Chapter 109

On May 7, 2003, the weather in London was'gloomy'. It has been a week of light rain. Although it did not rain today, the air still feels wet.

Han Jun came out of the big'door' of London's'Mon' Kalm Brewery Hotel and looked at the'gloomy' sky, but felt freedom and joy in his heart. No matter how luxurious the hotel is, he will feel uncomfortable if he stays in jail for half a month.

Seeing the crowds on the street, she was'lost' for a long time before she realized that she was in the most prosperous heart of London. Every pulse here would affect the development of the global economy, and she was actually in this strange place. The place has a firm foothold.

Looking back on the experience of the past six months, she always has a dreamlike feeling. From an ordinary college student who can't speak English well, to a white bone'jing' who'fuck' with a London accent, he actually survived


Xiao Hei's figure has been faded in her heart, how long has it been since she has missed him? When I first came to the UK, I occasionally thought of him, but in these two months, I seemed to have forgotten this person at all.

The driver Wang Guoan drove a Jaguar and steadily parked beside her. She pulled the door of the car and got into the passenger seat. The car went all the way west and went straight to Heathrow Airport. Looking at the scenery flashing outside the window, she soon fell asleep in confusion.

Wang Guoan looked at her delicate tired face and couldn't help sighing. During this period, not to mention that she was a weak'female' child, even their elders were tired enough.

Originally, he was considered the easiest among all bodyguard teams, that is, to be the driver for Han Jun in London. In addition to picking up Han Jun between the rented apartment and office every day, he is practicing English. Although his spoken English is not very good, he can still get past it under normal circumstances. He usually goes out to buy things by himself. You can handle everything like meals.

Since half a month ago, a group of people from the Hong Kong company came to live in the hotel, and their specially trained bodyguards were also sent over to monitor these senior staff 24 hours a day.

Now they are not so easy. They have only six people, but there are fifteen or six employees in this group. Except for the removal of all communication tools at the beginning, any one of them must have the'home'. Two bodyguards followed.

For half a month, a dozen of them lived in the presidential suite of this hotel, and even meals were delivered by the hotel. Wang Guoan knew that this action was a big plan, and no one dared to neglect, watching everyone's every move, for fear that one of them would leak the secrets.

Although it was a little sad and a little boring, but after all this time passed, there was no slightest omission. From the looks of everyone, he knew that his boss made a lot of money this time.

He was also calculating how much bonus he could receive after completing this task. He dare not expect to receive one hundred thousand bonuses like Meng Xiaoxu and the others, but this time at least fifty thousand, right? However, he didn't dare to ask about these things "randomly". If he violated the boss's taboo, he would not have the opportunity to participate in such things in the future.

At the beginning of the year, Zhong Dazhu was triumphant for a while, talking about their actions in Laos, and was deprived of the right to act for two years. Every day, he had to watch the big'door' in the head office.

Wang Guoan waited until the flight landed before waking up the sleeping Han Jun

. Han Jun looked at the time and said complainingly: "Oh, let's go quickly, don't be late for a while."

Wang Guoan said: "The flight will land when it's okay. It takes a while for international flights to leave the station. We have time."

Han Jun jumped out of the car and'kneaded' some tingling'legs' and said, "Brother Wang, let's not be smart, just behave honestly, otherwise, we will be scolded again."

Wang Guoan didn't refute, and smiled honestly. He has seen how Han Jun was scolded by the boss many times, but this girl can improve so much, and now although she can't be alone, she can still make arrangements for her. This is all the credit of the boss's spur. However, he dared not say these words in front of her.

The two waited at the customs gate for less than ten minutes, and they saw the boss taking his'female' friend and Hu Cheng through the customs. Wang Guoan immediately went to the parking lot and drove again. When he drove the car to the exit, several of them were already waiting there.

Since the end of the Spring Festival, Zhou Midnight came to Europe and has been here for three months. He actually didn't want to come so early, but in Hong Kong and the mainland, news about him was raging, and he had to go to Europe to avoid the limelight.

