtone, because of the heavy snow last night people were shoveling the roads and their houses' pathway.

She stopped near a bakery, the man smiled at her, "daughter you came? Come inside! I have prepared you the loaves of bread."

The man had a redhead and lean figure. There were a few people and his wife took the orders.

"Thank you, sir!"

The man took the girl inside to a door. "Please wait there until I wrap it."

She walked inside, the light was dim but a huge steel-like figure was standing near the window, as soon as she closed the door, he turned back and removed his hood. She slowly strode to him as if a dream was running over her sight, her eyes sparkled. He was a faerie with blond short cut hair, tall, and had the aura of eagles, he extended his hand for the girl and she rushed to his arms.