Chapter 121

The ship arrived at the pier on the construction site, and has not yet disembarked. The lion dancers from Hong Kong and the cultural and artistic performers from Thailand began their enthusiastic performances. Although Zhou Ziye knew that most of these people from Thailand were shemales, he still couldn't help being stunned by their beauty, let alone those second generations.

Xiang Yong stared at a fair-skinned ladyboy with a pair of plump breasts for a while, and couldn't help but whispered: "What is the charge here?"

Zhou Ziye smiled and said, "If you don't mind walking through the back door, you can ask Wang Yong."

"The back door?!" Xiang Yong hesitated for a while and reacted, and he snorted twice, and said disgustingly: "They are shemales?!" Everyone laughed loudly, amused Xiang Yong, which made Xiang Xiang Yong is even more disgusting, he actually drools at a ladyboy.

Zhou Ziye didn't have time to stir up with them, and as soon as the boat stopped, the first one went ashore. Qiao Houfu, Hu Cheng, and Cheng Ning stood in a row behind him and began to greet all the guests one by one.

In addition to domestic and Laos political staff, neighboring countries Thailand, Myanmar, also sent staff to come. Even the United Nations Economic Aid Agency, the World Development Bank, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have all come to watch the ceremony. In addition to Zhou Ziye's investment this time, it is also because of Zhou Ziye's declaration to improve the local economic structure. This is a booster for everyone.

As the poorest country in Southeast Asia, Laos has always relied on opium cultivation for its mountainous economy. Due to the complex situation in the Golden Triangle region, no government can develop in-depth here. Zhou Ziye's investment in mines here has obviously promoted the local economy, but the improvement of people's livelihood can be changed by opening one or two companies.


Everyone wants to see what Zhou Ziye plans to do in addition to mine development, and what he is relying on to improve the local economic structure. This is why he has received a lot of attention this time.

After Zhou Ziye arrived at the meeting, he announced that he would invest a huge amount of money in the meeting to develop tourism, which attracted the attention of all walks of life. Everyone is wondering how he will deal with the complicated surrounding situation and develop this important town in the Golden Triangle into a tourist attraction.

Zhou Ziye knows very well that although he has to rely on domestic power to develop, he must establish his own image internationally as soon as possible. The more famous he is, the safer he will be, and he will not casually become a victim of struggle.

In the previous life, it became a world-renowned online gambling center ten years later. The well-known online gambling company, Jinmu Company, set up its headquarters here, and spent a lot of money to establish an independent economic park. It was also under the control of the Lao government, and it almost became an independent kingdom.

And he now has a stronger strength, and he will definitely get twice the result with half the effort if he wants to develop along this path. However, he is not currently interested in the gambling industry, and he does not have talents in this area. Therefore, he even wants to be formal in mine development. First, he will have to discuss policies with Laos, and then he will gradually reveal his purpose. Anyway, just relying on tourism, for this small place, there is already a lot of money. Great promotion. The only uncertainty now is the reaction of several surrounding forces.

People from all walks of life were greeted by Zhou Ziye in turn, and everyone gathered on the flat ground where the factory site was selected under the leadership of the security guard. The already-arranged meeting place was guarded tightly by security, and all reporters were first restricted to a prepared area.

Here in the Golden Triangle, no reporter dared to violate this arrangement, and no one wanted to be expelled from the venue for offending a major figure. In that case, without the protection of these hundreds of security guards, personal safety here will not be guaranteed. The reporters were not allowed to start filming on the periphery until everyone entered.

On the stage, there were only seven seats in total. Except for Zhou Ziye, Cheng Ning and Qiao Houfu, the rest were high-ranking officials in Laos. Including their prime minister Volaj, the provincial chairman, the city chairman, and the commander of the Northwest Military District.

The host of the celebration is two famous Laos stars, but in such a celebration attended by the prime minister, they dare not neglect the slightest. One Chinese and one Laotian announced the beginning of the celebration.

The lion dance team from Hong Kong debuted first. Zhou Ziye and Prime Minister Volaj wrote the finishing touches for the lion, which opened the curtain of the ceremony.

. Several key personnel spoke in turn, cut the ribbon, and started the ceremony'sexually' excavation, and then it was time for reporters to interview.

Almost everyone's attention is focused on Zhou Ziye. He is only 25 years old, but he is already a billionaire super rich. His fortune experience and demonstrated strength attracted everyone's curiosity. Reporters from all over the world even showed the'excited' sentiment that they would not give up without taking him out.

