Chapter (315): The abyss of hell (2)

"Can you show me where am I now?"

He pointed at the map.

"Here, Gino forest."

They talked about the gate and the people who had crossed it, she mentioned that many of them were eaten but the plants, some by giant snakes and other devils.

Ryan's eyes roamed forward on the map until he felt that his eyes were burning, warming up with sleep like he hadn't slept for days. However, he couldn't deny that what he experienced lately had ruined his stamina.

He smiled at the woman and stretched his body.

"Is it fine for you to let me stay until rising? I promise not to cause trouble and leave in the early morning."

She got to her feet, "I'll bring you a blanket, please wait a minute."

Ryan was laying and when she returned, he was fallen asleep and she sat beside him. Grinning widely, "sleep deep." She blew on his face and a dark cloud shaped around his head.