Chapter 116

Cheng Ling and Xiaoya chose their own house. Under Cheng Ling's bewilderment, they chose the cheapest mansion in Mid-Levels, Xiaofeng Pavilion. This is the smallest luxury house in the middle of the mountain, and the largest house area is only about 130 square meters. For the current housing prices in Hong Kong, five million Hong Kong dollars can be settled.

Zhou Ziye filled out the check and went over to take a look. Xiaoya's house is on the 30th floor and belongs to a mountain view room, which means that you can't see the scenery of Hong Kong city and can only face the mountain. But since Xiaoya likes this house, she has nothing to say at midnight.

. According to Xiaoya's needs, he invited an expert from a design firm to redesign, leaving only two bedrooms in this 130 square meter house, and designed a practice room specially for the door.

The house has not been arranged yet, Zhou Ziye waited for Cheng Ning's call to announce the good news. "The controversy has now come to an end, this time your plan is very likely to come true."

Zhou Ziye's restless heart for half a month finally fell. Cheng Ning was able to call him this number, indicating that the matter has been mostly successful. And in this one, if Cheng Ning hadn't made great efforts, Zhou Ziye would definitely not believe it. "How can I thank you? My good sister!"

Cheng Ning was a little embarrassed. "Boy, just know who treats you nicely."

Within two days, Zhou Ziye received a call from Qi Yu. "Hello, Mr. Zhou, the relevant department has made a decision regarding the plan you declared. Please come to our office at your convenience, and we will give you a briefing on the result of this matter, and some The document also needs your signature."

"I'm free now, I don't know if Director Qi is busy now?" Zhou Ziye waited for half a month for this matter, and was anxious to know what the final result would be, but I didn't want to delay it and let myself worry about it all the time. .

"Well, I am waiting for you in our office."

It's good to live in Mid-levels. It's very convenient to go to Central for business. You can drive down the hillside. Zhou Ziye left a little glance this time. He didn't want to get in and get out, so he asked his cousin Zhou Ziyang to follow him. When he was almost there, Zhou Ziye said to him: "I will enter from the underground parking lot later. If you haven't got out for an hour, you will drive your car to the big'door' outside and wait for me. If a reporter asks you, You just said that I am here to prepare a charity foundation for students in poverty-stricken areas, so I came to seek the support of the mainland government."

Zhou Ziyang asked: "Brother, you didn't do anything illegal, right?! Why do I feel embarrassed."

Zhou Ziye smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm just in case."

He drove the car into the underground parking lot. After getting the signal to enter at the elevator entrance, he waved his hand and Zhou Ziyang drove away from here. Zhou Ziye entered the elevator and found that there was no floor button inside, but the elevator automatically started to move up. He stared at himself in the glass mirror motionlessly. He was sure that at least two cameras were aimed at him at this moment.

The elevator stopped, and as soon as the'door' opened, two young staff in their twenties waited at the elevator entrance, their tall and straight bodies showing their military origins

. Nodded with Zhou Ziye, one of them said: "Hello Mr. Zhou, the safety regulations are restricted, we

A check must be done on what you are carrying. "

Zhou Ziye nodded, and took out his mobile phone and wallet on the desktop next to him. They used the scanner to go around Zhou Ziye's body and asked Zhou Ziye to put the things back in again.

Although the'door' card is very strict, the facilities here are very average. Zhou Ziye looked over at a glance. The layout was similar to that of a factory office. Everyone was doing their own thing methodically, but they couldn't help but look at the outsider Zhou Ziye.

After passing through the hall, Zhou Ziye was taken to the'door' of an office in the back. Before the staff knocked on the'door', Qi Yu opened the room'door' and said with a smile: "Welcome, Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Ziye said with a smile: "Compared to such occasions, I would rather have the opportunity to have tea with Director Qi in some relaxing places."

Qi Yu lost the anger from the last meeting, and accepted Zhou Ziye's olive branch. He smiled and said, "I thought Mr. Zhou is so young and would like some Western gadgets more."

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "I haven't even studied the things in my own country. How can I care to pay attention to foreign things unless these things can bring me benefits."

Qi Yu nodded, and the two staff members saluted and left. She stretched out her hand to Zhou Ziye and said, "Please come in."

Qi Yu's office looks very rudimentary, except for a safe that is more eye-catching, and it is no different from an ordinary office. A bookcase, a desk, a sofa that can accommodate five people to sit down and talk, and a drinking fountain.

Instead of sitting back in front of the desk, Qi Yu asked Zhou Ziye to sit down on the sofa. She picked up a glass of water for Zhou Ziye and sat on the single sofa next to her.

Zhou Ziye smiled and said, "Director Qi's office is probably more rudimentary than that of domestic township officials. The configuration is too bad. I think this computer is already outdated."

