Chapter 85 Legal Counsel

Even as a reporter facing hundreds of people, Zhou Ziye still showed a strong psychological quality, without the slightest stage fright. Talking freely, he said: "In this simple place, it is really not a good place to receive friends from the media. Since I still need to consult relevant lawyers about relevant information, I only accept three-question interviews this time.

. To be fair, I will accept three questions from the mainland, Hong Kong and overseas media respectively. "

It's a pity that no one took this sentence seriously, and everyone continued to ask questions.

"Zhou Sheng, did you know Huang Yumin before?"

"Zhou Sheng, is your proficiency in nine languages ​​real?"

"Zhou Sheng, Huang Yumin, as a senior, do you say that is too much for him?!"

"Zhou Sheng......"

Zhou Ziye didn't say a word, and appointed a reporter from Reuters, and immediately all the voices disappeared. The reporter asked, "Zhou Sheng, according to the information we have received, you participated in Oriental Investment's investment in Singapore's crude oil futures this time. It is said that you have gained a lot. Entering this market? At your age, you should still be in the elementary learning stage, but now you have become an investment decision-maker, what is your support? You are so fearless, does it mean that you have a government background? "

Zhou Ziye said: "What is Bill Gates's reliance on entering the software field? You can't judge a person's ability based on a person's age. I am from the Mainland, but as everyone knows, I have no ties to the government. I None of his family members work in government departments, so I can only say that your guess is nonsense."

"Do you mean that you don't feel worse than Bill Gates?" he asked.

How did Zhou Ziye fall into his trap, and now said: "I have never thought about it this way, and my career is very different from his. But his achievements are obvious to all. I can only say that he is my goal."

Zhou Ziye didn't give him a chance to speak again, and pointed to a domestic media reporter. The reporter asked: "Mr. Zhou, why did you choose to immigrate to Hong Kong, can't you do what you want in China?"

Zhou Ziye regretted choosing this idiot to speak. He didn't want to help himself, but fell into trouble. The point is that his professionalism is too poor, and he can't ask the right place even when asking questions.

"Mr. reporter, do you know the nature of my profession? Do you know what I need to do in my job? Immigrating to Hong Kong does not mean that I am not patriotic. Are you still on the land of Hong Kong now? As I know, this is also China's land."

He casually pointed to a Hong Kong reporter

. This reporter was obviously more concerned about Zhou Ziye's scolding war with Huang Yumin, and asked: "Zhou Sheng, as a newcomer to Hong Kong, why do you insult an age who can be your elder?"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "Although I am a new immigrant to Hong Kong, my knowledge of Hong Kong is not limited to my first acquaintance. A long time ago, I had a great affection and interest in the city of Hong Kong. Our country is proud of having such a city that can directly connect with the international standards. Now I am here, and I really like Hong Kong as a city. I don't know Mr. Huang Yumin in your mouth, for what he said to me Criticism, I don't care. Do you care if a mad dog on the side of the road barks to you? Although you will be a little annoying, you certainly won't care about a mad dog, and neither will I."

"But you call him an inferior beast as a traitor, and now you call him a mad dog."

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "A dog is a loyal partner of mankind, how could I call him a dog?! I just made a metaphor. I didn't care about his barking, but I read it in the comments published in the newspaper. We have arrived one by one Chinese. Everyone knows that Hong Kong is an inseparable part of China, so Hong Kong people are also Chinese. Even more than 90% of Hong Kong people's ancestors came from the mainland. Why do they keep talking? Separate yourself from the country? This is not abandoning the ancestors, what is ingratitude? I don't have any good feelings for this kind of people, and I hope you will not compare me with them in the future, because this is an insult to me. "

Zhou Ziye nodded, turned around and walked to the gate guarded by the guard, not paying attention to the noisy questions in his ears. These reporters didn't dare to stop him from leaving, let alone touch his body, so they could only let him through the gate half way back.

The security guard who watched the excitement also joked: "Zhou Sheng, you are now more popular than our price star here."

Zhou Ziye smiled and nodded with him, "I'm ashamed, but I have some notoriety."

Back home, Zhou Ziye found Norton Rose's phone number on the Internet and called. He originally wanted to wait for the company to be established before contacting them, but in this case, he must need a lawyer to assist him in this matter.

Norton Rose Law Firm's service projects cover almost all fields, Zhou Ziye does not worry that they do not have suitable lawyer services. Besides, he has more and more funds in UBS, and he also needs a lawyer to notarize these properties.

