Chapter 88 The Stepping Stone

Zhou Ziye didn't know. Not long after he came to Hong Kong, Guo Binjiang checked him out. Although Zhou Ziye's simple experience did not surprise him, the difference between the survey results and his own made Guo Binjiang full of curiosity.

In the information, Zhou Ziye also mainly studied English at school, but he now masters seven or eight foreign languages ​​and is not a fake. After graduation, the transformation of his coal mine was also put on his head.

In addition, he did not take over the family business, but went to Hong Kong to work hard. The several actions after coming to Hong Kong also proved that Zhou Ziye has his own clear life plan.

. Taken together, Guo Binjiang thinks that Zhou Ziye, a rising star, is definitely worthy of being attracted, so he has the heart to cultivate him and provide him with an opportunity to integrate into the upper echelons of Hong Kong.

Guo Binxiang first opened the topic and said with a smile: "My little friend is only 24 years old this year, but he is already cooperating with large state-owned enterprises such as Minmetals and Oriental Investment. The future development prospects are limitless."

Zhou Ziye said modestly: "In front of several seniors, I can't bear such praise. You are all seniors who have been in Hong Kong for decades. I still need to learn more from you."

Guo Binxiang asked: "You and your father are still the lay disciples of the Lingshan Palace, then, are the Taoist skills for strengthening the body and physical training all true?"

Zhou Zi was dazed at night. He didn't expect that he would actually communicate with him from here to get closer. Isn't he also a master of martial arts? Mr. He said, "I'm actually a little curious. I heard that your father had knocked down dozens of people empty-handed, so we were a little curious."

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "As the so-called poor, civilized and rich martial arts, if you want to develop a little achievement in strengthening the body, then the necessary nutrition must keep up, but the average family rarely has this condition. Just like me If I didn't grow up in Lingshan Palace since I was a child, and the herbal medicines of Lingshan Palace continue to build foundations, I wouldn't necessarily be able to practice something famous. Now people's living conditions are better, but herbs are hard to find, so it's also difficult. Promote it."

Mr. He asked: "According to your statement, you are now a little accomplished? But I think you are still thin and tall, and your muscles seem to be underdeveloped."

Zhou Ziye smiled and said, "Taoist kungfu is divided into internal and external skills. I practice internal kungfu, so on the surface it is not much different from ordinary people."

Zhou Ziye now understands that he is a young man who has not proven himself in his career. Of course, he will not have a common topic with these old seniors. When Guo Binxiang brought the topic to this aspect, he deliberately gave him a chance to show, using their thoughts of fear of death and health, to get closer in this aspect.

He took off the suit, removed the cufflinks, and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, exposing half of his arm and said, "Mr. He can touch my muscles."

He Dashao squeezed Zhou Ziye's arm and said, "It's very porcelain, with obvious muscle contours."

Zhou Ziye nodded and took a sigh of luck, his right arm was inflated, and the muscles were bulging. Several old men were amazed, tried to squeeze his arm, and felt very hard

. Zhou Zi walked around at random, stunned all of them after passing a circle around him.

After the performance, Zhou Ziye withdrew his zhenqi and said: "Just for this qi, I have consumed countless medicinal materials since I was a child. In fact, in our ancient times, the so-called martial arts have not been passed down systematically, and this is the main reason. Problem. To practice external skills, it also requires rich nutrition and herbal soaking, not to mention the harder internal skills."

Mr. He asked: "I don't know if this is a technique of Lingshan Palace. Can we practice if we want to practice it?"

"I have practiced two internal martial arts, one is Xuan Gong Quan and the other is Long Hua Quan. You have no chance to practice Xuan Gong Quan now, but Long Hua Quan can still be practiced. Regular exercise has the effect of strengthening the body. There are still some. However, although this Longhua boxing is not a skill that is not passed down, if we want to practice it, we still have to obtain the consent of the instructor."

Zhou Ziye is ridiculous. Lingshan Palace is more important for reading the Taoist scriptures, but for this martial arts, due to the harsh conditions of practice, he doesn't care much. Zhou Ziye said this, also hoping that these rich men would leak a little bit from their fingers, and it would also benefit Lingshan Palace a lot.

He Dashao thought for a while and asked, "If you start from a young age like you, how far can you practice? How far can we practice now?"

Zhou Ziye wanted to sell it for a good price, so naturally he had to perform hard. He laughed and said: "If I fight the bodyguards, I am afraid I am bullying them. Then, Mr. Guo can ask someone to find a few steel pipes or wooden sticks. I will show them a little bit."

Guo Binxiang was also very interested, called a waiter and ordered to go down. All wealthy people are greedy for life and fear of death, and these are no exception. They are very interested in martial arts practice.

Zhou Ziye said: "The youngest of the seniors is also over 40 years old. At this time, people's physical functions will naturally decline. When my father was young, he didn't have the conditions to practice the Xuan Gongquan I learned, but he only relied on Long Huaquan. It can already be one enemy to one hundred. You should all be younger than my dad, but in terms of physical fitness, my dad's physical function is now in his thirties or forties."

He Dashao asked, "How old is your father?"

