Chapter 7 Reasons for Immigration

There was a lot of people and strength, a few women quickly arranged everything, the news broadcast just ended, and everyone took their seats one by one. Nine people from three families, plus Wang Jianguo's secretary Zhao Haitao, ten people sat down at the table.

Everyone toasted to congratulate Wang Jianguo's birthday, and Sun Haixia also picked up the glass with fun. "I don't care about you tonight, just drink whatever you want. We are drunk and serve you."

Wang Jianguo drank the wine, sighed for a long time, and said with a long aftertaste: "Wine is a good thing. This is my perception of getting my life back. So no matter what my wife says, I will never quit drinking. Yes, at most, drink less."

Xia Ling's father Xia Lin asked, "Pharaoh, what's the story?"

Zhou Ziye and Wang Wei looked at each other and smiled, and shook their heads with a tacit smile. No matter how good the story is, it will be annoying to listen to it for a long time, not to mention that the two of them have been listening to it for 20 years.

Wang Jianguo automatically ignored the two of them, and said: "It's a long story. It's been more than 30 years since this moment..."

The story is actually very simple. The young Wang Jianguo went to the far north of the motherland and became a border guard under Zhou Guangbo. In the age of war, remote outposts and five young border guards formed a typical picture of life in the era.

In a cold winter, heavy snow blocked the channel to communicate with the outside world, and Wang Jianguo, who had a sudden illness, was fate. At that time there could be war at any time, and the post could not be left away. In the weather of minus 30 degrees, Zhou Guangbo alone dragged Wang Jianguo to the hospital 70 kilometers away with a sled. For a day and night, two people were supported by a bottle of medical alcohol. Come down.

This story has been given the color of myth in the repeated telling of Wang Jianguo and Zhou Guangbo, and the memory has also become ambiguous in this catalysis. Today, decades later, the two of them are even the same as that of Wang Jianguo. The disease he suffered is unclear, but the thick comradeship is getting deeper and deeper.

Wang Jianguo sighed and finished telling the story of the two people. Xia Lin was also deeply moved. He toasted to Zhou Guangbo and said: "The people of our time are simple and sincere, but heroes like Brother Zhou are indeed worthy of admiration. I toast you a glass."

"Let's toast together." Wang Jianguo also raised his glass, and the three men clinked the glasses and drank it. "I often tell Haixia and Wang Wei that without your Uncle Zhou, there would be no Wang Jianguo.

. I want to say this for a lifetime, and I want to recognize this big brother for a lifetime. "

"I know. I know. You don't need to talk crazy here." Sun Haixia smiled: "Not to mention that Big Brother Guangbo saved your life, but I only met you through Big Brother Guangbo and Sister Qinghe. Without them, we wouldn't be able to do it. Couple."

Zhou Ziye deliberately said: "Then there will be no such stinky boy Wang Wei."

Everyone laughed. Xu Qinghe smiled and said: "Well, today is a happy day, let alone these past topics, it is very heavy to hear. Looking back, we should all cherish our present life and welcome a bright future." Everyone Cheering loudly, they all raised their glasses again.

Putting down the wine glass, Wang Jianguo said to Zhou Ziye: "So we all cherish our blessings, Xiaoye, do you understand?"

Zhou Ziye nodded and said, "Uncle Wang, I understand."

"Then tell me, what do you want to do about emigration, I don't use the status of an elder to suppress you, just treat us as friends, talk about it, and let me know what your young people think."

Zhou Guangbo said: "He is just thinking about it, Jianguo, don't take it seriously. It's been almost a year since I graduated from this university, because I didn't agree with him to study in the United States. Work hard. Someday I keep on using his bank card to let him go out to make money by himself, and see that he is still swaying like this every day."

Xu Qinghe refused to follow him, "You said it was easy. Doesn't it count as a job for your son to innovate in this mine? All his credit is wiped out at once."

Even though he said that, Zhou Ziye thinks that he is indeed not a thing now. In his previous life, he pitted his father into jail and lost his life. Only when his family broke down did he know his sense of responsibility. Later, he did his best. cause. Although I will never experience cheating in my life again, I really do nothing now.

Zhou Ziye grabbed Xu Qinghe's hand and patted it comfortingly, "Mom, Dad is right, I really need to change, and I also have a preliminary plan."

Xu Qinghe smiled and said: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself, don't be too high-spirited, take it step by step. You just graduated, and we don't expect you to stand out, just do things down-to-earth."

"Then I might let you down." Zhou Ziye smiled, his eyes swept around, collided with everyone's eyes, and then said: "Uncle Wang, don't laugh at me. , My idea is indeed a bit deviant, but I am confident that I can do it

. "

Wang Jianguo nodded and encouraged him, "Let's listen, we can always give you some suggestions."

