Chapter 112

Before the Spring Festival, they followed Zhou Ziye to Hong Kong. Zhou Ziye knows the power of the **, and also knows that the domestic catch-up and chaos afterwards, even if there were signs in Hong Kong at any time, she still brought her to Hong Kong. In the Dijingyuan where they live, the management is very strict. Zhou Ziye's home is more like an independent world, and the prevention of ** is much better than that of the mainland.

Later, when an epidemic broke out in Hong Kong, all the people here stayed in Hong Kong. Until this time, the traffic control on both sides was lifted. Having fun in Hong Kong, I followed my grandmother every day to recognize and read, practice piano, and watch a large number of animated CDs that Zhou Ziye bought for her. There was no one to beat and scold, so she didn't want to go back.

She cried a few times because of this, but she is not registered in Hong Kong and it is more difficult to go to school.

. The main reason is that Zhou Ziye could not deprive his sister of the right to take care of the children because of this, and finally decided to send her back. If his sister wants to go, she will be transferred to Hong Kong to go to school.

When I returned to Yunshan, although the "yin" cloud of the ** had not dissipated, the social order had already returned to the original "touching". Zhou Ziye inspected the base of the property company and saw hundreds of strong men training in the factory area. He also felt that this had some bad effects.

Although the base currently rents the adjacent factory area, the area has expanded a lot, but the number of people has increased even more. The total number of the company has now reached 3,000, but most of them are scattered in the various communities managed by the company.

At present, part of the factory area is an armed escort team composed of'hard' and capable veterans, and another part is the group of field soldiers left behind by the'door'. These people Zhou Ziye prepared to apply for passports for them as soon as possible and sent them to Laos as security guards of the mines. It was indeed too conspicuous to stay in the country.

Zhou Ziye asked this question when he visited Wang Jianguo. Wang Jianguo was a bit disapproving. He said, "Doing things in China doesn't care how conspicuous you do it. It only cares whether you do it under permitted conditions. Now that you have filed for the record and the country has not stopped your behavior, then you Just do it without worry."

Zhou Ziye nodded in relief and raised the issue of the ordnance needed to gain a foothold in the Golden Triangle. "I thought about it for a long time. If you want to truly gain a foothold in the Golden Triangle, people alone are not enough. There are many gangs there are fully armed. We only have batons, so it's not a problem at all. So, Uncle Wang, can you? Mention it above?"

Wang Jianguo thought about it for a long time before he said, "You tell me the truth, why did you think of going to the Golden Triangle to mine? There are so many mines in the world, which place do you choose?"

Regarding Wang Jianguo, Zhou Ziye made no secret, saying: "The main purpose is to train soldiers. I need a cradle to train talents. In the future, I will not only be in the Golden Triangle, but also in the Philippines, but also in Africa, and Investment mines in the Americas, there are many places here, many of which are so safe. If you want to protect your property, you must have the power of deterrence."

Wang Jianguo said doubtfully: "There are also many domestic companies investing abroad, don't they also have no armed forces?!"

Zhou Ziye nodded and said: "Yes, domestic enterprises are not that I look down upon, but they simply cannot be respected. When it is time to talk about economic means, they like to use political means. When in need of deterrence, they They also like to rely on political means. When they need political means, they still use political means.

. No matter what they have, they like to rely on government officials to solve problems. They never learn to solve problems by themselves. This is precisely the case, and all the problems in China are dealt with by the state for foreign companies and countries. These companies are extensions of the country's political power and thus collectively resist. A lot of the problem is actually that the government is wiping their butt, but they still have the impression that Chinese companies can't do business and are completely relying on national power to run rampant. "

Wang Jianguo was shocked and asked, "Can you stand firm without relying on the support of the state?"

Zhou Ziye shook his head and said: "It is difficult to do business in foreign countries, especially mine development like mine, without the support of the state. However, we are a company after all, and we will use more economic power to solve the problem. The question, no matter what the result will be, at least we will not discredit our faces."

"The control of military forces is very tight in the country. As a local official, I cannot speak to you in this regard. Don't you have a good relationship with the Northern Fleet? You can get some support from them."

