Chapter 28 Casino

Los Angeles is actually not a good place to experience American customs. Its strong western style, free national atmosphere, and exaggerated American dream make it a United Nations. If you want to experience the real American taste, you still need to go to the east.

But this time Zhou Ziye didn't want to take the two girls there. It will be a long time in the future. You can't satisfy them too much at once, otherwise it will be difficult to satisfy their sex in the future. Like the most fascinating Yellowstone National Park in the United States, this time it is not in their itinerary. Time is an issue, and the main thing is that there is a long flow of water.

After taking two girls touring several attractions in downtown Los Angeles, the three of them drove along the beautiful Highway One towards San Francisco. Highway No. 1 did not disappoint the two girls. The beautiful scenery along the way made them linger. When they went, they walked for six hours on a 300-kilometer distance. Every time they went to a beautiful place, they would get off the car and take pictures. ,Enjoy the view.

It wasn't until two o'clock in the afternoon that they arrived at the Fisherman's Wharf leisurely. Enjoyed a sumptuous seafood feast at Fisherman's Wharf, and took a photo on the Golden Gate Bridge. They did not stop, and drove directly onto Highway No. 5 and went all the way south.

This time, they were very fast, reaching Bakersfield in Kern County in just over two hours. Turning to the southeast, as night fell, he set foot on the land of Las Vegas.

Looking at this colorful city in the deserted Gobi Desert, no one can not be conquered by this kind of strong contrast, and the two girls are the same.

. Las Vegas belongs to the night, he may not be so beautiful in the daytime, lacking that kind of shock, but at night he can fascinate anyone.

The Bellagio Hotel, the hotel booked by Zhou Midnight, is located in a central location next to the Las Vegas Strip. I booked here because there are two Cirque du Soleil performances that girls most want to see, and the most famous water ballet music fountain. Zhou Ziye's impression of this place is average, because there are too many good hotels in Las Vegas, and hotels with various characteristics can be found here.

They came on the weekend, and the house price was much higher than usual, but the children were within their acceptance range. When making the payment, Zhou Ziye touched his stretched pockets, thinking to myself that I would start making money when I went back this time. I have been cheating on the old like this, and I won't say anything about my face. It's impossible to enjoy it in luxury.

Putting their luggage into the room, the two girls happily went down to the cafe to watch the musical fountain. Zhou Ziye was not interested in that, so she wandered around in the lobby of the hotel, admiring art installations and beauties from various countries. The Chinese characteristics of this hotel are also very strong, there are Chinese elements everywhere, even the terracotta warriors and horses guard the gate here.

After enjoying the visual feast for two hours, the two girls were full of praise for the performance. Zhou Ziye thought to himself, in a while, when the 0 show that shocked the world is on stage, you can take them to see it again, it will be wonderful.

When you come to the casino, of course you can't help but gamble on two. When you check in, the casino will give out some chips for each person for free. The Bellagio is more generous, and each person will give 50 dollars in chips. If you don't consume these chips, you can also return cash in the lobby. Therefore, if you don't bet, the room rate is not much.

After watching the show, Zhou Ziye accompanied the two girls to a casual meal in the 24-hour restaurant and asked them: "Would you like to see the casino here with me?"

Jiang Yue was a little uneasy, "Gambling is not good."

Yan Fengjiao said, "Of course I want to go. If I come to see if I come, isn't it for nothing?!"

Zhou Ziye said with a smile: "We are just going to have fun, just as an insight." He actually has a little confidence in his gambling luck and gambling skills. In his previous life, he also frequented some casinos. He generally didn't play gambling with luck. He often played Texas Hold'em and occasionally played blackjack. He didn't play much, it was pure entertainment. Because of good skills, calm people and strong self-control, he always wins more and loses less.

The Bellagio's casino is on the first floor, which is also the layout of most hotels in Las Vegas. Three people stepped into the casino, facing a dense swath of slot machines, the two girls couldn't move.


Girls are always interested in games with simple rules and high odds. Slot machines and roulette have always been their favorites. Zhou Ziye went to exchange 500 dollars for the bargaining chip, and then exchanged the 100 bargaining chip for a small sum and gave it to them. "You are each fifty dollars. When you are finished, you will find me at Texas Hold'em." Zhou Ziye pointed out where he was going, and was hurried away by two excited girls.

Zhou Ziye smiled, touched the five hundred and fifty dollars of chips on his body, and was confident to win back the consumption in Las Vegas this time.

Texas Hold'em is currently not popular in Asia, so few Asians patronize the gaming tables here. Zhou Ziye looked around at several gambling tables, trying to find the rookie among them. But after turning around, I discovered that almost all the gamblers here are novices. Don't look at the performance of each one, but the call method suddenly exposed their rookie nature in front of the experts.

Zhou Ziye dare not boast that he is an expert, but he has played for more than ten years. He has also played a game of unlimited bet, winning or losing tens of thousands of euros in one game. This is especially true for the limited betting game of this kind of casino card rake. confident.

After observing a circle, he came to a table with only six people. Except for a thin white man about forty years old, he was a little unpredictable. The other five people looked like they were coming to Las Vegas to spend their time. The middle class on weekends.

He placed the chips on the table and looked around. Several people nodded slightly, indicating that he could sit in. Only a red-faced old man with a white beard asked: "Young man, are you eighteen years old?"

