Chapter 10 Disturbance

Early the next morning, Zhou Midnight had to go out after breakfast. Xu Qinghe looked at him in casual clothes, which did not look like those for a banquet, and asked, "Why are you going so early?"

Zhou Ziye touched his head and said: "Go buy a baseball cap, the back of the head is bald here, it's so ugly. This dress is specially worn to match the baseball cap."

"Very energetic." Xu Qinghe said: "You might as well cut your hair short to make it cooler. It's going to rain today. Be careful not to get in the rain."

"I will pick up Jiang Yue in a while. I don't have time today. I'll talk about it another day." Zhou Ziye picked up the Audi car key, "Mom, are you going out today?"

"Just drive the car. Your dad is fine today. I will drive his car if I want to go out."

Zhou Ziye smiled and blew her a kiss, "Beauty, bye bye, I won't disturb your two-person world."

Xu Qinghe couldn't help but smiled and cursed the stinky boy, feeling a lot more happy. Such a son really doesn't love enough.

It only took ten minutes to buy a baseball cap. Zhou Ziye stood on the street for a while not knowing where to go. Wang Wei and Xia Ling are tired of being together these days. He doesn't want to bother. If he picks up Jiang Yue, it's only past nine o'clock, which is too early. Besides, he will have to face her parents when he goes there. This makes Zhou Midnight. It's hard to decide.

While hesitating, the gloomy sky finally couldn't hold back, and it started to rain. Zhou Ziye hid in the flower shop on the side of the road, and began to wonder, since he wanted to take revenge on Jiang Yue's "change of heart" in his previous life, and first picked this tender flower that had not yet bloomed, then he should act like his previous life. Isn't it a joke to hesitate and look forward and backward?


After making up his mind, Zhou Ziye picked out a bunch of wrapped flowers from the store. The combination of roses, magnolia, and gypsophila would make it passable.

Although Jiang Yue's father was transferred from the municipal party committee to the district, he still lives in the municipal party's compound. Although this unit building of less than 100 square meters is certainly not as comfortable as the small building in the district, it is convenient to maintain interpersonal relationships. Sex is far beyond his dominance.

Zhou Ziye's Audi drove directly to the downstairs of Jiang Yue's house, originally trying to avoid acquaintances in the compound, but as soon as he took out the flowers, they ran into Jiang Yue's parents who were downstairs. Jiang Yue's mother, Shang Xilian, only smiled. Her father Jiang Jinlong wanted to sullen his face, but failed. He just asked in a deep voice: "Xiao Zhou, are you sure of the relationship with my family Yueyue?"

"Good Uncle Jiang, good Aunt Shang." Zhou Ziye said with a pleased smile: "I'm still working hard."

Shang Xilian smiled and said: "Who doesn't know my family Yueyue likes you in the entire compound, you have escaped for more than ten years, but you still haven't escaped!"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "I didn't run away, I just waited for Yueyue to grow up."

Jiang Jinlong grabbed Shang Xilian, who was going to continue to talk, and said in a deep voice to Zhou Ziye: "You were also the one we grew up watching. I won't say anything else, but I hope you will take this relationship seriously. , Take good care of Yueyue."

Zhou Ziye nodded and said: "Definitely."

Shang Xilian smiled and said, "We have something to do, so we will leave first. Yue Yue is at home. Feng Jiao is also here, waiting for you to pick them up and wash their hair."

Farewell and leave, listening to Jiang Jinlong saying her, "The children have just confirmed the relationship, don't join in the fun."

"I'm not happy, Xiao Zhou, a child who knows everything and has a good personality, is a match made in heaven with our family Yueyue." Hearing this, Zhou Ziye's "retaliation" became much stronger. You will be retributed if you accept it.

When he went upstairs and knocked on the door, it was Yan Fengjiao who opened the door, making Zhou Ziye miss the wish of Jiang Yuetou, who could be touched by Jiang Yuetou. Yan Fengjiao is one year younger than Jiang Yue. She is just 20 years old and looks like a little peacock. Of course, her person also looks like a beautiful little peacock. Zhou Ziye couldn't help but wonder whether she would change her name when another Yan Fengjiao turned out a few years later.


Seeing the flowers in Zhou Ziye's hands, Yan Fengjiao smiled, "Brother Zhou, aren't you unwilling to give up the entire forest for Yueyue this tree? How did you change your mind?"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "Yueyue promised me that as long as I agree, buy one get one free, and you will be given to me."

"Cut, dreaming. Be careful my dad shoots you down."

Her father, the police chief, could not scare Zhou Ziye. "Then I will also shoot you down first."

Yan Fengjiao understood the meaning of the words, flushed with shame, and was about to pounce on her with her teeth and claws. Zhou Ziye was afraid that she would crush the flower, and quickly

Push her against the wall with one hand to fix it. He shouted: "Don't mess around, be careful that I'm insulting you. Yueyue, come out quickly, your flowers will be gone in a while."

Before he could finish his words, Jiang Yue opened his door and rushed out. The collar of his clothes hadn't been smoothed out yet, so he must be tangled about what to wear. This little girl has had difficulty choosing since she was a child. She can't be sure if she can choose her clothes for a long time.

Zhou Ziye experienced it personally. Just for a small toothbrush, she just rubbed the shelf of the supermarket for two hours. The tally clerk really thought she had a mental illness and called the security guard. Almost everyone in the compound knew this joke, which made her reluctant to go out for half a month.

Looking at the flowers Zhou Ziye handed over, she took a deep breath and said intoxicated: "Duo Duo, I really like it." After finishing speaking, she wanted to give her a hug and felt embarrassed, holding flowers in one hand. Holding Zhou Ziye's left arm in one hand, rubbing gently like a puppy.