Qi Yu smiled and said: "Our funds are limited, so naturally we can't compare to your big boss. I heard that you spent 900 million on a three-story building in the International Finance Center all at once. How can we compare?!"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said: "We are engaged in investment, even if we have no money, we must pretend to be rich. Face is sometimes more important than lining.

. "

Qi Yu nodded and said, "But at the speed you make money, it would be too hypocritical to say that you have no money. I am very curious, how did you not turn 12 million into More than two billion dollars?"

"Luck plus strength." The assets that Zhou Ziye declared to the country were nearly 3 billion U.S. dollars. Of course, this is not all his assets. There are three caves in the cunning rabbit, how could he reveal his details.

Qi Yu did not continue to ask about this. He took a bag of papers from the desk and handed it to Zhou Ziye and said, "There are some instructions from the leaders on your declaration, and we have a meeting on your matter. You can just check the results of the review, and you don't need to keep them."

Zhou Ziye took the file bag and'pulled out' the information in it. The entry is his own declaration, but it is already a photocopy. Turn to the end. There are a lot of instructions and signatures densely packed, many of which are big figures like Lei Guaner, and the lower the position, the higher the status.

From the signatures above, you can find the leaders' thinking changes. The middle-level leaders are repelling this matter, but when you get to the upper level, some instructions are more meaningful.

For example, one of the great figures did not make a statement on Zhou Ziye's application at all, but wrote a sentence,'Advance with the times and serve the motherland. '

The last signature is the final word. What is written is'No support, no intervention. '

Zhou Ziye continued to look down again. This was the verdict that really determined his outcome. Zhou Ziye is very unaccustomed to this kind of "flower" official articles. After reading it for the first time, he felt that he did not agree with his application. He raised his head and glanced at Qi Yu, thinking that this incident shouldn't be the result, and looked at it a second time.

This time, he finally saw the taste in the two sentences. One of the sentences is'Under the new international environment, we must not stick to the rules, but we must emancipate our minds, keep pace with the times, and expand the country's international competitiveness to all levels of society and people's livelihood. '

There is another sentence:'In view of the increasingly complex international environment, we must have more flexible and effective methods to deal with it. '

These two sentences are sandwiched in two full pages. If you don't pay attention, you really can't understand the meaning. If Zhou Ziye was only a 25-year-old young man, I am afraid that he would not be able to truly comprehend it.

Zhou Ziye was silent for a long time, and confirmed that this matter was passed, and asked with surprise: "Director Qi, am I getting the Shangfang sword?"

Qi Yu smiled and said, "It's not as good as you thought. If you want the state to allow your behavior, you must also accept several conditions of the state.

. "

Zhou Ziye nodded and said, "It should be, please say it."

However, Qi Yu motioned to wait a while, got up and pressed the intercom on the desk and said, "Please call Director Yuan and Assistant Zhang to my office." She turned around and said, "According to the regulations, when I notify you, , Two or more staff members must be present to make sure that the order I conveyed is correct."

Zhou Ziye nodded. After a while, two men from one old one and one middle school entered the office. Zhou Ziye got up and shook hands with them respectively. After a few greetings, they all finished.

Qi Yu opened a folder on the desk in his hand, looked at everyone, and then read: "Regarding Guangbo Company's declaration of armed forces, resolution 031215, I am here on behalf of the organization and read out the relevant clauses to the declarer Zhou Ziye. During this period, there should be no noise. If there is any doubt, I will explain the specific matters on behalf of the organization later." After a pause, she continued to read: "Guangbo Company is a resource company with an international vision... ..."

Qi Yu's voice mellowed and faltered, clearly distinguishing the levels of a resolution. Zhou Ziye summed up, mainly there are several clauses: First, the formation of armed forces must be under the supervision and management of the party and the state. Second, the range of weapons used by the armed forces is controlled within the range of light weapons. Third, although Zhou Ziye has the power to command the name of the armed forces, he still has to obey the leadership of the party and the state. Fourth, the armed forces must not provocation on their own initiative and violate the laws and regulations of the country where they are located.

Zhou Ziye was silent for a long time. These conditions were not beyond his expectation. It is impossible for the country to let him freely'manipulate' an armed force. But in the face of this simple written resolution, there are still many issues that need to be discussed.

For example, under the state's monitoring and management of the armed forces, the scale in the middle is very large. You can send only a few people to watch Zhou Ziye's every move, or you can directly send someone to take over the management power. The choice of weapons is better to say. The country will definitely not allow such a force to be equipped with tanks, artillery, intercontinental missiles, and other things. Zhou Ziye didn't want to have these things. He just wanted to equip weapons like ak47.

The third article is very interesting. Since the armed forces are monitored and managed by the state, why does Zhou Ziye still accept leadership? What kind of acceptance is it? The last one is also very interesting. What is active and passive? If you really want to pick something up, there are many excuses you can find. The United States attacked Iraq and France beat Libya. Is it all Xianli? The key is to see whether you can do things and whether you can build momentum.