Zhou Ziye shook his head and said: "I definitely can't use domestic weapons, otherwise, all kinds of conspiracy theories will be spread. I only need to get the approval of the country, and then I will solve other problems by myself. I will. Da Ming is arrogantly purchasing internationally, so that he can have a real deterrent."

Wang Jianguo said: "According to your statement, then Miss Zhu is the real route you should take."

Zhou Ziye sighed and said: "Her father has retired this year, and I don't know if I should disturb her. The import sales license for mineral products she issued to me has attracted a lot of criticism. At present, others have the right to import and export. They were all taken back by the country, but it was because I was specialized and acted against the wind, which put her under a lot of pressure. I really don't want to disturb her about this matter."

Wang Jianguo said: "You are wrong. The more this is the time, the more you should find her, and I am sure that she will be very willing to spread the word for you."

Seeing Wang Jianguo's affirmative eyes, Zhou Ziye believed it. Although he still couldn't figure out the connection, he was willing to trust the judgment of a politician, because only politicians knew politicians better.

Wang Jianguo finally told him directly. "You go to Miss Zhu, she won't think this is trouble, on the contrary, she will think you have her in your heart. As long as you don't conflict, she will always see you as a good partner."

Contact Miss Zhu. She is still in Hong Kong. At present, the isolation in the capital has not ended, and now he cannot enter the capital. With Wang Jianguo's guidance, he also gave up the idea of ​​seeking help from the second generation of the army. I took a few more trained bodyguards from home, and Zhou Ziye returned to Hong Kong.


With Hu Cheng and the others as role models, there are now many veterans who are pursuing them. The original eight-person team increased to nearly fifty in November last year. There is no need to worry about the force value at all, but the foreign language training is really not satisfactory. There are many soldiers who have not been able to communicate simply in English after three months of training, so they had to be incorporated into the field army to manage the security team in the future. As for the channel for upward development, it was temporarily closed.

At present, several different classes have formed in the ranks of these veterans. The most common are ordinary security guards, then escorts, and the next higher level are field soldiers who will be sent abroad as security guards. The highest level is Zhou Ziye's bodyguard team. According to the different ranks, the treatments vary greatly, and a perfect competition system has also been formed among the soldiers.

Hu Cheng is now not so much as Zhou Ziye's bodyguard leader, but as his internal affairs secretary, who specializes in handling some chores around Zhou Ziye. As for the business assistant, Zhou Ziye has not found a suitable candidate. However, this is not something he is particularly urgent. At present, there are not many branches and there are not many places to worry about. These matters For Zhou Ziye, he can handle it with ease.

The first time she returned to Hong Kong, Zhou Ziye contacted Miss Zhu. As Wang Jianguo said, Miss Zhu didn't feel embarrassed about Zhou Ziye's visit to the door for help, so she made a call directly.

In less than half an hour, a man and a woman arrived at her office under the leadership of her secretary. Zhou Ziye recognized them at a glance. Thinking of their prominent position in the future, Zhou Ziye knew that he was being valued more and more by the country. From now on, the status of the people in contact with him is getting higher and higher, and he can clearly feel it.

Miss Zhu introduced them to them: "Xiao Zhou, let me introduce you to Director Qin Tie of the Liaison Office of the Central Committee of the People's Republic of China. The one next to him is Deputy Director Qi Yu.... I don't have to give this to the two of you. Let me introduce him. I am afraid you know his information better than me."

Zhou Ziye pretended not to hear these words, and shook hands with Qin Gang and said, "Hello Director Qin, this is Zhou Ziye." Then he shook hands with Qi Yu. This Qin Tie later became the domestic representative to the United Nations. As for this Qi Yu, she later became more famous than Qin Tie. Because she later served as the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she was known for her sharp words and fled with shame for rebutting Japanese journalists. She is also famous internationally.

Several people exchanged greetings, and Zhou Ziye told them all of what he meant. The two of them were also quite astonished, because they never thought that Zhou Ziye wanted to organize an armed gang and dared to tell them clearly about policies.

After a long silence, Qi Yu first asked: "Mr. Zhou, we also have some understanding of what you did in China, including the establishment of such a large-scale property company. We did not stop.

. But why are you so bold that you want to form an armed group? This is strictly prohibited by our country's laws. "

Zhou Ziye said: "That's why I thought about setting up abroad."

