Chapter (356): Bolingtone

Helena rushed inside the small mansion, it was noon and her lady should have had her meal by now.

As she guessed, Luna and Kate came out of the dining hall and the first person they saw was Helena.

Luna's hand rested on her mouth when Helena walked forward and hugged her, in that pink gown she saw her tummy. A smile sketched on her face, drawing back she put a hand on her belly.

"My Lady, you look so fantastic."

"Helena, I've missed you so much."

The girls walked to another room when Kate turned to Nemo, "is the parliament session started?"

"Yes, Lord James is there too."


The prince was sitting on the stone throne down the platform in parliament hall. Hux and Natasha were beside him, both of them looking at the empty place where Maxima used to have her seat.

Wilmore kept looking at George, he looked ill and fierce.

The door got open and Lord James walked inside, and the buzzing place fell into silence.