Chapter 118 Tanma Copper Mine Project

After the decision of Guangbo Property Investment in Laos was approved, a large number of work visas were also approved by the Lao government. All domestic talents began to enter Laos, a neighboring country. A team of hundreds of people entered Laos from Yunnan through the Lancang River, which is the Mekong River. Within


Prior to this, through Cheng Ning's relationship with the ministries and commissions, Guangbo Products recruited a large number of professional and technical personnel from Yunse Company, and also purchased a large number of large-scale machinery and equipment, and began a large-scale transfer to Laos.

A small wharf built in the north of Huixhai has entered a busy working state. This small wharf is one kilometer away from the mine, and between the lofty mountains, there is about one square kilometer of flat land. In the previous life, this was the location of the beneficiation plant and the refinery, and now everything is built according to the model of the previous life, saving a lot of effort.

On June 25th, after a large number of staff and mechanical equipment were in place, Zhou Ziye led a huge delegation on a chartered flight and finally set foot on this familiar land in his previous life.

In addition to Cheng Ning who came to Laos with Zhou Ziye, her mother also included a large number of experts from the Ministry of Industry. They are here to inspect the local investment environment, the distribution of mineral resources in Laos, and to implement more accurate tests on the local ore, and make the most optimal refining decision.

Although in Zhou Ziye's mind, he already knew the mine's grade and the optimized refining plan. But in the face of this opportunity to'make good' with all parties, of course he has to pretend to be ignorant, and try his best to provide them with a superior environment and win over their group of influential experts.

In addition to these experts, the delegation also included the staff of the Lao consulate in Hong Kong, the staff of the Foreign Investment Department of the Hong Kong Government, and the relevant departments of the mainland government.

For the project with a total investment of more than 100 million U.S. dollars, the delegation also received a warm welcome from all sectors of the Lao government. From the chairman of the country to the prime minister, from the speaker of the parliament to the commander of the army, they explained their welcome and response to the project from various aspects.

Zhou Ziye held discussions with Lao politicians from all walks of life in Vientiane for nearly a week, and finally determined the specific details of the entire investment.

The investment in the Tanma copper mine project this time has a total investment of 140 million U.S. dollars, of which 130 million U.S. dollars will be used for the development and construction of the mine, and the remaining 10 million U.S. dollars will be used for power grid laying and environmental protection. In addition, Zhou Ziye also donated 5 million US dollars to transport 120 public transportation vehicles from China to the public transportation network in Vientiane.

Huishai itself is located in the hinterland of the Golden Triangle, which was originally a weak area controlled by the state. Luang Namtha has always been the largest production base of drugs in the Golden Triangle. Almost all farmers depend on drugs for their livelihoods.

Regarding the development and construction of such a region, Laos is very active in politics. This investment can provide at least thousands of direct employment opportunities and directly benefit tens of thousands of people, which will drive the regional economic strength of the entire region to rise, which will affect the total population. For Laos, which is only a few million, it is indeed a big project.


Regarding taxation, the Lao government directly reduced the basic corporate taxes and fees for five years. Of course, the share of mineral products and export taxes are the big "fat" meat that Laos cannot give up. Less concessions, but still need to be paid in accordance with the Laos tax rate.

The agreement stipulates that all copper products of the Tanma Copper Mine will be sold abroad as export commodities. As mine derivatives of gold and silver, the Lao government enjoys priority purchase rights, and the price is paid at 75% of the international market. Of course, with the economic strength of Laos, this part will offset the tax in the future.

But Zhou Ziye was already satisfied with this. In the previous life, when their company entered, they didn't have such favorable conditions. In this world, I have achieved my goal by using mainland politics and Hong Kong island politics to build momentum.

Cheng Ning's mother and her daughter were also very excited after all the agreements were signed. Although they have no interest in the ownership of the mine, almost all of the mine's products are sold domestically, which means that more than half of the profits belong to them. They don't even need to pay a penny for this transaction, just Some human relations expenditures, with such a result, what is there to be dissatisfied with? !

They are happy, and Zhou Ziye is even more happy. They paid half of the sales profit of the product, but they exhausted all the talents in the mineral field. Experts from mine exploration to beneficiation to refining were recruited by Cheng Ning's mother and daughter. To build such a team on his own, I'm afraid what is needed is not a matter of money, but a matter of time. what.

If you want to pit Cheng Ning and the others, you only need to increase the ex-factory price of electrolytic copper or'cathode' copper, then you will dig a big chunk of their profits. Of course, Zhou Ziye will not be so short-sighted. They have such a large network of relationships in China, which is a relationship that can't be caught by'spending' money.

If it weren't for Cheng Ning's fix, how could he do things so smoothly? How could Zhou Ziye be willing to break his arm. Therefore, Zhou Ziye will not only not'yin' Cheng Ning, but will try her best to subdue her and tap her more potential to serve herself.

After staying in Vientiane for a week, all official problems were solved. Zhou Ziye went to the meeting under the follow of many entourages. There will be a grand groundbreaking ceremony, which can be regarded as Zhou Ziye's "showing" face in front of all the forces, and also more in-depth "communication" with all forces.

