Chapter 95 Career and Ideals

Zhou Ziye has never talked about this with anyone, and couldn't help but say: "Worshiping gods and ancestors is something I understand. As a kind of spiritual sustenance, we can calm our hearts and find our home. But do you really believe in destiny? ?"

Guo Binjiang said: "Why don't you believe it?! Why do people have beauty, ugliness, poverty, and prosperity; health and disability; cleverness and stupidity. There are some things that can be changed by the day after tomorrow, but in most Under the circumstances, there are very few changes you can make. A poor child needs constant struggle to enjoy the life of an ordinary person, but their lifelong effort is not as good as a small decision we made. You said, why can we decide their fate? What is in control of all this?"

Zhou Ziye had read many Taoist scriptures since he was a child, but as a young man, he had never really studied it in depth. For Lao Zhuang, Huang Ting, these scriptures are more as stories. Suddenly when Guo Binjiang said this, he was speechless for a while.

Guo Binjiang also said: "Many people in Hong Kong have studied Zhouyi, but without systematic education, history can only leave us with deep regrets. I know that materialism is spoken in the mainland, but people His eyes should not only see the material, but also pursue the enjoyment of the soul. Since Europe entered the industrial age early, it has been focusing on the overall development of two aspects. However, after a century of shame and half a century of closure, the mainland has now entered a boom During the development period, everyone's eyes are focused on material enjoyment, but spiritual literacy is missing. Although we cannot influence the general trend, we should also be the pioneers and do our best to guide the spiritual and spiritual sublimation."

Zhou Ziye said: "Listening to the Lord's words is better than reading for ten years. In my mind, Mr. Guo will not only be a senior in the mall in the future."

Guo Binjiang smiled and said: "When you reach our age and your material needs are safely met, you will also think more about these aspects.

. In Hong Kong, there are all kinds of people who study Zhouyi, Buddhist scriptures, Taoism and the Bible, and almost all of my friends have their own understanding. However, knowing is easy and doing is hard, and the market still encounters competition. "He chuckled.

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "In business, I can understand. God belongs to God, and Caesar belongs to Caesar. Although we have spiritual demands, life still has to go on."

Guo Binjiang said: "So we also want to contact your master through you. Perhaps in some respects, he is ahead of us. But now that he can calculate his date, I believe it more. He is out of our level. I don't ask him to make a fortune for us now, but we still want to meet this expert. Can you recommend it?"

After calculating the date on Zhou Ziye, crude oil futures reached their peak in early November, and they can retreat around the tenth. He looked up and said, "I will go back after the 10th of next month, and I will contact you at that time."

They nodded, then raised their hands to signal that they were ready to serve the food. Guo Binjiang then asked: "Why would you think of calling me today?"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said, "Of course I was looking for Mr. Guo to discuss a business. I am also very interested in the second phase of the International Finance Center building and plan to move the company there in the future. So I wanted to find Mr. Guo to get around and start a few floors. "

The Guo brothers were all dumbfounded and looked at each other before Guo Binjiang asked, "I heard it right, right? How many floors do you want to buy?"

Zhou Ziye nodded and said: "If the price is right, I am willing to pay in cash."

Guo Binjiang said: "There are more than 200,000 pings on the first floor, and more than 10,000 pings per ping. Do you have so much funds?"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said, "Mr. Guo still has my funds of more than 10 million U.S. dollars? Since I asked, of course I have prepared funds."

Obviously Guo Binlian has a better understanding of the financial center, saying: "The first to eighth floors are non-sale malls, while the 33rd to 52nd floors are the headquarters of the MTR, the 71st to 76th floors are the Henderson headquarters, the 55th, 56th floors and the Floors 77 to 88 were bought by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. In addition to these floors, a number of banks and other large financial institutions are currently determined to settle in. Although they are only renting, we have to invite them in in order to expand their influence. There are not many floors for you to choose. Since you want to buy a building, you must have inquired about it. The financial center is a joint-stock construction. Although we occupy half of the equity, we cannot ignore the interests of shareholders. I only I can say that it will give you a very reasonable low price."

Zhou Ziye nodded and said with a smile: "I just obtained a sum of money in the futures market, so I am determined to set up a fixed industry.

. At present, the scale of our company is not large. There are more than 20,000 square meters on one floor. I am afraid that one-tenth of my company is enough. I have bought the other floors and still entrust you to rent them out. "

Guo Binjiang asked, "How much cash does Zhou Xiaoyou have now?"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "According to the market price, there is still money to buy a three-story building."

