Chapter (281): Rose forest

Kate had to tell master Gaven that she was a friend of the faeries so he took her with him. The hovering coffins sat on the grass, the sky of Rose forest was getting cloudy, already wearing the dark dress. 

The guards quickly gathered around them, wearing their wolf shapes.

"Who are you?" Looking at Gaven the guard stated, here wasn't the region of dwarves and one was here.

"I am Kate Foley, you might have heard my name!"

"Aren't you the assassin that Sam rescued?"

"Exactly!" She directed to the cart and continued, "Listen, there is a light magician in there. She is serving Muse Luna."

Muse Luna mattered too much to faeries so her name could bring calmness and qualm. And they formed into a normal faerie shape.

One of them walked to the cart while asking, "Who is that one?"

"He is a friend of mine who helped me to bring them here."

"What is this noise!"

Master Nonen nagged while getting close with Leon.