The cause of this incident came from the explosion that broke out a few months ago. Zhou Ziye had a clearer understanding of this incident that not many people cared about at the beginning. So before the outbreak, he donated 12 million masks from Hong Kong government fu, and when it spread in Guangdong, he donated 5 million Zhong Nanshan's research funds, and also donated 500 million customized masks. It was given to the political fu of the eastern region.

500 million masks, even if calculated at the cost price, are 200 million yuan, which caused Zhou Ziye to become popular. After the Hong Kong media gave him the nickname of Brother Mask, the nickname spread throughout the country. This also made Zhou Ziye quite embarrassed, what kind of nickname is not good, how can he meet people in the future when he has such a bad nickname.

In order to avoid the attention of the domestic media, Zhou Ziye slipped to the United Kingdom. It was not until the start of the euro harvesting operation that he went to Switzerland to spend a good vacation with Jiang Yue.

The headquarters of the European Union is in Brussels, and the euro is also issued on a pro rata basis by the central banks of each member country. But in Europe, there is a maverick country, and that is the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has been following the buttocks of the American eldest brother, but has always refused to join the euro zone. According to our statement, this is a traitor to Europe.

Zhou Ziye clearly remembered that at the beginning of May 2003, that is today, the euro finally broke through his issuance exchange rate, and the exchange rate against the US dollar rose to 1 euro to 1

. 19 U.S. dollars, and just over a year before, 1 euro was exchanged for 0.83 U.S. dollars.

Putting the'handling' group in London was the result of careful consideration by Zhou Midnight. First of all, there are countless financiers here, and the market scale is large. When betting on futures, many of the opponents were British financiers. Moreover, it is very close to the European Union, and London can know for the first time any disturbances on the European Union.

However, Zhou Ziye was still afraid of mistakes. Before the "fuck" team arrived in London, he withdrew first. He didn't want to make mistakes and was caught in at once. As long as he is okay, no matter how big the "fuck" group is, he can make up for it outside. The big deal is that this time the income is not needed, but if he is caught, it will inevitably go to jail.

Just yesterday, the market in Singapore was closed. This time, the six-month plan ended successfully. Although the income here is not as good as his income in gold futures, it is also an absolute huge profit. Now let alone the acquisition of mines, it is just to build a few deep-water ports, and he is not short of funds.

Back at the'Mon' Kalm Brewery Hotel, and as soon as they entered the presidential suite on the top floor, all the people cheered when they saw Zhou Ziye. This time is also a rare experience for them. With this battle, in addition to the bonus, even the experience is a red medal of personal qualifications.

The entire group of fifteen people, except for the two lawyers from Norton Rose, two accountants from Ernst & Young, and an'actuary' from UBS, the other ten people are all real team members after Zhou Midnight. Although they are still headed by Wu Danyang, but Zhou Ziye is able to subdue Wu Danyang, naturally they are not afraid that they will miss it in front of them.

Since all the contracts have been'delivered' clearly yesterday, the commissions belonging to UBS have also been directly deducted. So when UBS's'actuarial' staff showed all the'transaction' records, hand counts, and commission lists to Zhou Ziye, they burned all the information directly in the trash can.

The records in everyone's computers were also deleted, and the hard disk was eventually destroyed. These things are not done to be afraid of the police, because it is not illegal, but these actions are a kind of harm to the feelings of EU countries. After all, this is not a general speculation futures index, but a speculation of "sexuality". In the future, if the EU has these evidences, it is very likely that Zhou Ziye will be listed as an unwelcome person. Just like Soros did to England.

After finishing these things in front of Zhou Ziye, everyone's eyes brightened, because they knew that it was time for their harvest.

Zhou Ziye turned on his computer and entered the UBS account. According to Zhou Ziye's instructions, one-half of the funds were put in the account of the Hong Kong Investment Company, and the remaining 40% was put into the account. The account of the property company, and the other 10% is the bonus for the "operation" group


Hu Cheng took out fifteen non-disclosure agreements from his purse, and Wu Danyang distributed them. Including several lawyers and accountants, the five of them will divide up five thousandths of them, and the remaining nine staff members will each have five thousandths. Danyang is unique.

This is not a small sum. The "operations" of the past six months have brought Zhou Ziye almost 2 billion US dollars in revenue. Ten percent is 200 million U.S. dollars. Even those lawyers and accountants each have an additional income of 2 million U.S. dollars, while the remaining staff members each have 10 million U.S. dollars. As for Wu Danyang, it is 100 million. Income in dollars.

