Chapter 54 Welcome

Xiaobie wins newlyweds. It is a truth that everyone understands. After returning from shopping, everyone deliberately avoided the question of where Jiang Yue should sleep. Seeing Jiang Yue tossing and tossing around in her room, Shang Xilian took a pack of condoms and smashed them in her hand.

. "Don't be an eyesore with me. With people here, my heart has already flown away. Hurry up, hurry up, and I'll be upset when I see you."

Jiang Yue looked at the condom in his hand and shouted embarrassedly: "Mom..."

"I warn you, don't try to save trouble, I won't take care of you when I have a big belly." Shang Xilian's mouth is domineering, but she is secretly happy for her daughter. At least, this stupid daughter, her own stupid daughter, is a blessing in this life.

Zhou Ziye had a conversation with his mother, and when he went out, he ran into Jiang Yue who was still wandering in the living room. "Do you want to steal ice cream? You can't eat it anymore today. Be careful of your stomach ache."

Jiang Yue threw the condom on him in an angry manner. "My mother kicked me out."

"My mother is really empathetic. Then what are you still daunting about? Let's go back to the room." He picked up the condom amiably, and smiled with Jiang Yue, who was still squeezing his arms around him: "Don't be embarrassed. Yes, let's think about how many we plan to use tonight."

Jiang Yue was shocked. "I can't stand it once, how many more times do you want?! Totogo, is it good once, okay?"

Zhou Ziye smiled triumphantly, grabbed her up, and put her on her shoulders. "Okay, until dawn."

The spring breeze that night naturally nourished Zhou Ziye's body and mind. After four hours, he woke up again, the sky was still dim, but it had begun to pale. Jiang Yue was like a cute child, sleeping in his dream while holding his arm, and his little mouth was beeping twice from time to time.

Zhou Ziye carefully released her arm, got up and put on training shoes, and went to the balcony to exercise. The sun had not yet come out, and there was silence all around, only the birds in the forest sang sweetly from time to time. Breathing the fresh air and feeling the cool breeze from time to time, it feels very beautiful.

After Zhou Ziye finished his exercises, he saw his dad also get up to exercise, so he went down to the balcony below to practice hands with him. The father and son didn't use any force, they just made gestures one by one. Although they seemed to be tangible and weak, they were able to move with their energy. They couldn't save much energy compared to the kind of vigorous fighting. After a while, the two of them were full of strength. sweat.

Their father and son practiced the Lingshan School internal martial arts, including Xuan Gongquan, Longhuaquan, two types of boxing, as well as four routines of swords, guns, swords and sticks. However, the latter moves are difficult to perform in modern society. Both father and son practice and play, and the main energy is still placed on these two kinds of internal martial arts.

The Lingshan School originated in the Ming Dynasty. It is rumored that it was created by the ancestor Master after he learned Taijiquan in Wudang Mountain. The form and meaning are similar to Taijiquan, but it is more impactful and explosive.

. Later, the Lingshan School and Lingshan Palace merged into one, and this style of boxing has been passed down and became a famous boxing system in the north.

During the Anti-Japanese War, Lingshan suffered a hundred years of calamity, and the Taoist priests at that time were almost completely lost. The younger brother of Grandpa Zhou Ziye, who was a warrior in Lingshan Palace at the time, was ordered to dig a hole in the mountain and buried some books and secrets from Lingshan Palace. But then he injured his head and became a fool.

Zhou Guangbo grew up with this silly uncle behind his ass when he was a child, and he has been practicing blindly. It was five or three years before Zhou Ziye, his uncle, suddenly woke up and found the secret books and Taoism buried in the beginning. Although he returned to Lingshan Palace with these, he did not object to Zhou Guangbo's copying of these secrets.

Within two years of his uncle returning to Lingshan Palace, he died because of an old injury, and the relationship between the Zhou family and Lingshan Palace also faded. However, after experiencing that chaotic period, almost all books in Lingshan Palace were burned. In the 1980s, Zhou Guangbo gave the secret book he had copied to Lingshan Palace again. This time on a whim, it also brought the transfer to the Zhou family.

Lingshan Palace is a famous Taoist holy land in the north. After the reform and opening up, it has also received great attention from the country. A large mountain forest has been designated for Lingshan Palace. And this mountain forest was contracted to Zhou Guangbo by Lingshan Palace, which became the source of their fortune. And Zhou Guangbo is still a senior layman in Lingshan Palace, and this seniority is ranked according to Zhou Ziye's uncle's generation. Zhou Ziye went to Lingshan Palace to play, and a group of Taoists who were much older than him called him. Uncle Master.

Zhou Ziye formally became a layman in Lingshan Palace when he was sixteen. His fire layman is just an identity, there are no restrictions, and of course there are no benefits. Every year, Zhou Guangbo always burns the first incense in the back hall. A lot of incense money was enshrined.

After the two sets of boxing were practiced, Zhou Guangbo nodded in satisfaction. "Not bad, Kung Fu has not been lost."

Zhou Ziye smiled and wiped his sweat with a towel. "That's for sure, your son, I also understand that everything is a foreign object, only the body is my own. If my body is not good, you will give me hundreds of millions of fortunes, and I can't spend it."

