Chapter 66: Unexpected Surprise, Second, Seek to Push...

As for the job search of the man who went to Chaohai to contact Lin Abing, from the beginning quietly, to the big fanfare after the cooperation with the police, but this man still has no clue. In this situation, everyone lost their direction, because if this man was not from Yunshan, it would be really difficult for them to find this man.

On the weekend, Zhou Ziye originally wanted to be a qualified good boyfriend, but his plan to go to the provincial capital to pick up Jiang Yue was ruined by Xiang Yong, who had returned from the capital. Zheng Zhongxing came with Xiang Yong. Of course, Zhou Ziye should treat him well.


Xiang Yong went to the capital to investigate the investment of the courtyard house. Hearing about Zhou Ziye's actions in the capital, he also wanted to get a share of the pie, and borrowed 20 million yuan from the capital company where his mother worked to invest in it. His idea was unanimously agreed by several people. There were a few friends from his childhood. Zhou Ziye wanted to win over him again, so naturally there was no opinion.

Zhou Ziye set up a table in the forest, and the three people discussed the progress of the plan to invest in the courtyard house, and Zhou Ziye withdrew first. Both of these are perverts and cannot live without a woman. But today when Jiang Yue comes back, he must go back and spend time with his girlfriend.

When he returned home, his dad was drinking with the little brothers who were watching the door, and when he saw Zhou Ziye coming back, he hid the glass in shock. Zhou Ziye couldn't help but smile, and said to Li Jun: "How much did he drink?"

Li Jun also said embarrassingly: "Brother Xiaoye, I didn't dare to let the boss drink too much. We set half a catty, so we only have two bottles of wine in total."

Zhou Ziye looked at the wine and said, "From now on, I can drink three times a week. I will prepare wine for you. But remember, my dad can't drink more than half a catty. His liver hasn't grown."

"we know!"

Zhou Guangbo said angrily: "I've gotten better from my liver a long time ago. If you don't believe us, let's see who drinks more?!"

Zhou Ziye said: "You can drink more cows, can you compare? Now it's not that you are not allowed to drink. Drink less, which is good for your health."

Zhou Guangbo mumbled: "If you are dizzy if you don't drink, it's called drinking?!"

"Then it's best not to drink!"

"You..." Zhou Guangbo stared, and cried out aggrievedly: "Tomorrow you will go to Hong Kong. I will be annoyed when I see you now. I'm in good health and I don't need you to take care of it anymore."

"If I go to Hong Kong, I will arrange a few security guards to guard you and not let you drink a drop of alcohol." Zhou Ziye smiled and waved with Li Jun and the others. "Drink slowly, Li Jun, remember, you can drink it only once every other day, and you can't drink more than half a catty each time."


Zhou Guangbo glared at him and said, "I still have the final say in this family."

But Zhou Ziye, who was far away, pushed him against the wall again with a word. "Everything else is up to you, drinking is up to me

. "

The younger brothers all laughed secretly, only Zhou Guangbo snorted for a long time, picked up the glass and said, "Come on, drink."

Xu Qinghe went to the capital with Zhou Zichen and the others, and Hu Cheng was sent by him. Now he and his dad are left in the family. Xiao Black and White is busy with company affairs every day, and now he is busy at night, getting married, and doing a lot of preparation work every day. If it weren't for Aunt Guangyi to clean up every day, I'm afraid this family would not be able to live in a few days.

When Zhou Ziye came back, he saw Jiang Yue's Beetle and knew that she was upstairs. After holding it for a few days, he couldn't wait to go upstairs. There was no one in the bedroom, neither in the bathroom nor in the garden. Zhou Ziye was shocked, entered the study, and saw the little girl lying on the table looking at the computer.

Seeing Zhou Ziye coming in, she jumped up and opened her arms to hug. Zhou Ziye hugged her and kissed her and asked, "Your mother didn't say that you won't see anyone when you come back?"

She was embarrassed and said: "She was going to a banquet with my dad. I didn't want to go, so I came over."

"Did you have meal?"

"I just ate a piece of bread, but I ate an apple in the refrigerator in your room, and I am not hungry anymore. Why is there a photo of Kang Zhengzheng on your table, do you have contact with him?"

"Who?!" Zhou Ziye froze for a moment, and suddenly recovered, some dare not confirm and asked: "Who are you talking about?!"

"Kang Zhengzheng! I tell you, he is a gangster, you have to be careful when dealing with him. He usually hangs out in our school when he is fine, and he wants to chase when he sees beautiful girls..."

Zhou Ziye turned up the photo of the man who contacted Ah Bing and asked, "It's him that you are talking about?!"

Jiang Yue opened his eyes wide, and said in a daze, "Yes!"

Zhou Ziye was overjoyed, this is really nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes. He hugged Jiang Yue and gave him a passionate kiss. But before Jiang Yue could respond, he immediately let go of her again, provoking a little bit of dissatisfaction from Jiang Yue. Zhou Ziye put her arms around her, stroked two on her back and said: "Quickly tell me what you know, and I will reward you in a while."