The Guo brothers all looked a little surprised and looked at Zhou Ziye in surprise. They all know that Zhou Ziye's capital is the 18 million U.S. dollars, five million was spent on the house in Dijingyuan, and 12 million was invested in the futures market. Now I want to buy a three-story building, and the price of the three-story building is about 900 million Hong Kong dollars.

Guo Binlian asked: "Isn't Xiaoyou Zhou jokes?"

Zhou Ziye shook his head and smiled and said, "I dare not talk nonsense with the two seniors."

Guo Binlian smiled and said, "Well, I will prepare a copy of the information when I go back, and send someone to send it there. As long as it is an undecided floor, you can pick it up."

Zhou Ziye nodded. Guo Binjiang sighed and said, "Xiaoyou Zhou really impressed me. In a few months, he earned a small half of the annual profit of our company of tens of thousands of people. This ability to make money is really admirable. I don't know how the little friend judges the market situation? Is this also a skill you learned from your master?"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "Isn't there such a stunt of making money without losing money, but when I was in college, I made a set of financial models by myself, and then judged the direction of investment based on market performance."

Guo Binjiang smiled and said, "Is there really no Taoist talk of promoting good fortune and avoiding evil?"

Zhou Ziye shook his head and said, "I am ashamed to say that when I was young, I was not interested in these things. Later, the master's health was not good and he had no chance to learn. However, in Lingshan Palace, there are still a few people in the Taoist temple. Experts, just this week of the Book of Changes, can't be mastered."

Guo Binjiang asked: "Since Zhou Xiaoyou has achieved such good results in the financial market now, I wonder if we have any chance to cooperate in the future?"

Zhou Ziye thought for a while and said: "Since Mr. Guo mentioned it, then I will not hide it. The financial market is unpredictable and this is not a good project for our cooperation. Starting next year, I have a brand new plan. Sir, I can let you participate

. But I can only give you a small share. "

In the early stages of development, Acer had a tradition that cooperation must take a large share. In all the projects they cooperated with, they rarely participated as minority shareholders. Even if Li Chaoren and Li Zhaoji are so powerful, as long as they cooperate with Acer, they can only get a small share.

Guo Binjiang was noncommittal, and asked, "What kind of project, can Xiaoyou Zhou make it easy to tell me?"

Zhou Ziye stared at him and said, "Mine projects. Gold and copper mines."

Guo Binjiang smiled and said: "If it is really an investment in this area, it is an unfamiliar area for us Acer, and we can accept a small share. I don't know how the little friends would think of developing in this area. ?"

Zhou Ziye sighed and said: "I am not afraid of the jokes of the two seniors. The mine project is my main purpose of emigrating to Hong Kong." Seeing that they both listened to them, Zhou Ziye continued: "I have had this coal mine in my home since I was a child. , So I pay more attention to the energy sector. The crude oil market is due to the lack of domestic resources. From selling cheap oil for decades since the founding of the People's Republic of China to buying high-priced oil, I was deeply impressed. Since then , I have been studying changes in this area, and now, I have discovered a new round of international non-ferrous and ferrous metals from the price increase of iron ore. Although I am alone, I am willing to participate in this round. Contribute my own strength to the rising price trend in response to domestic development."

Obviously Guo Binjiang did not expect Zhou Ziye to say this. He hesitated and asked: "I admire the spirit of Xiaoyou very much, but in business, I really want to know Xiaoyou's plan, because it is related to our determination to invest. ."

"I can't tell you too much about the specific situation, but what I can tell you is that I have now mastered some undeveloped mine materials, and these mines will be my foundation."

Guo Binlian asked: "Since the little friend has such a keen observation in the financial market, why should he face the difficulties and enter the energy field closely linked to politics? You know, this is not a good way to go."

Zhou Ziye nodded and said: "The financial market is too variable, and every investment is like a speculation. Although in this market, I may soon be able to earn wealth that others cannot earn in a lifetime, but However, these wealth are not sustainable. Maybe next time, I will lose all my money. In investing in industry, even if the market changes, I still have the necessary risk resistance capabilities, after all, I still have my roots. This is just like your real estate company. Nowadays, building buildings are not sold but only rents are collected. For me, the financial market is just a channel for me to collect money. Investing in the energy field is my real business and can be developed for a lifetime. cause."