After dialing the phone, Zhou Ziye talked about his requirements and the items that need services in the future. The other party quickly replied and recommended three lawyers to serve Zhou Ziye, and he will select one of these three lawyers to serve himself in the future


It was not convenient for Zhou Ziye to go out, so the three lawyers had to be invited back home by him for an interview. But more than half an hour, the three lawyers came together. It's just the age of the three lawyers from the past, Zhou Ziye knew that Norton Rose has not yet regarded himself as an important client. Because if you value him, at least one barrister must be arranged to come, and all three are around thirty years old.

The three lawyers are two women and one man. The man is named Ma Guoming, 31 years old, and the two of them are women. One is British named Miley, and the other is the youngest, who does not seem to be more than 30 years old, and is named Cheng Ling.

Zhou Ziye invited them to sit down in the lobby and said: "At present, I have some conflicts with a host of Radio Hong Kong, and need to provide some legal assistance to know what I can and cannot say. I don't know in this regard. , Which of you three is more familiar?"

Ma Guoming said: "Zhou Sheng, but when the company sent us over, it said that you also have legal claims in the economic field."

Zhou Ziye nodded and said, "Yes, but the current civil dispute is still the main one."

Ma Guoming and Miley glanced at each other and said: "Sorry Zhou Sheng, Miley and I are both good at business mergers and property financing. If you need this service, I am afraid that only Miss Cici can provide you."

Zhou Ziye actually does not have high requirements for professional lawyers. With Norton Rose's backing, even an ordinary lawyer will receive the full support of the company.

So he didn't care, he stood up and shook hands with the two of them and said, "Then bother you two. I hope there will be a chance to cooperate with them in the future."

The time of these lawyers is money, and since they have shown their attitude, they will not stay any longer. After a few words with Zhou Ziye, he got up and left. They never thought that this young man who looked like a rich young master would bring so much business in the future. If they knew, they would never give up this opportunity to cooperate with Zhou Ziye.

Only Cheng Ling was left in the hall. She took out her academic certificate and lawyer qualification certificate and said: "Hello Zhou Sheng, this is my qualification certificate. If you have any special requirements, you can also directly first Put forward, before we formally cooperate, we both need to get to know each other."

Zhou Ziye didn't look at the qualification certificates, and asked directly: "Ms. Cheng, what kind of cases do you know better? What advantages do you have?"

Cheng Ling smiled and said: "After graduating from Hong Kong College of Education, I worked as an aid lawyer in the Legal Aid Department of Hong Kong for two years and participated in 92 civil litigation and aid cases.

. Later, he entered the law school of the University of Michigan in the United States and obtained an advanced degree. However, in my spare time, I have been studying cases related to corporate mergers and acquisitions and financing and listing. Although I have not achieved real results in this area, my ability has also been appreciated by Norton Rose. At the same time that Norton Rose returned to Hong Kong, I successfully entered the office to work. "

Zhou Ziye nodded and said, "I understand. Although you are only a newcomer in the economic field, I am willing to give you this opportunity. I will briefly introduce my situation. The incident that I have experienced at the moment is just for you. A very small part of the service, because this incident will soon subside. And the aspects that I really need you to serve me include personal property management, family asset management, investment notarization, and of course, future financing and mergers. I It's not a son-in-law who only needs to provide legal counsel. To serve me requires you to devote 100% of your energy."

Cheng Ling smiled and said: "This is a good opportunity to prove myself, and I will definitely try my best to do it well."

"Wait a minute." Zhou Ziye nodded. He knew that Cheng Ling was a new lawyer, so she needed more opportunities to get ahead in this industry. The more things he gave her, the happier she was. He went upstairs and took out several asset management contracts from the safe in the study. He went downstairs and threw them in front of Cheng Ling and said, "This is my asset management agreement with UBS. I have not had a lawyer before and I have not done it yet. Legal notarization, I will authorize you to go to UBS and do a legal notarization of all the assets in my investment account."

Cheng Ling just looked at it and couldn't help being stunned. She had never completed a case involving such a huge amount alone before, and at most it was an investment notarization of tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars. These tasks that could have been done by a barrister just fell on his own head, and it really felt like a pie in the sky.

Zhou Ziye said: "Besides, you need to help me investigate Huang Yumin's information. The more detailed the better, we have to give him the heaviest blow outside the law. Can it be done?"

Cheng Ling said with a smile: "Don't say that I am not a liberal, even if I am a liberal, I will give up my position because of you, a parent of food and clothing. You can rest assured that I am no worse than those big lawyers in terms of civil law."

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "Then I wish us a happy cooperation in the future. I will sign the contract with your company as soon as possible."

Cheng Ling also reached out and shook his hand and said, "I'm sure I won't let you down."