Although Jiang Yue was a little weird, he still said what she knew according to Zhou Ziye's meaning. "I know that his name is Kang Zhengzheng, and he has opened two laundry shops in the provincial university town. I tell you that he is necrotic. The employees in his shop are all students from poor families. He uses this job as bait. , Deceived a girl student, and finally a student became pregnant. This matter let us know

. But the current students don't know what to think, just because he has some money, he knows that he is not a good person, and there are still many girls who fall into him. "

"What's the name of his shop? Which way? Where does he live? How many phone numbers? Do you know everything?"

"I don't know where I live. Some classmates I know call him. I know where the two stores are."

This time Zhou Ziye didn't stop at tasting, but hugged her and savored her little mouth for a long time. The experience these days tells him that this is her favorite way of intimacy. After comforting her for a while, Zhou Ziye asked again: "Then have you seen him these days?"

Jiang Yue nodded, "When I came back this afternoon, I saw him hugging a girl in front of the supermarket next to the school."

Zhou Ziye said happily: "Yueyue baby, you have done a great job this time."

No matter how slow, Jiang Yue understood that there was something he didn't understand, and asked: "What's the matter? Why don't you know him asking for him?"

Zhou Ziye said: "He is the suspect who bought and murdered my dad this time. You quickly ask your classmates for his phone number. No, no, we can't make trouble at the moment. I think about it... Let's go, Yueyue, Let's go to the provincial capital now. Let's hurry up and we can get to the provincial capital after ten o'clock."

Zhou Ziye let go of Jiang Yue and immediately called Xiaohei. "Brother Xiaohei, the suspect who contacted A Bing has been found. You immediately send two brothers with firm mouths and Li Jun, and we will go to the provincial capital now."

Jiang Yue said with a bit of fear: "Toto, let's catch him and hand him over to the police, don't break the law."

Zhou Ziye kissed him and said, "Don't worry, I just want to vent my anger, and I won't kill him. Today, none of us will talk about it. By the way, how come your female classmate has his phone?"

"This female classmate is okay. The family conditions are not very good. Naturally it is also Kang Zhengzheng's goal." She snuggled into Zhou Ziye's arms and said: "Then we can just beat him up, okay? "

Zhou Ziye gave a hum, thinking about what to do at night. A preliminary plan of action will soon be available. Bringing Jiang Yue to the yard, his dad hadn't drunk anymore, boasting and chatting there.

Zhou Ziye said, "Dad, the person who bought you and murdered you has been found. Let's go find him now.

. I don't have cash here. Give me fifty thousand from your safe. "

When Zhou Guangbo heard it, he immediately got excited. He stood up all of a sudden, but he pulled the wound in his stomach, and sat back with a painful groan. "It's him, I have suffered such a serious crime. I will catch him back later and let me teach him personally."

Zhou Ziye helped him to stand up again slowly and said, "You haven't fully recovered, so let me help you out. Just leave it alone, and promise to let you watch a good show."

Zhou Ziyang shouted next to him: "Brother Xiaoye, take me with you."

Zhou Ziye nodded and said, "You and Li Jun are going with me, Xiaohu, you are at home to watch the door." Although the other two were reluctant, Zhou Ziye arranged for them and had to agree.

In a short while, Xiao Hei brought Han Di and Tang Ankang over. Han Di was Han Jun's brother. He and Tang Ankang were both vicious but well-measured people. In later generations, when Xiao Hei was down, he was always a good brother with both sides.

Zhou Ziye drove Jiang Yue aside, and a group of people were there to listen to Zhou Ziye's distribution. Zhou Ziye said: "This person is called Kang Zhengzheng. There are two dry cleaners in the university town of the provincial capital. He likes to pick up girls. He chased after a classmate of Yueyue, but he didn't succeed. I mean the girl who wanted to pass Yueyue. Classmate, seduce him, and then a few of us tied him back. Here in Yunshan, we can solve a small mistake even if we make a small mistake. It's different in the provincial capital."

Zhou Guangbo said: "Tie him back and interrupt him with a leg. If any of you are caught by the police, I will pay you to support your family."

Zhou Ziye said, "It's not that I have a good relationship with Yan Weiming now. He and Uncle Wang are on the same line. Besides, this person is also wanted by the police. We will give it to the police with a sigh of relief. He ran away and fell, and the police didn't care about it. The big deal is that we will pay for the medical expenses." Several people laughed as they listened.

Zhou Ziye said with a smile: "Brother Xiaohei, the beach you did last time to bury people is very good. If you beat him half to death today, and then bury him alive, the effect will be better than last time."

Xiao Hei laughed and said: "Then we will continue to do this today, once we are born, and the second will be cooked. This time it must be better than the last time."

Zhou Ziye said: "You will drive Land Rover in a while. When you come back, don't take the high speed. Take the national highway and come back."

Xiao Hei nodded heavily.