The family also got up, and even Jiang Yue was kicked out of bed by her mother. At this moment, he was teasing Dong Tong without a thought. During the time in Beijing, Tong Tong had already played well with her, and the two of them had a good relationship with each other with a smile.

As soon as Zhou Ziye entered the house, Tong Tong filed a complaint. "Uncle, I fell asleep at your** yesterday, why did I wake up with my mother? My mother said that I ran to sleep with her, and I don't believe it

. "

Zhou Ziye smiled and squeezed her little face and said, "Then fine her to take you to the amusement park today and let her ride the pirate ship."

Tong Tong tangled for a while and said, "I don't want it anymore. She will vomit again when she goes up. I have to take care of her." Everyone in the room laughed.

After breakfast, Zhou Ziye called Hu Cheng to his study and handed 20,000 Hong Kong dollars directly to him. "Don't be afraid to spend money when you go out today, buy something for your parents, your sister, and them to take back. As long as you follow me and work hard, within two years, you will have a good life."

Hu Cheng was not hypocritical either. He took the money and said, "The days are pretty good now.... This is when I advance first."

Zhou Ziye smiled and said, "Hold it well. When my mother is getting better, I will wrap you a big red envelope."

Zhang Jun drove over again, and everyone set off. Zhou Ziye patted Zhang Jun's arm and said, "Thank you."

Zhang Jun said grimly: "You just don't take me as a buddy like this!" Zhou Ziye smiled, not being polite.

Master Liang went to buy groceries, and Zhou Ziye sent him to a free minibus. There were many Filipino servants in the building, and the aunt went to buy groceries, and he was not afraid that he could not find a place. After returning, the two women cleaned up the room, and prepared two pairs of newly bought slippers at the door. Xu Qinghe asked him: "I always feel that there is still something that hasn't been done well, but what else is wrong?"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "Mom, you treat her as an ordinary guest. You are too nervous, too polite, and others are uncomfortable. Yueyue, you go to sleep for a while, and your eyelids are almost drooping."

Jiang Yue looked at Xu Qinghe, obviously a little embarrassed. Xu Qinghe smiled and said: "Yueyue, you go, you will have energy after you rest." When Jiang Yue went upstairs, Xu Qinghe said to him again. "Don't rely on being young, you don't have enough, you don't care about your own body, but you have to feel sorry for your wife." Zhou Ziye had no way to refute this, and had no choice but to suffer.

After receiving a call from Qu Li, Zhou Ziye went downstairs and waited at the gate of Dijing Garden. After a while, a black Audi drove slowly along the hillside. The car stopped beside him, Qu Li drove, and Miss Zhu sat in the passenger seat. Zhou Ziye opened the back door and sat in, instructing Qu Li to drive the car into the underground parking lot and park it in his parking space.

After the three people got off the car, they had time to get to know each other

. Miss Zhu has no different impressions from his later life. Although she looks average, she looks shrewd, capable, and strong. She took the initiative to stretch out her hand and smiled and said: "From the domestic transfer of funds last week, everyone is curious about what kind of person you are, and I am also full of curiosity. When I saw it today, it turned out that I was not as well-known as meeting. He is handsome, young and promising."

Zhou Ziye smiled and shook hands with him and said: "Sister Zhu has a good reputation. I would be happier if I could remove the four words handsome and handsome. This gave me an embroidered pillow, which is a mere impression."

Miss Zhu was very cheerful, and smiled: "Now I'm adding one more sentence, greasy tongue."

Several people laughed. Zhou Ziye leaned his body on his side and led the way. "Here, please. Being able to invite sister Zhu to the door really gives me a feeling of brilliance."

Qu Li laughed and said: "Living in Hong Kong, a well-developed society, is the house of the house. Besides, how can we feel so embarrassed?"

Zhou Ziye laughed. "Well, I give up, and the two elder sisters will treat me as if I can't speak, and forgive me once."

Miss Zhu smiled and raised the paper bag in her hand, "You like to move to a new house, and there is nothing to give you. Two bottles of Changyu, don't be too polite."

"But it's disrespectful, and I feel ashamed. I wish you have a heart, sister."

After entering the elevator, the elevator button on the forty-fifth floor has a fingerprint recognition system. Currently, only Zhou Ziye can open it. Zhou Ziye pressed the button and found from the reflection that Miss Zhu had been observing him. He pretended not to pay attention and turned around and said: "In my heart, there are not many politicians worthy of admiration, and your father, sister Zhu, is one of my most respected politicians. Or we can't say that he is a politician, because politicians are the number one politician. One requirement is to be good at compromise, and he should be an idealistic doer."

Miss Zhu nodded and said: "If he knows that you evaluate him this way, he will be very happy."

Thinking that the respectable old man will quit politics next year, and the low-key life after retirement, Zhou Ziye couldn't help feeling sad. This is a level he can't touch at all, and he has no power to change any trends.

The elevator quickly reached the forty-fifth floor. Zhou Ziye asked the ladies to go out first, and they also politely waited outside the elevator, and then walked into the door of Zhou's house after Zhou Ziye left.

Xu Qinghe and Jiang Yue waited at the door early, and several people exchanged greetings. After introducing each other, Zhou Ziye took them to visit their new home, and then sat down on the sofa.