Zhou Ziye smiled slightly: "Of course. Actually I am already 24 years old."

"Are you from England?"

"Although I have a strong London accent, it is a pity that I am from China. But I am familiar with many places in Scotland, and I like them."

The old man laughed. "That is a beautiful place, thank you for your love."

After Zhou Ziye took the seat, the hand was over soon, and it was the middle-aged man who couldn't fathom Zhou Ziye won. In front of him, he also had the most chips. Zhou Ziye glanced at it. It was about four thousand. At this kind of gambling table, this sum of money is definitely not small.

There are few dedicated speculators in limited betting games, because you can't bet at will. When the bets are not much different, speculation tends to steal the rice instead of losing money. Besides, this kind of small 2-4 game can't attract speculators' attention, so Zhou Ziye didn't think about it anymore and started the game.


This hand was a middle-aged man's win. The old Scottish man placed the small blind, and Zhou Ziye's boss placed the big blind. Zhou Ziye didn't look at the cards and called directly. Only one young woman watched and folds from the next three people, and the middle-aged dealer chose to raise.

The old Scottish man took a look at his hand and called. Zhou Ziye looked at the cards, a pair of qs, the board was very good, he chose to raise, because the Dutch card has not been dealt, the two people behind him looked very entangled, but still chose to call.

At the end of the second lap, the call has been raised to $12 by the middle-aged man. Three lottery cards were dealt, a club 3, a diamond 9 and a heart a. These three cards were of no use to Zhou Ziye's cards, but he didn't show it at all. The old Scottish man was obviously not satisfied with these three cards either, mumbled and discarded the cards. Zhou Ziye's master hesitated deliberately for a while and chose to raise.

Zhou Ziye looked at the cards, and felt that he had at least one aces in his hand, maybe there was still a 3 or 9, but it was absolutely impossible to be a pair of aces. He thought for a while, and chose 24 dollars.

The two families below Zhou Ziye chose to fold, but the middle-aged man chose to call without showing his face. Now there are only three of them left on the table, and the gambling pool is about $180. Zhou Ziye's upper house did not raise any more and began to deal the fourth round of cards.

This time Zhou Midnight's luck came and sent a square q. His hand can form three qs. The previous house may be two pairs. Although the middle-aged man's hand can't be guessed, but from the beginning, he flaunted, and now he chooses to call, knowing that his hand is not very big. Zhang Yang may just want to take advantage of his luck to make another move.

Zhou Ziye calculated the card rate. At present, his three q's are definitely the biggest on the table. The chance of lotus suits forming a flush is not great. As long as you don't come to the aces you want, you will win. The probability of is definitely more than 80%, so this should be a small probability of the opponent with a high probability.

Zhou Ziye piled up the 48 US dollars in the betting area neatly. The middle-aged man glanced at him and increased to 96 US dollars. However, Zhou Ziye's master was very happy and raised again to 144 US dollars.

This time it's Zhou Ziye's turn to hesitate. Is the opponent holding a pair of a? After thinking about it, Zhou Ziye still doesn't believe that his hand is a pair of as, and the middle-aged man either has an a in his hand, or It is a pair of 3 or 9. He chose to call and put in another $96. The middle-aged man also called for $48. All three of them waited for the last card to be dealt.

Seeing that the last card dealt was a club 8, Zhou Ziye's heart was finally relieved

. According to the cards, the largest combination now is three aces, followed by his three qs. Zhou Ziye does not believe that the combination of three as has it. As for the middle-aged man, the biggest card that can have is three 9s or three 3.s.

Zhou Ziye raised his bet to 288 US dollars all at once, but the middle-aged man doubled it again. This time everyone at the table was enthusiastic, because in this kind of bet, the current bet is almost reaching the ceiling, which is a big bet. .

Zhou Ziye's family hesitated for a while, and reluctantly closed the card at the urging of the croupier. At this time, Zhou Ziye was sure that there must be two pairs, and it was almost certain that there was an a, so the middle-aged man must also have three aces, and the key depends on whether there are three aces. Zhou Ziye didn't believe that all four aces had been dealt in this round, and chose cap betting.

The middle-aged man smiled, followed by another $288, and flipped the card straight up. He is three nines. He looked at Zhou Ziye and said: "It is rare to see Chinese people interested in Texas Hold'em. You play very well, but you shouldn't have a chance to win against me."

Zhou Ziye turned over the cards and laughed: "When the first three lotus cards were dealt, I wanted to choose to fold. Fortunately, the fourth card came with the card I needed."

The middle-aged man smiled, "This is really a luck card."

Zhou Ziye nodded and smiled and said, "My luck has always been good. Listen to your accent, are you from Texas?"

He shook his head and said, "I grew up in Houston, but I am from Kansas."

"Evan. Zhou, Chinese."

The middle-aged man stood up, walked around the two of them, and shook hands with Zhou Ziye. "Zeiss. Koch"

Zhou Ziye shook his hand and said, "Maybe we can go for a drink after betting a few games."

"I think so too." He smiled and said: "I can feel that you are special. You have a calm and temperament that is not commensurate with your age. I think you will be a very interesting person."

"No, actually my experience is very simple, but I have a pair of very good parents who taught me to be polite and respectful to others at all times." Zhou Ziye shrugged and said, "Now we are Continue to drink?"

Zeiss laughed: "Of course I want to continue. I don't want to be the loser in front of you."