Chapter 72: Gap Ask for Recommendation

The next day, Zhou Ziye first went to the industrial and commercial department to change the shareholder's share procedures. In addition to the 20 million that Xiang Yong brought over for this share expansion, Yuan Fang and Zhang Jun also gritted their teeth and increased their capital to 10 million, and now the total share capital has reached 110 million.

Zheng Zhongxing, Bian Hongbing, Yuan Fang, and Zhang Jun accounted for 10% of the shares in each of 40 million, and Zhou Ziye's 30 million accounted for 25% of the shares. And Xiang Yong Hepingxi, each of them has 17.5% of the shares.

This distribution plan was negotiated by everyone, because some of the relations on the capital side still need the four of them to deal with it. The property rights of Siheyuan are not like ordinary commercial houses. The property rights are clear. Many of the property rights are divided into several, or even dozens, of properties. This can only be done by local forces.

A new capital of 30 million yuan was added. Originally, everyone wanted to continue hoarding courtyards, but Zhou Ziye had different opinions. Zhou Ziye went to the club to play yesterday, only to remember the club culture that will be popular in Beijing in the future. There are not many clubs in Beijing. Although the four convention halls already exist, the real clubhouse culture will only become popular a few years later. In a capital city, there are more than 10,000 clubs of all kinds.

He considered it for a while and said: "These 30 million, don't invest 10 million first, I have an idea." The attention of several people was concentrated. He continued: "We now have quadrangle courtyards that are not too few, and they are all quadrangle courtyards in the 39 heritage conservation areas in the capital. Now the property rights of these courtyards belong to our company. We can sell them without worrying about selling them. What about when it's over?"

Yuan Fang asked, "Do we still run this company for a lifetime?"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "The company can not be opened for a lifetime. But I think it is not in our best interest to resell in this way. I think so. We classify all the courtyards in our hands. We don't sell it, we just rent it out. I'm in Hong Kong, and those real estate companies almost all operate in this way. Although the one-time return is less, there is a long stream. For example, we have six courtyards on the back beach, and these six courtyards. In the future, the rent for a year will probably be our current purchase price."

"This is impossible

! "Several people were shocked.

Zhou Ziye said, "Of course, we still need to make some investment. The 1,200 square meter courtyard house next to Soong Ching Ling's former residence, if we do it well, I don't think it will be a big problem with an annual income of 50 million yuan. Let's renovate the courtyard a little bit. I don't think it will be a problem to collect five million yuan in the next year."

Bian Hongbing said: "Don't seduce our curiosity anymore, talk about it, how to do it?!"

Zhou Ziye said: "We divide all the houses into saleable and rentable two types. We carry out some rough decoration for the rented houses and leave them in our hands for later renting. And the house near the former residence of Soong Ching Ling, we invested by ourselves. , To establish a private club, you should know what to do without me, right?"

Zheng Zhongxing's head turned the fastest, and he smiled: "Yes, anyway, we also need a place to gather every day, to set up a club of our own, and to play whatever we want. For a member, we charge a membership fee of 100,000 yuan a year, 500 yuan. Only one can collect fifty million."

Zhou Ziye shook his head and said, "We want to make a boutique club. We can't have so many members. It's better not to be indiscriminate. The threshold should be higher. Although this courtyard house is more than 1,000 square meters, it can only receive four groups of guests at the same time. We can't do this. Instead, we have to design it so that it can only receive two groups of guests at the same time. We have to design it as the most functional club, so that everyone's needs can be met here."

Bian Hongbing thought for a while and said: "This is a good idea, but how to accept members, how to promote, how to make money, these all need to be considered."

Zhou Ziye nodded and said: "My thoughts are like this. The backyard of the main house only accepts individual members. We consider members from all aspects, such as beauty, business, friendship, entertainment, wine, cigars, sports, etc. A complete service is provided. The east-west wing is divided into two parts for members to entertain outsiders."

Zhang Jun asked: "You mean that we can't bring non-members to play in the main house and backyard?"

Zhou Ziye nodded and said: "As long as you are not a member, the main room is a restricted area. Because many services here require a lot of funds to improve, we must be the most high-end, first of all, we must eliminate those who take advantage."

"How do you calculate the membership fee?"

"The minimum is half a million."

Everyone took a breath, obviously surprised

. Yuan Fang asked: "Will it be too high?"