"He was born in 46 years old, and he is 56 years old this year. If it weren't for this shot, we controlled his diet. He could drink three catties of high-quality liquor for a meal and 500 grams of rice for a meal. rice."

At this moment, a few people are really interested. He Dashao smiled and said: "Your dad is really a strange man, he is two years older than me, but he is so bold.

. I heard that he has also come to Hong Kong. I will definitely visit him tomorrow. "

Zhou Ziye thought for a while and said, "If Mr. Ho condescends, the media in Hong Kong will bloom again tomorrow. So, let's send a driver over tomorrow, and I will ask my dad to come out and gather with you. He will come to Hong Kong this time. It's boring to stay at home. But he is a bit rude and rude, like a mixture of Zhang Fei and Li Kui. If there is any rudeness at that time, I hope Mr. He will bear more."

He Dashao smiled and said, "I see a lot of people who are intriguing, but your father is what we like. Maybe we will make friends in the future." This is exactly what Zhou Ziye meant, and he was happy. He was the master for his father.

During their conversation, many business celebrities came over to say hello. Seeing Zhou Ziye a young man chatting with these few people was very surprised and paid attention to him.

When the banquet was about to begin, the butler came to arrange them. Guo Binxiang said: "Today, Xiaoyou Zhou squeezed with us. We are very interested in physical fitness."

Of course Zhou Ziye would not refuse. He was unwilling to sit at a table with those young people and leave others with the impression of a second-generation son. I wanted to be humble, but the waiter came in with a few steel pipes and sticks of various thicknesses. He smiled and said: "Since I'm sitting with a few seniors, I will also take a little real effort to show you, and it will be worth the fare."

Everyone laughed, admiring Zhou Ziye's wit. He was going to perform this time, it was not these few people who attracted him, and the whole room surrounded him.

Zhou Ziye laughed in Cantonese, half-baked, "Ancient people often used colorful clothes to entertain their relatives. Today, Mrs. Guo has her birthday. As a junior, it is enough to get the old lady's smile."

Mrs. Guo smiled and said, "It seems that you have a real chapter under your hand. I will also see it today."

Zhou Ziye told the waiter next to him: "Go and call my bodyguard." The waiter went out to look for Hu Cheng quickly, for fear of delaying everyone's time.

Zhou Ziye first took a thinner rebar and said: "This is ordinary building material reinforcement, but most people have nothing to do with it. Many of you here are seniors in real estate. You should know this well." Holding both ends of the steel bar with both hands, he bent the steel bar into a U-shape with a little effort, and he replaced it with a thicker one.

Guo Haoli couldn't believe it and picked up the steel bar Zhou Ziye put aside, and tried his best to help.

. Zhou Ziye smiled, took the steel bar and straightened it with a little force. At this time, everyone confirmed that Zhou Ziye really had brute force and even more curiosity.

After bending two steel bars in succession, Zhou Ziye replaced it with steel pipes. This was not very effective, because the two-layer circular diameter gave the steel pipe a straight tensile force, and there was nowhere to be strong. Zhou Ziye tried it first, and it was indeed hard to shake. He took off the cufflinks, twisted the sleeves, and applied force again.

When everyone was still wondering whether he could bend, the steel pipe was suddenly broken into two pieces by him, and everyone applauded.

Hu Cheng followed the waiter into the room, and his performance was not bad, without the cringe of ordinary people. Just facing so many people, he couldn't help being a little nervous, his face blank and expressionless.

Zhou Ziye said: "My bodyguard used to be a pilot of the Navy. Although he may be a little weaker than some professionally trained bodyguards, he is excellent in terms of physical fitness. Because we have undergone some cooperative exercises. , So I invited him to perform the next show for everyone with me."

Hu Cheng picked up a wooden stick with the thickness of a child's arm and held his breath, while Zhou Ziye stretched out his arm and secretly adjusted his breath to the arm. Seeing Zhou Ziye's arm muscles bulge, he nodded to him, and he slammed it down. Zhou Ziye's arm didn't hide, but instead greeted him, and ran into the wooden stick. This wooden stick is like a piece of sugarcane, which is directly broken into two pieces by the strength of two people.

There was a round of enthusiastic applause all around, and Mrs. Guo smiled and said, "Hurry up and take Brother Zhou to take a bath and clean up. We are happy now. I don't know how much the little brother has suffered since he was a child."

In Hong Kong, men and women with similar relationships rarely call each other by name. It is common to call men brothers and younger brothers, and sisters and sisters to women. Mrs. Guo now calls Zhou Ziye her elder brother, which means that she likes Zhou Ziye very much.

Zhou Ziye was led by the servant to wash his hands in the bathroom. After removing the diamond cufflinks, the servant directly carried it on a tray and followed him. While he was washing his hands, he was still thinking about the end of today's performance. If relying on this performance, he can get the curiosity of the rich people present, this is also a disguised success.

I just hope these rich people know a little bit more, don't think of yourself as an actor. I'm still a little impatient, but if I slowly integrate into them step by step, it's better to attract their attention this time.

He took the towel handed by the servant, dried his hands, and put on the diamond cufflinks. Zhou Ziye looked at himself in the looking glass and walked out vigorously.