Qi Yu said aggressively, "Tell me your reasons."

Zhou Ziye nodded and said: "From the beginning of the development of this mine in the Golden Triangle, I have known that the situation here is'chaotic'. Even this mine can't make money, but I have to name myself. Fight out. Because only in this way, when I go to the Philippines, Indonesia, and Africa to develop mines, those foreign forces will not block me in small areas or resort to'yin' tricks. This is often a problem that our country's energy companies often encounter abroad."

Qi Yu said: "This is not a necessary reason for you to form an armed group. Don't forget, behind you is our powerful motherland."

Zhou Ziye said: "I know, but will you let me protest to the other party when I encounter a problem and move out of the country to suppress people? What is the difference between what I do and those state-owned enterprises? If I do this, overseas companies will not The meeting also said that I am unfair competition? In the commercial field, more commercial means are needed to deal with it. The armed forces of my organization will not violate international laws and regulations. They are just normal security forces, even in the future. I can also protect the overseas enterprises of state-owned enterprises. As long as this force of my organization is carrying out normal business activities, no country or individual can fault it. This will have greater benefits for the overseas development of the enterprise."

"But the country has no precedent, nor can it allow such forces to appear."

Zhou Ziye shook his head and said: "In foreign countries, since the emergence of mercenaries in Switzerland in the 16th century, the development of mercenaries has always played a significant role in history. By the 1960s and 1970s, mercenaries gradually became an auxiliary force on the battlefield. Decline, but replaced by the security force of the corporate model. Nowadays, Blackwater companies like the United States have turned the main business direction of auxiliary operations and security into service providers for the US military, which shows that security companies are not only showing off by force. On the contrary, this kind of power can perform some services that are difficult for the military. At present, most of the world's large mining companies have business dealings with major security companies. How about our own company? Do we rely on the military? "

Qin Tie was silent for a long time, and finally spoke. "For this idea of ​​yours, I personally don't agree with it. A businessman should not think about developing in this direction. This is a very dangerous trend. However, I will report your idea to the top to decide. The result. I'm curious, you are only 25 years old, why are you so confident that you can gain a foothold in the international market by force? Commercial behavior still depends on commercial means to solve problems.

. "

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "If foreign forces think so, then I am certainly not afraid. Only by commercial means, I am not afraid of any company's confrontation. But when they have additional means, how can I compete with each other? To give a very simple example. If I report the true reserves of this mine in Laos, it will attract the coveting of the industry predators. They only need to win over a power around the mine, and they can completely remove us from this land. Drive away. Do you rely on domestic affairs? No! Do you rely on Laos government? They don't have the ability to manage at all here, so I can only rely on myself."

Qin Tie curiously said: "We all know that you have money, but to organize such an armed team also requires a lot of funds. We are curious about how much money you have at your disposal now. At the time of the Spring Festival, you donated Used masks worth 200 million yuan."

Miss Zhu couldn't help showing a smile on her face. Zhou Ziye remembered her title of mask brother again, and she smiled a little. He smiled and said: "It is not convenient for me to reveal the specific amount, but in the domestic rankings, I can easily rank first."

Qin Tieleng said: "Last year the richest man, Mr. Rong, had assets of 7 billion yuan."

Zhou Ziye nodded and said: "I couldn't compare to him last year, but now my assets far exceed him."

Qin Tie nodded and said: "I understand. So, you need to provide a rough list of assets and a detailed description of the source. Then provide a plan for the formation of armed forces, and I will return to Beijing to declare it personally, but Whether I can get permission or not is beyond my control."

Zhou Ziye stretched out his hand and shook his hand and said, "It should be. I didn't expect to mention this to Miss Zhu, and she called you over, which caught me off guard and didn't have time to prepare. Material."

Zhou Ziye took out his business cards and gave them each one. "Please also two of you give me a contact method, and I will personally visit the'door' the next morning."

Qin Tie nodded and gave Zhou Ziye a business card and said: "We will call at that time, and reporters at the'door' of our office are really inconvenient."

Qi Yu also left Zhou Ziye's contact information, and several people parted ways. Their identities are too sensitive. It is inconvenient for Zhou Ziye to invite them to dinner. If they are discovered by a reporter, I don't know what news they will make up.