From Vientiane to Huixai, although the straight-line distance is not far, most of the time is to travel between the lofty mountains, and it takes at least ten hours to travel.

. Of course, Zhou Midnight would not choose such a dangerous road, but directly chartered a flight to go there. An hour later, dozens of them had already landed at the airport in Huishan.

Although Huishai is a provincial capital, its size is only equivalent to a small remote county in China. Several larger hotels throughout the city have long been occupied by experts who arrived earlier. However, because all the hotels in the city were contracted by Hu Cheng and the others, the dozens of people they came over would not end up on the streets.

Of course, this was just a joke. Some of his subordinates stayed in the hotel. Zhou Ziye and most of the politicians moved into the place specially prepared by the provincial politicians of Po Qiao. Zhou Ziye and Cheng Ning's mother lived in a villa arranged by the Provincial Government Fu Zhuan.

Although this villa is not big, the environment is quite good. It is located on the bank of the Mekong River, opposite Thailand. Comparing the sceneries on both sides of the river, you can find that Thailand's economy is much better than this side, and the residential buildings there are at least one grade better than this side.

After attending the banquet hosted by the provincial government fu, Zhou Ziye returned to the villa, and many of Wang Yong and his subordinates who were in Huishai waited at the big gate outside the courtyard. The staff did not dare to expel them, but did not dare to let them in. Seeing Zhou Ziye and they came back, Zhou Ziye signaled that they opened the big'gate' in the yard.

Cheng Ning's mother Li Hui laughed when she saw this scene. "Xiao Zhou, you seem to have a lot of things, so let's rest first."

Zhou Ziye nodded and smiled and said, "Aunt Li, take a break first. Tomorrow I will let someone show you around. Although it is a little poorer here, there are still many beautiful sights."

After sending Li Hui and the others into the house, Zhou Ziye turned around to the swimming pool beside the river in the courtyard, and greeted these subordinates to sit down on the seats beside the swimming pool. The staff brought a few plates of tropical fruits, and they clearly moved away from this area.

As his representative, Hu Cheng reported the results of recent work. "From March to the present, all the work plans have not achieved the expected goals. The main reason is that the construction of the power grid has been lagging behind, and the progress of many projects has been slow. The people here are so poor, but there is no desire to change the status quo. Do things lazily. If you let us use the policy of gentleness, we can't force it too tightly..."

Zhou Ziye interrupted him and said, "You are not staring here, and you are not to blame for these things, so don't review it here. You think the progress of the project here is slow, but I don't think so. First of all, you have to figure out, what is the main goal of our mining here?! Your thinking is still limited to a small circle, which disappoints me a bit. I thought you and I went around in Europe and have expanded Vision, now it seems that your mind needs to continue to emancipate

. "

Zhou Ziye's eyes swept around in front of everyone and said: "Developing this mine is only a commercial purpose for making money. One day earlier and one day later will not do much harm to our interests. It is nothing more than'spending' a little more salary. If we want to truly gain a foothold in this place of chaos and chaos, what do we really need? People's support! You have contacted several major forces here. What do they rely on to survive here? Isn't it the people's support? They are drug dealers and drug lords to the outside world, but in the local area, they are the peasants' rescue gods and protectors, so no matter how disgusting them outside, they still survive, because the local farmers are the soil for their survival. We mine here not only to make money from this mine, but also to establish a local sphere of influence that belongs to us. Therefore, we would rather slow down the project than we will not disgust the locals."

After listening to Wang Yong's report to several local forces, Zhou Ziye thought for a while and said: "You will visit these forces tomorrow and invite them to the groundbreaking ceremony the day after tomorrow. I also happened to see them."

Wang Yong hesitated for a moment and said, "Except for Crazy Wang, I'm afraid everyone else would not dare to come in person."

"It doesn't matter, as long as they send someone and know what I mean."

Qiao Houfu, who was still in the run-in period with Zhou Ziye, opened his mouth and said, "I know you are here, and the person in charge of various projects also wants to see you."

Qiao Houfu was originally the director of a refinery under the Yun'se Group. He just retired last year. He is now hired by Cheng Ning to be the commander of the preparatory stage and as the general manager in the future. Having worked in this industry all his life, he is very clear about the various projects in it. The area where he used to work is only two hundred kilometers, and he can work well without adapting to the environment.

Be more polite to him at midnight, nodded and said: "I have time tomorrow night, and all reports will be scheduled for tomorrow night. You will notify them one by one and tell them that I need conciseness in my report tomorrow. , Efficient, let them all abandon their previous temperament in state-owned enterprises, and don't report on those fake and empty rhetoric."

After getting a comprehensive understanding of the local situation, Zhou Ziye sent away a few of them. After many days of high-intensity mental activities, even he felt tired.

Although he was criticized a lot, Hu Cheng was very happy. From Zhou Ziye's words, he knew that Zhou Ziye still had great expectations of him. As long as he didn't lose points, his future development would be very bright.