Zhou Ziye organized a language and said: "For more than half a year of graduation, I have been thinking about what I can do. It is also because I was fortunate to be born in this family and there is no pressure to survive. I think more about it. I like to do What? Now that I think I have considered it clearly, I should still follow my major and focus on international trade."

Wang Jianguo asked: "Then I introduced you to the Foreign Trade Bureau, but you wouldn't go?!"

"The work of the Foreign Trade Bureau is completely different from what I think. My majors must not be able to perform in the Foreign Trade Bureau?" Wang Jianguo smiled and shook his head, looking speechless. The current Foreign Trade Bureau is not so much a commercial unit as it is an officialdom.

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "My dad drove a coal mine, so I paid more attention to this information when I was in school. In the process, I found a career worthy of my attention, that is, a commodity trader. Traders."

Of course, this is not true. In the previous life of Zhou Ziye, it was not until 2004 that he joined Leybold as an intern and really understood this industry that was hidden by almost everyone. The shareholders of commodity traders do not want the outside world to know about them, let alone reveal their ways of making money. They just like to make a fortune in silence. Regardless of whether it is a commodity producing country or a consumer country, they do not want the outside world to know their resource consumption. Under the shady scene, this industry has been given a strong mystery.

Zhou Guangbo asked: "What is a commodity trader's trader?" Looking at the doubts on the faces of people, it shows that this is what everyone wants to ask.

"In a nutshell, it's almost the same as the coal dealer we often talk about."

Wang Jianguo asked: "Since you like this profession so much, it must not be that simple."

"Yes, because coal is a relatively low value-added commodity. Although the world's output is large, it accounts for a small proportion in the actual cross-border transaction process because it is generally consumed nearby. Others, such as grain, This is more of a political weapon, so the transaction ratio is not too large. All kinds of metal minerals, including oil, are the main trading objects. These resources are not like consumables on the market. They can be bought and sold at will, from exploration and mining. Refined to consumption, it is more to buy and sell in a semi-closed circle. The people who are specifically responsible for these transactions are what I want to do."

Zhao Haitao said: "If you say that, I probably know a little bit. The Cargill company that bought Fulinmen edible oil seems to be the kind of dealer you mentioned.

. "

Under the domestic closed education system, especially when commodity traders have not shown their hideous fangs, Zhou Ziye does not expect them to learn more. In the previous life, it was not until the last public offering of Glencore before the simultaneous listing in London and Hong Kong in 2009 that people knew the power of these hidden predators. Glencore entered the top 20 global companies when it went public, and entered the top 15 in the second year.

Outside of Glencore, there are several private partner companies of the same nature, many of which have been developed for decades. The Leybold company that worked at Midnight Zhou is just a rising star. It only began to develop in the 1990s. It only occupied a place in Asia. Its global competitiveness is not better than those of the giants. Forbes ranks only in the world's top 200.

Zhou Ziye nodded and said: "In the agricultural product industry, there are mainly four companies that monopolize most of the global market. They are called the four abcd companies, and Cargill represents c. If domestic companies are not vigilant, it will not be ten years away. Our edible oil market will definitely be controlled by them."

Of course no one will believe this now. Wang Jianguo also changed the subject only after he was dumbfounded. "I heard you say that, you want to do business in metal minerals or even petroleum. It seems that private operations are not allowed in the country, right?"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "Yes, even if it is a foreign country, this business is not something ordinary people can do. That's why I have the idea of ​​emigrating. It is not because of love or patriotism, but because of the lack of private economy in the country to enter the soil of energy and mineral resources. The coal mines were opened up because there were too many small coal mines as a last resort, but large coal mines, extra-large coal mines, don't even think about it. The private gas stations and private oil wells that were just opened last year were closed again because of the increase in oil prices. Back, how many people went bankrupt? Not to mention the control of the gold, silver and copper mines. So, in order not to dig into the corner of the country, I simply went to earn foreigners' money honestly."

Wang Jianguo couldn't help but smile, "Your kid is panting before he gets fat. Don't say you want to make money by yourself. I'm afraid you can't even touch the door to this industry now, right? Even if your dad tears bones and sells meat. , At most tens of millions of property, less than 10 million US dollars, you can spend enough to eat, drink and play, but what is enough to do in this industry?!"

"So what I want to do now is to be a trader. I have enough money to think about the next step. I don't want too much money. It's not a big problem to draw 10 million from the mine in a few months. To do a Hong Kong investment immigration, the rest is up to me."

Xu Qinghe couldn't help but said: "Duo, you are all about the country and people's livelihood. It sounds mysterious to me. I can't help it. Honestly, it is better to do with your father. It is more reliable than you said. "