Zhou Ziye's mood today is also quite good, indicating that the host can start, so the host starts to select interviewers from the reporters. As a senior presenter, he knows the rules of this kind of occasion, and the first opportunity to ask questions was given to the National Television of Laos.

The reporter asked: "General Manager Zhou, hello, I, as an ordinary citizen of Laos, express my heartfelt thanks and welcome to you for investing heavily in our country's commercial development. We all know that you are working at the Tamma Copper Mine. 140 million U.S. dollars was invested in the project, and you also said that you will invest a huge amount of money in the development of tourism projects in Huixian. I would like to ask, how do you plan for the development prospects of Huixian? How much money will you invest in it? Do development?"

Although Zhou Ziye can't speak Lao, but he has been in Laos for half a year and understands a little bit, but he still waited for the translator to answer before repliing: "As for the development plan of Huixai, I think this is not my consideration. The problem, because this is the role of Prime Minister Volaj and the Lao government." The people on the stage laughed.

Zhou Ziye nodded to Prime Minister Volagi, and said: "In the next few decades, Guangbo Company will be in the same boat with the people of Laos on the land of Huixian. Therefore, regarding the development of Huixian, I Here is just a little bit of my own thoughts. Huishai is the center of Laos connecting Thailand and Myanmar, but due to the economic lag, it has not played its more important role. If it is according to my ideas, I think it should be established first. The trade centers and commodity distribution centers of the three countries rely on the convenience of the Mekong River to drive the development of the entire region. However, everything needs to be scientifically investigated to determine. As for the investment amount, I will determine after consultation with the government. If With the support of Prime Minister Volaj and the "door" of the Ministry of Political Affairs, I will invest at least 200 million U.S. dollars without a ceiling."

There was an uproar in the audience. Even Volaj turned his head to look at Zhou Ziye, and reached out and patted the microphone in front of him, saying: "Like all Lao people, I can deeply feel the kindness of General Manager Zhou. Regarding the specific results, we will also announce to you in time after consultations."

Although he was a little caught off guard by Zhou Ziye's move, he still took it steadily. He was also wondering in his heart, why Zhou Ziye was willing to invest so much money, what attracted him here. He did not expect that this was Zhou Ziye secretly exerting pressure on the government of Laos. Jinmu Company can obtain the local autonomy. If he wants to obtain the local autonomy, he does not put a little pressure on the government. So easy to solve


For the second question, the host gave the opportunity to domestic reporters. The reporter asked: "Hello, Mr. Zhou. There is such a voice in China. Since you can invest more than one billion yuan in mining in Laos, there are many mines waiting in our own country less than two hundred kilometers in the north. Mining, what made you target abroad?"

Zhou Ziye said: "First of all, I do not discriminate against the region. I invest here because I have obtained the exploration rights here. Moreover, I am also actively planning to seek exploration rights in many countries in the world. I can't understand that this question came out of your mouth. This is really a stupid question."

Zhou Ziye's merciless face left the reporter stunned. Some domestic officials are also secretly shaking their heads. If a foreign reporter asks like this, it is understandable that no reporter from his country came to tear down the station. This reporter is indeed incompetent. If the reporter knew that he would make such an evaluation, and would never have the opportunity to attend such an occasion in the future, regrets would not be enough to express his feelings.

All discerning people know that Zhou Ziye's move is to reserve more resources and materials for the country. Oil companies are eager to move foreign oil fields back to China. American companies are grabbing resources from all over the world. He didn't think about the reasons. .

The host immediately asked Hong Kong reporters to ask questions. He asked: "Hello Zhou Sheng, as far as we know, your assets transferred from China to Hong Kong last year were less than 20 million U.S. dollars. How did you spend a year? Turned your own assets into billions of dollars in a period of time? Your investment company is now focusing on Internet high-tech companies, but you have invested your'essence' in the field of resources. Does this represent your future? Direction of development?"

This question is asked at a high level, and Zhou Ziye doesn't mind answering such a question. After thinking about it, I said: "I will definitely not tell you the specific ways to make money, because this is my business secret. However, you must also understand that I have been working on gold futures, crude oil futures and foreign exchange futures since last year. There have been many gains. The sources of these funds are all through the operation of formal investment banks, and taxes are paid a lot. Therefore, this means that all my sources of funds can withstand inspection. In addition, for your keen eyes I express my appreciation, because the investment companies are focusing on the Internet and high-tech companies, as well as the resources I am doing now. These are two different directions of industrial development. One is the basics of industry and the other is the development of science and technology. Although the directions are very different, they all have one thing in common, that is, serving all people. One of the two directions is to meet the material needs of everyone, and the other is to meet the needs of people's spirit. This is also It is the goal of my life's development."