According to international practice, the 10% commission is not high, but Zhou Ziye's income this time is too amazing, which has caused the embarrassing situation of everyone becoming a multi-millionaire. If you don't have the kind of ambition, you can now enjoy your life with this money. As long as you don't "scrape", I'm afraid it will be enough for a lifetime.

After signing the non-disclosure agreement, UBS's'actuarial' immediately, under Zhou Ziye's arrangement, injected the funds that had been prepared into everyone's account.

Han Jun took everyone's phone into the room and returned the phone to them. Wu Danyang took out the checkbook, swiped it and wrote a check and handed it to Zhou Ziye. "Our team has been taking care of Miss Han for the past half month. For this time, the amount of income is indeed beyond my expectations. Boss, you have paid 200 million, so don't care about me. Millions to thank Miss Han."

Zhou Ziye smiled and said, "Then I will thank you for Han Jun this time." He stopped Han Jun and was about to give her the check. Suddenly he thought of a suspicious point and asked, "Old Wu, you Does it mean anything else?"

Wu Danyang's old face froze, and he said embarrassingly: "Where did you think of it, there is nothing..."

The more he said this, the more suspicious Zhou Ziye was. This Wu Danyang man is not old. However, in front of so many people, he certainly wouldn't embarrass him. He handed the check to Han Jun and said, "I originally prepared a bonus for you, but since Mr. Wu gave it, I also saved a fortune. You accept the money and you can'spend' it as you like."

Han Jun looked at the amount above and was shocked. He immediately shook his head and said, "This is too much.

Zhou Ziye said: "Let you accept it, there is not so much nonsense. You will learn from these seniors in the future, and strive to get a bonus of 10 million in the future, instead of this mere two million. However, you Also remember to me, the mouth is closed tightly, and no one can say what the money is for.

. Just say that it is the bonus issued by the company. "

Han Jun looked at him and then at Wu Danyang, then he accepted the check a little embarrassingly, but his heart was still pounding nervously. Ever since she was young, how has she seen so much money!

Cheng Ling asked on their behalf: "Zhou, don't you know if your company needs talents like us?"

Zhou Ziye pondered for a while and said: "You have to consider this matter carefully. There will certainly not be too many opportunities like this in the future, but there will definitely be more. And in the future, our company will also have venture capital and capital mergers. Many times when professionals like yours are needed. I can only guarantee that if you change jobs, your income will be higher than before."

Cheng Ling smiled and said: "With the confidence of two million dollars, I think we are willing to give it a try."

Including UBS' actuarial mathematicians nodded and said: "In the past six months, I have earned the money I have worked for 20 years. Why should I not follow you with Mr. Zhou?"

Zhou Ziye had long wanted to cultivate a group of lawyers, accountants, and'actuarial' teams of his own. With the cooperation of the past six months, I was very satisfied with them, and experienced this "divided up the spoils", so I still trust them. He nodded and said: "Since everyone is interested in working together, then I certainly will not reject talents like you. You can discuss the specific conditions with Mr. Wu, I only ask for one point. Whether it is Norton Rose or Ernst & Young The accounting firm and UBS are both important partners of our company in the future. Therefore, your resignation must be approved by the original company."

Several of them nodded. In the original company, their annual salary was in the tens of thousands of dollars, and the highest-paid UBS'actuarial's were only in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, but in the company of Zhou Midnight, their salary was not only Will increase, and there will be opportunities to participate in various investments, this income will be useless.

They have been following this'fuck' as a group work, and they are even harder than them, but they take 10 million, and they only have 2 million. This kind of gap is unbearable for ordinary people.

Hu Cheng harvested the confidentiality agreement, and Zhou Ziye said happily: "After working hard for half a year, today I invite everyone to have a good meal. Starting tomorrow, everyone will have one month's paid vacation. In June, I will You need to work hard."

At this moment, both the Easterners and the Westerners responded enthusiastically. The German'actuarial' with a big beard hugged Zhou Ziye. "Thank you boss, I promise with our German character that I will not let you down on me."