Zhou Ziye said: "Everyone must register in detail when they join the club. We will design the most complete service for each person according to their situation. For example, if you are a member of Yuan Fang, it doesn't mean that you will just be there. Here to consume, we will design the best work plan for you according to your work. If you want to negotiate, we will equip you with the most professional lawyers and negotiation team. ZTE which star do you want to sleep with, we can also directly To communicate on your behalf, you only need to lie in ** and get out the check. Our membership form is different from ordinary members, so to speak, it is a combination of club members and members of the American Skull and Bones. "

Everyone understood what Zhou Ziye said. He changed the conversation and said: "Of course, this is just my idea, but there are several aspects that we can't do now. This can only be one of our development directions."

Bian Hongbing said: "Your idea is very good, but we are now a bit too ambitious. First of all, this club can only provide entertainment for the time being. As for business negotiations, we have no talent reserves for planning. Second, the club is a communication. The place where the relationship is drawn is too high and too few to be objectionable. Third, if we set up a club like this, the country will come to ban us tomorrow. Don't think that our families are all high in power. In terms of maintaining stability, anything You can't touch the red line. Xiao Zhou, the meeting place is a good idea, but some of the ideas behind you are out of touch with reality. We all brainstormed to create a unique meeting place."

Zhou Ziye suddenly realized that he took it for granted. He knew that there were a few clubs like what he said in foreign countries, but those clubs were either in some small countries, or on a deserted island, to set up a club like this under the eyes of a powerful government. It was almost like death. Since knowing that my father was attacked, my mentality has been impetuous recently.

Zhou Ziye nodded and said: "I just considered the business issues, not the political impact. The Red Soldier is right. We have to be more considerate."

In fact, he also knew that Bian Hongbing had always been dominant among several other people, and in front of him, he wanted Zhou Ziye's approval more than once. But who is Zhou Ziye? He has never thought about dominating this little mud puddle with these people, and now mixing with them is just a fancy to the forces behind them.

And the few of them themselves, let alone Zhou Ziye surrender, in Zhou Ziye's view, they are actually not qualified to play with themselves. The current cooperation is just to play with them casually, let them make a little profit, and win over this force.

A few people discussed what had happened, and Zhou Ziye got up and left.

. Zheng Zhongxing asked: "Where are you going?"

"My mother is still treating the disease. What if I don't have a face-to-face meeting when I come here?! Anyway, this is the matter, I'll give an idea, and you can solve the rest by yourself. I can't help you. You guys. While chatting, I will withdraw first."

Zheng Zhongxing grabbed his car key and said, "Wait, I'll take you back."

Yuan Fang watched Zhou Ziye leave, and said, "He takes himself too seriously, right?! Just leave!"

Zhang Jun smiled and said: "Did you not find out? We searched the family and embezzled funds everywhere to start this company, which is just a fun for him."

"That's because he has a lot of money!"

Zhang Jun smiled and said, "If you have the ability to make tens of millions in a month, I will also be convinced of you."

Bian Hongbing asked: "You got closer to him in Hong Kong, did he really make tens of millions?"

Zhang Jun nodded and said: "No one knows how much he made, because the bulk of his investment is done in Swiss banks. However, he made a joke with others in the gold spot market in Hong Kong and made a profit. Tens of millions. As far as I know, he didn't pay a penny in Singapore, and now he earns more than five million U.S. dollars."

"Fuck!" Yuan Fang asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Jun briefly talked about Zhou Ziye's financing of 5 million yuan from his company and investing directly in the futures market. Then he said: "Yesterday, Tang Huafeng and the others had a treat. It was not because of this incident. They were still hiding it for fear that we would know. And when I was in Hong Kong, Xiao Zhou told me about these things. They may not have me. Clear. Anyway, I have found out now, and I have a good relationship with Xiao Zhou, so I don't have to worry about anything for my brothers in the future."

Pingxi said, "Brother Jun, if this is true, can you tell him, let's invest some more money?"

Zhang Jun nodded, "There should be no problem with this."

Only Bian Hongbing remained silent. He thought that he had begged his grandpa to sue his grandma over the past few years, and monopolized the waste disposal of several military logistics departments. After hard work for several years, he did not earn 40 million yuan. This week, he played at home at midnight. In one month, the account has increased by 40 million, and the gap is a little too big.

The ranking is getting lower and lower. I sincerely hope that the book friends will not be stingy on the recommendation ticket, and they will all hit me.