Chapter 58 Immigration Approval Request for Recommendation,...

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After handling the cooperation with Minmetals in the gold spot market, Zhou Ziye began to consider his itinerary to Singapore. () He came to Hong Kong to apply for a tourist visa. The two-three-month period is about to come. Now he is going to Singapore. When he comes back, he cannot go to Hong Kong anymore. He must return to the Mainland first, and then come to Hong Kong.

That being the case, Zhou Ziye felt that this time he would go back to the mainland with his mother. Let the Eastern Company apply for a business invitation letter and change Singapore's tourist visa to a business visa. Otherwise, if you work in Singapore for half a month, you have to go back to the mainland, which is too troublesome.

After coming to Hong Kong for two weeks, everyone decided to return to the capital together. Xu Qinghe's next course of treatment will begin again, and Zhou Zichen and Shang Xilian will also go back to work. Everyone bought air tickets to return to Beijing on the weekend, but Zhou Zhongye received a call from the Immigration Department, informing him that he would go to the Immigration Office for an interview on Monday.

After receiving this call, Zhou Ziye wondered secretly. According to the procedure told by the agency, he should have not entered the selection process so quickly, and it takes a period of time to enter the selection process, at least half a month before the interview is confirmed. The number of places.

Xu Qing and the others had to return to Beijing first, and Zhou Ziye changed their tickets to next Tuesday. Next Wednesday, the first issue of my visa to Hong Kong will arrive. No matter what the result of the interview is, I have to go back first. If I leave a bad record at the Exit-Entry Administration Office, it will be troublesome to apply for immigration. He didn't know yet, Miss Zhu secretly helped him again in this regard.

Zhong Yingtong found Zhou Ziye's application form in the immigration application form the next day

. Although Miss Zhu's relationship with him is not so deep, there is also Guo Binjiang. Two big figures like this are paying attention to a young man. He must treat it with caution and make up his mind. As long as it does not violate the regulations, everything Be simple, be lenient, and process this application quickly.

Seeing Zhou Ziye's application form, Zhong Yingtong's first impression was that he was false. why? In addition to his mother tongue, a twenty-four-year-old young man is also proficient in four languages ​​and mastered simple communication in seven or eight languages. This is a genius. In addition, his investment in Hong Kong has reached 18 million US dollars, which is an investment of 140 million Hong Kong dollars, and he is also a financial talent. Any one of these is in line with Hong Kong Island's immigration policy, and Articles 1 and 3 are even more in line with the conditions of Hong Kong Island's talent introduction plan.

He immediately arranged for his subordinates to investigate Zhou Ziye's account at UBS. Although UBS did not provide the total amount of Zhou Ziye's funds, he also told the Hong Kong government that Zhou Ziye was their VIP customer, which indirectly proved Zhou Ziye's financial strength. In the course of this investigation, UBS also took out the company application form registered on behalf of Zhou Zhongye and saw the registered capital of 10 million U.S. dollars, which was confirmed.

Zhong Yingtong decided to do special things. This also resulted in the notice of the interview after only one week after the application form was submitted.

According to the immigration scoring standard of the Hong Kong Island government, the full score is 165, and the standard of Zhou Ziye can reach about 150 points. You only need to interview Zhou Ziye to confirm the authenticity of Zhou Ziye's information, and Zhou Ziye's immigration application can be passed.

On Monday, Zhou Ziye, who got his driver's license, drove by himself to the immigration office in Central, not far from home. After informing him of his coming, he was taken to a room that looked like a conference room. There were three people sitting at the long table, and there were seven observers beside them.

There were males and females in the audience, and there was a big difference in temperament and age, which made Zhou Ziye a little puzzled, not knowing what these people were doing. Seeing Zhou Ziye coming in, these people even made a fuss. A middle-aged woman smiled and said, "You are so pretty, you can go wireless to film."

Another old lady said: "Definitely not go to the wireless one. If you want to go, you will go to Jiahe. Make a movie like Daniel. He looks as handsome as Daniel, and he is obsessed with a chair."

Zhou Ziye turned her head and smiled at her and said, "Thank you." The old lady was praising him as handsome as Wu Yanzu, and she was infatuated with her.

Zhong Yingtong, who was sitting in the middle, nodded secretly when he saw the handsome and extraordinary Zhou Ziye, and asked Zhou Ziye to take the initiative to introduce him after sitting opposite them: "Hello Zhou Sheng, I am the Director of the Immigration Administration Office Zhong Yingtong. , These two are my colleagues. Seated next to us are representatives of the masses we extracted through the computer

. In addition to making professional judgments on your immigration, the opinions of these ordinary citizens are also very important. In accordance with the procedure, we will examine the original documents of your academic qualifications and identity documents first, and then ask about your professional expertise, and finally face questions from ordinary citizens. Do you have any comments? "

Zhou Ziye shook his head and said, "No problem."

