Chapter 15 The Shameless Realm

The conversation between several women continued until after lunch, where Zhou Ziye seemed to be a dispensable role. After lunch, Xu Qinghe was going to take a lunch break before letting Zhou Ziye take the two girls upstairs to play.

The two girls were extremely envious of Zhou Ziye's own occupation of such a large residence. Yan Fengjiao teased Jiang Yue from time to time. After marrying, he would wait to enjoy the blessing. Jiang Yue was embarrassed and looked forward to it.

Zhou Ziye looked at the envy, jealousy and hatred hidden under Yan Fengjiao's pretentiously happy gesture, as well as the slightly resentful eyes that floated to him from time to time, and he was a little alert while proud. This little girl is not as innocent as Jiang Yue, even if she wants to earn her into the harem, the palace must completely conquer her from the beginning.

Jiang Yue, who played happily at Zhou Ziye's house, didn't want to go home at all, let alone go to school in the provincial capital, but everything could not be done by her temperament.

. Under the urging of her mother's several phone calls, she reluctantly asked Zhou Ziye to take her home.

The two were downstairs in her house, hiding in the car for a long time. Jiang Yue couldn't bear the ravages of Zhou Ziye's warm lips, and pushed Zhou Ziye away breathlessly, looking at Zhou Ziye expectantly. "Totogo, will you send me to the provincial capital, okay?"

Zhou Ziye knew that she was already in love with herself now, and she had the enthusiasm to devote herself to herself. But for Zhou Ziye, getting her body is only a matter of time. He will not be so anxious and is more willing to keep this enthusiasm for a longer time. More importantly, she has not yet placed her in her heart.

It's easy to get her body, but in the future, what kind of attitude should you treat her? With the knot of the previous life, it is impossible for oneself to only guard her as a woman, so she needs to give her a position. No matter how many women appear in the future, she needs to make a response within her own control under her, and can't escape her palm. Not only the body, but her heart must be completely controlled by herself. With this premise, the most important thing is not to get her body, but to sort out her heart first.

He made up his mind in his heart, but Zhou Ziye remained calm, and looked at Jiang Yue's smile more softly. "I still want you to be a carefree little girl for a few more days. Let's not worry. Find a good opportunity and I will eat you well."

Jiang Yue snorted, embarrassedly plunged into Zhou Ziye's arms, and his heart became more and more sweet. "People don't mean that, they just want you to send me off, and then you come back."

Zhou Ziye didn't expose her disagreement, so she kissed her little mouth and said, "I have something to do in the evening. I'll be fine in a few days. I'll go to the provincial capital to see you, okay?"

Jiang Yue said embarrassedly: "It's okay, just a few days anyway, I'm back over the weekend. Your mother said that I will teach me to grow flowers next weekend. I will buy a few books on this topic in the past few days. Take a look first."

Zhou Ziye couldn't help making fun of her, "You haven't been enough to be a student for her?!"

Jiang Yue put his arms around his neck, leaned forward, and whispered in his ear: "Dodo, I'm so happy. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. From now on, I will also take good care of you like Aunt Xu. "

The fresh breath of the girl hovered in Zhou Ziye's ear with a hot current, and with the intoxicating love words, Zhou Ziye couldn't help being moved. As soon as she turned her head, she kissed the girl's lips.

. At this moment, he didn't think about anything in his heart, to enjoy the beautiful feelings this lovely girl brought him.

Seeing the girl beckoning to him at the window, Zhou Ziye started the car and left. But as soon as the car turned around, his phone rang, and it was Yan Fengjiao's call. Zhou Ziye looked in the direction of Yan Fengjiao's house, and she found that she was sitting on the seat next to the flower bed, keeping an eye on this side.

Zhou Ziye connected the phone. "Have you been watching us?"

"You squeezed my ass."

Zhou Ziye got a big head when he heard it, "Yes, squeeze it. What do you want to do?"

"You are responsible."

"How do you want me to be responsible? Stop Jiang Yue and fall in love with you?" Zhou Ziye asked rhetorically: "You also know that I have known Jiang Yue for more than ten years. You can't let me just because I pinched your ass. Stay with you?"

Yan Fengjiao also felt that she was a little unreasonable, and she didn't know what to say for a while. After thinking for a while, he said: "You wait for me outside the compound, we will make it clear."

After hanging up the phone, Yan Fengjiao suddenly realized what she was thinking. She didn't want to grab her boyfriend from her good sister, but why couldn't she let go of this bad guy? Even if she wanted to use the reasons for freedom of love, she couldn't convince herself. She can compete fearlessly with others, but she can't do that with her own good sister.

On the way out of the compound, she always wanted to return home to forget about the bad guy, but she couldn't help but walk out. Why is this bad guy so fascinated by himself? Is it because of his prestige when he fights? Or is it because he is handsome? Or is it because his family is so rich?