Yan Fengjiao smiled and cursed: "I really can't stand the numbing energy of your adulterer. Yueyue, hurry up, we have to go to wash our hair." After speaking, he got into Jiang Yue's bedroom and closed the door. , Obviously deliberately left room for them to be affectionate.

When Jiang Yue saw this, he became shy immediately, smiling at the corners of his lips, shy corners of his eyes, eager to welcome or refuse, and want to run away but reluctant, but embarrassed to throw his arms around, the whole person was awkward, and there seemed to be nowhere to put his hands and feet. NS. Zhou Ziye's gaze made her unbearable for a while, and she snorted and buried her head on Zhou Ziye's chest.

Zhou Ziye rubbed her hand along her hair temple, squeezed her blushing earlobe, and gave her a soft groan. He couldn't help it anymore, he held up her beautiful chin, stared at the delicate little mouth, and kissed it.


Jiang Yue's heart seemed to have been melted, and he lightly opened his teeth, allowing Zhou Ziye to attack the city, wantonly and frivolous. First, the heart was melted, and then the whole body seemed to be melted. Jiang Yue felt that the whole body was not his own, and was completely lost in Zhou Ziye's gentle offensive.

Yan Fengjiao's exclamation saved Jiang Yue's lost soul. "You two are too much, you are so too much in front of me as a bachelor?!"

Jiang Yue realized that he had almost completely fallen into Zhou Ziye's arms. The heat in her lower body almost broke through the boundaries of reason, but the cool and smooth feeling made her ashamed. It was indeed too much, as Jiaojiao said. However, thinking that he would be more aggressive with him in the future, Jiang Yue couldn't help but look forward to it, and hugged Zhou Ziye's waist tightly.

When he arrived at the hair salon, Jiang Yue was still immersed in this charming feeling. From time to time, he looked at Zhou Ziye, who was sitting quietly on the sofa beside him, reading a magazine, with a bright smile. If it was a dream, she would rather never wake up. Yan Fengjiao, who was offending one side, kept taunting her, and she didn't return her mouth. It felt so good.

Yan Fengjiao looked at the good sister who was like a demon, slanderously. It's just a smelly man, is that good? !

Looking at the affectionate eyes floating over, Zhou Ziye's heart was also warm. This is a girl who likes to pester herself since she was seven years old. This relationship finally came to fruition. Zhou Ziye only wanted to make up for the regrets at first, but what should I do when I get her?

While thinking about it, there was a noise from downstairs. A voice came into his ears loudly. "I fucking asked you to dye my hair black and straighten it. You must cut it to look good, and I don't mind letting you make a little money, but I don't like your fucking haircut for me. What do you want to do now? !"

The leisure area on the second floor where Zhou Ziye sat was leaning on the dome on the first floor. Looking at it, a ten**-year-old young man took a hair stylist and walked to the front of the checkout counter. "What about the boss? Call your boss over. I am very upset today. I have cut my hair after a few months, and now I have this hairstyle."

The hair stylist retorted: "You agreed before the cut, and you didn't say anything when you cut it. Now that the cut is finished, you only said that it was a deliberate finding of fault."

The young man slapped him and slapped him, "Fuck, I just find fault with you, what do you think of me?!" After that, he slapped again. Although they are skilled in their movements, they are obviously not gangsters, because those who are gangsters outside pursue lethality. Generally, they don't slap people with slaps, but use their fists.


The hair stylist was obviously dumbfounded, but the other hair stylist reacted. Two of them who might be well-connected gathered around and said, "If something goes wrong, how do you hit someone?!"

The young man was not afraid at all. Instead, he moved his hands provocatively and continued to beat the hair stylist. This time the hair stylist reacted, and also started, the other two hair stylist pulled sideways, trapped the young man's hands, and made the young man suffer a lot.

The two hairstylists upstairs and Jiang Yue, and Yan Fengjiao also came together, especially Yan Fengjiao who was very vigorous and admired with relish, and cheered up from time to time. However, she did not forget her identity as the daughter of the police chief, and quietly dialed 110.

Jiang Yue took a look, then took his gaze back, and asked coquettishly: "Does it look good?"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said, "Of course, as charming as always." Jiang Yue kissed him on the cheek.

When they turned their heads, the young man suffered a loss and screamed and ran out. "You wait for Lao Tzu, you can't spare you." Several hair stylists all smiled, not taking the threat seriously.

Jiang Yue and the others just washed and blown their hair, which took only an hour, and then they were finished within a few minutes. Zhou Ziye took them downstairs, and just walked to the front of the counter to check out, a bunch of bastards carrying baseball bats rushed in and surrounded several hairstylists.

The young man who had been beaten came in, pointed out the three people who had just started, and they went bang. Several hair stylist begged for mercy, but they ignored it.

Zhou Ziye watched for a while and couldn't help but said: "Okay, buddies, just give it a lesson, and if you continue to fight, something will happen."

Although a few hands-on people did not respond, the strength of the sticks was obviously lighter. Instead, the young man who had been beaten jumped out again and cursed: "You fucking count that scallion, and then I will beat you up."

When Zhou Ziye heard him scold his mother, he took a step forward and hit the gums of his face with a punch. He yelled, and a few teeth flew out of his mouth. Before he fell to the ground, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Everyone was stunned, and several gangsters carrying baseball bats looked at each other, not knowing whether to do it or not.

Zhou Ziye knew very well about his strength. This kid was definitely not life-threatening, but a concussion and the loss of four teeth were enough for him.