After checking Zhou Ziye's graduation certificate and ID card, the three of them had a conversation with Zhou Ziye in English. It was mainly about some terms in the financial market. Zhou Ziye was asked to explain it. Of course, it's not difficult for Zhou Ziye. Later, I will explain the origin of Zhou Ziye's property. If it is black money, the Hong Kong Island government will of course not approve it.

After all these are passed, the atmosphere is not so serious. Zhong Yingtong had a dialogue with him on his development plan in Hong Kong and his suggestions for the development of Hong Kong, and finally nodded with satisfaction. "Zhou Sheng, as a government employee, I sincerely welcome talents like you to contribute to Hong Kong. But because of the limitations of Hong Kong itself and the shortage of resource allocation, if you want to become a permanent resident of Hong Kong, you still need to get Acceptance and recognition by local people. So you have to explain their queries."

Zhou Ziye nodded and said, "No problem." After speaking, he turned to the citizen representative next to him.

The middle-aged woman first asked: "Hello, Zhou Sheng, we have read your information. I want to know, after you come to Hong Kong, will you marry your sister from Hong Kong or from the mainland?"

There is a trap in this sentence. If Zhou Ziye said that he would marry the mainland, they would make a detrimental decision to Zhou Ziye on the grounds that he would take up their resources again. Zhou Ziye said with a smile: "This depends on fate, no matter where you are, as long as you can have love with me, I won't care."

The middle-aged woman nodded and transferred her right to question. The old lady smiled and asked, "My little brother doesn't have a girlfriend yet, my little sister is a good match for you." When she said this, everyone laughed.

The middle-aged woman said: "Grandma, they live in a mansion in the middle of the mountain. You live in a tenement house. Don't expect this."

A middle-aged man asked: "Whether Chow Sang is in the Mainland or Hong Kong, he is a very outstanding talent. But you were trained in the Mainland. If you come to Hong Kong like this, does it represent a betrayal of the Mainland? ?"

Zhou Ziye said sternly: "I don't think so. If my job is in a factory, then I will definitely not have any appeals for emigration. Immigrating to Hong Kong does not mean that I betray the mainland. On the contrary, I will use my ability to deal with The development of Hong Kong and the Mainland will provide greater returns."

"Isn't there a financial industry in the mainland?"

Zhou Ziye nodded

. "My main job is international trade. Because of the nature of my job, I will spend most of the year in all parts of the world. I hold the status of the Mainland, but the visa will consume most of my energy, no matter what Whether it is time or work efficiency, it is a waste. And if I hold Hong Kong status, then I can go to most countries in the world and I can dispense with this procedure."

The man also nodded and did not speak any more. A businessman looking like a businessman walked over, handed Zhou Ziye a business card, and returned to his seat. Said: "I have no problem. I think that elite talents like Chow Sang are exactly what Hong Kong needs."

Zhou Ziye looked at his business card. It was the owner of a trading company. He put the business card in his pocket and nodded to him. The rest of the people didn't ask Zhou Ziye any more questions, so Zhou Ziye had passed this test.

Zhong Yingtong gave a light cough and said, "Zhou Sheng, thank you very much for coming to our interview today. We will inform you of the results of our interview before tomorrow. If the resolution is passed, you need to return to the mainland to bring you. The consent form of the original household registration department. In this case, we will issue you a Hong Kong temporary ID card within one month. You can rest assured that the temporary ID card can also be used for a Hong Kong passport at the customs department, which does not affect your need to go abroad, but you For the time being, we can't enjoy the benefits of Hong Kong permanent residents." He smiled and said jokingly: "At Chow Sang's worth, I don't think we will care about our welfare anymore."

Zhou Ziye said with a smile: "If I can enjoy the benefits of Hong Kong, I think I will return to the Hong Kong Island government with all sincerity on this basis, because this will also be my home in the future." Everyone applauded. It's a compliment to Zhou Ziye's words.

When things reached this point, Zhou Ziye knew that his immigration had almost succeeded. When he got home, he informed his family of the good news one by one, but no one seemed to be very happy.

The next morning, when Zhou Midnight was about to go to the airport to return to Beijing, I received a call from the Immigration Administration and informed him that the immigration application was approved. This was already in his expectation, but it still made him happy for a while.

After taking a flight at 12 o'clock, it was already more than 3 o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived in the capital. Before leaving the gate, I saw Hu Cheng who was waiting outside shouting to him: "Zhou Zong has not opened your phone. Something has happened."

Zhou Ziye took out his mobile phone and turned it on. He didn't have time to take a closer look. After passing the checkpoint, Hu Chengcheng hurriedly said, "Mr Liu called at 1:20, and your father was shot."