Although Yan Fengjiao tried her best to resist this idea, she couldn't deny that the beautiful courtyard of his house really attracted her. Living there is completely like a princess living in a palace garden. When she thinks of living in such a small courtyard, Yan Fengjiao can't help but be moved.

Yan Fengjiao opened the door of the passenger seat and looked at Zhou Ziye with a calm face. He gradually became nervous, his heartbeat became more and more urgent, and he wanted to say something, but his mind went blank.

Zhou Ziye put up the gear, and the car slowly drove forward. "Would you like to find a cafe to sit for a while?"

"Don't..." Yan Fengjiao called

. She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Just stop for a while where there is no one next to me. I don't want to see anyone."

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "Develop underground love? Little girl, don't play with fire**."

Yan Fengjiao regained her instincts and retorted: "The beauty you want! I just want you to be responsible, and you have to compensate me."

Zhou Ziye parked the car in the shade under the sidewalk, turned around and asked her: "How do you think I can compensate you?"

"I want you to treat me like you did to Yueyue. Whether you buy something for Yueyue or take Yueyue out to play, you can't forget me. Maybe I will be satisfied in a few months."

"Little girl, you are playing with fire..." Zhou Ziye stretched out his hand slowly, and he was waiting for Yan Fengjiao to shrink back. But Yan Fengjiao seemed to be stuck, letting herself touch her face. Zhou Ziye was cruel, so he leaned forward and kissed her on the mouth. I want to play with fire, I'll accompany you.

Yan Fengjiao had never experienced this kind of situation before, because of her father's relationship, she had been the proud girl of heaven since she was a child. What's even more hateful is that he can't control his emotions at all, and even let him bully.

When Zhou Ziye clasped her lips skillfully and her tongue flexed into her mouth, she only jumped out the thought of being finished, and was completely lost in his gentle offensive.

Zhou Ziye originally only wanted to take advantage of her, but after a passionate kiss, Yan Fengjiao climbed onto her neck, letting herself be frivolous. He tentatively reached out and stroked her ****, she did not respond. Stroking her back again, she still didn't respond, and simply slid in and squeezed between her **** and the seat.

After some caressing, Yan Fengjiao finally reacted. It wasn't that he pushed him away as he thought, but a soft groan, his body suddenly tightened, and the arms around Zhou Ziye's neck became like steel bars, tightly holding Zhou Ziye in his arms. Then there was a slight tremor, and he collapsed on the seat feebly.

Zhou Ziye couldn't help but froze for a while. ! Don't mention how happy he is. With such a physique, he is the perfect bed partner if he is well trained. It's just that her father is a police chief after all, and there is still a long way to go if she wants to really get her into her own harem, the palace team.

But this matter is not difficult to solve, as long as she is truly conquered, she will be sent abroad in a big deal. Giving her a job she likes and a princess-like life will definitely satisfy her. And her father belongs to a high-ranking official, and it's not that easy to want to go abroad. Even if he knows the truth, he can't do anything.


"Is it comfortable?" Zhou Ziye asked gently.

Hearing Zhou Ziye's questioning, Yan Fengjiao gradually recovered her calm, and her blurred eyes became brighter. She hummed embarrassedly, put her arms around Zhou Ziye's neck and asked, "You said, do you want me to let you go for the rest of my life?"

Zhou Ziye stroked her hanging hair and said gently: "It's too long in a lifetime. I just want to guarantee that before you don't take the initiative to leave me, I will treat you well and make you happy."

"What about Yueyue?"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "There are many men in this world. He can't make a woman feel happy. But I have the ability to make you all happy. Isn't that enough?"

"You mean you have money?"

"No, money is only an indispensable condition, but it does not bring happiness. Happiness is the result of mutual emotional bursts and evolution." Zhou Ziye conveyed her own ideas to her, sowing seeds in the girl's heart. "Although in life, you and Yueyue share my life, but in the world of love, you all have my complete love. If you feel happy with me, it is my success, which has nothing to do with money or status. . Of course, if you can't accept this kind of life, you can also choose to leave me."

"You knew I was fascinated by you all at once, but you came to seduce me."

"That's because I was fascinated by you too."

"But I feel sorry for Yueyue."

"Yueyue, I will solve it. Only you don't want to fight with Yueyue. I will take care of this. You only have to think about how to enjoy our happiness." Yan Fengjiao nodded, Little Chili Her temperament disappeared without a trace, her face was full of happiness and sweetness, but there was still a trace of sorrow of a girl.

Watching the girl happy and nostalgic to get off the train and leave, Zhou Ziye's heart was full of pride. These two girls, either of which is the proud girl of heaven, were taken down by himself. How could this not make him proud!

However, in a blink of an eye, this emotion has been put down by him, and he began to think about how Wang Jianguo and his father will deal with the relationship with Wu Zhiyuan tonight, and what role he should play in it. The grievances and grievances between the two sides can no longer be easily resolved, and can only be resolved by the fall of one side. It was his own party who lost the previous life, and in this life, he must take revenge and come back even more vigorously.