Chapter 644 Cecilia

In the morning of the next day, the three major U.S. stock markets showed an exciting trend as soon as the market opened, and the market index rose sharply, which made everyone excited.

.>.Access:.. Zhou Ziye didn't expect this change either. He didn't expect that the wings of his own butterfly could bring such a big change.

The morning in New York was the evening in the capital. Zhou Midnight sent Fu Jiangmin to the central bank's headquarters in Fuxing'Men' Inner Street, and'handed' a copy of the information into the hands of relevant persons. Although he is in the capital, since he is the target of everyone's attention, his every move is in the eyes of the caring people. Even in the capital, some things must be careful.

In the previous negotiation process, January was used as a turning point, but now with his joining, he did not even think of the changes caused. If the stock market is picking up now, it will take more than a month to re-determine the implementation of the plan.

Not only Zhou Ziye did not expect, even people all over the world did not expect, because of his joining, there will be such a huge change. The US government's $700 billion rescue plan did not stop the stock market from falling. But as soon as the barriers to his entry into the American market were removed, such a huge change occurred, and everyone began to re-examine the power and charm of Zhou Ziye.

This is also Zhou Ziye's personal charm too. Since he entered the financial market, he has been invincible. In just six years, he has become the world's richest man. This gave him a strong and mysterious'color' color, giving him a fabulous color of color among ordinary people.

Of course, there is another reason that the U.S. government and all institutions are working at the same time, and today the U.S. stock market has fallen to the bottom. This kind of full-scale plunge has caused heavy losses to all institutions, and now they have reached the moment of lasting battle.

Various benefits, coupled with the high-profile entry into the market at midnight of the week, have brought strong confidence to the US stock market and will have such a big change. But this change is now outside of Zhou Ziye's plan, which makes him not happy at all. The butterfly effect is too drastic, and it has too much influence on his plan, which is not in the overall interest.

Although he had made preparations with relevant domestic parties for the bottom hunt more than a month later, the node was not right, which allowed things to get out of control. Therefore, they must actively respond and strive to control future changes in the situation in their own hands.

On this day, the Dow Jones Index rose by 5%, the Standard & Poor's Index also rose by 3%, and the Nasdaq Index rose by more than 5%. {Just watch;;;;On the Internet, there are already media and experts happy to announce that the most difficult period has passed.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke extended an invitation to Zhou Midnight and the leaders of Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and other institutions, hoping to form a stronger combination and make his own contribution to economic recovery. Faced with such an invitation, Zhou Ziye had no reason to refuse and happily accepted the invitation.

Amila's mother came from Argentina to take care of the three of them from Argentina, but Zhou's family hired a number of nanny, and Xu Qinghe was in charge of the overall situation at home. In fact, she didn't need to worry about it at all. The people who accompanied Zhou's family made a big circle in the Golden Triangle, Britain, Switzerland, and China, and proposed to return to China, and wanted to take Amila back to live there for a while. Xu Qinghe agreed to their request, and Zhou Ziye went to the United States this time and brought them together.

Amila is the oldest among Zhou Ziye's "females". She is thirty-two years old this year, two years older than Zhou Ziye. However, in real terms of appearance, no other'female' can compare to her except for Elizabeth, who is all over the country. Although she is thirty-two years old and has retired from the modeling circle, she is now mainly doing some management work, but her figure has been maintained very well.

In addition, Zhou Ziye used internal strength to help her comb her body, and now she is full of fascinating brilliance. The two of them ignored the twin sons being by their side, enjoying the most'exciting' at an altitude of 30,000 feet. Among these'women' of Zhou Ziye, she was the only one who could barely cope with his request.

Lying in Zhou Ziye's arms, panting and panting, she finished enjoying the height, the aftertaste of'tide', and gently cleaned Zhou Ziye's lower body. "My dear, there is one thing I think I still need to tell you."

"I am listening."

"Remember Cecilia? Since I took over the advertising department of Richemont Group, I have always hired her as our exclusive model according to your instructions. Over the years, I have been helping her cope with the outside world. Ups and downs."

"Of course, she is a "fine" spiritual "girl" child, who has always existed in my heart."

"Everyone knows that she is your'female' person. In these years, although she has left you, she has never'made' a boyfriend. According to my investigation, she is now in a very dangerous situation. , I don't think we should turn a blind eye."

"What happened?!" Zhou Ziye frowned. How could he forget that cute little'girl' child, who has the appearance of a little boy, but also has angelic pure eyes, often appearing in his dreams. After she insisted on separating from herself, she still followed her for two years, but in the past two years, she was entangled in mundane affairs, and there were more and more "females", and he also neglected her.

"You know, many models use drugs to keep in shape. She is also obsessed with drugs now, and she has shown a strong tendency towards world-weariness. Although she is only young, she is still in her golden age. Career, life is a mess."

"This is my responsibility, my mistake, I hurt her."

Amila nodded and gently stroked Zhou Ziye's chest with her hand. "No one is willing to leave you. You are the best man in the world. She was only sixteen years old. She longed for pure affection, but she met you. She wanted to leave you, but her body was gone. I lost you, but my heart is still with you."

"Is it really because of me? I remember that she seemed to have made'female' friends. I thought she had changed her'sexual' orientation."

"It's not because of you. Good men know that she is your'female' friend, but how can she like a bad man?"

Zhou Ziye looked at her and asked, "Why are you suddenly so enthusiastic? Is it because you think you should find an alliance?"

Amila knew that in front of Zhou Ziye, don't be clever, this man has a wise vision and mentality, and any cover up will only make him feel safe. "Yes, in the past two years, you have lost interest in the'female' children outside, and you have become more responsible. I can no longer arrange for you to please those beautiful'female' children who are fifteen or sixteen years old as before. You, I am in this family, and I need someone who truly treats me as a friend, otherwise, I will always feel worse than others."

Zhou Ziye sighed and said with a smile, "Actually, I don't care much about you having other men before me. In the past five years, I have become more and more satisfied with you and I. Forget about the past."

"You don't care, but I care, the other'women' care. You are their only man, and I am not, so they always have a sense of superiority in front of me. I can't understand, that layer of membrane Is it really that important?! Why do the Orientals care so much?!"

"Then what is your plan?"

"I want to call Cecilia back. Believe my feeling, a call from you can make her come here desperately. She has been suffering in this kind of pain for six years. She needs you."

Zhou Ziye shook his head and said, "I would love to make this call, but I think it would be better for you to make this call. You are all Argentines, and you are also natural allies. I can give you this to make her grateful. 'Your opportunity. But you have to remember that what I need is a warm and harmonious family. There can be competition between you, but this competition must be benign, understand? I don't want our children to live. In an intriguing family environment!"

"Yes, we all understand this, including Bobby. Although she is now the Countess, she still won't touch Jiang Yue's position in the family. She is very clear about her position. We are all the same."

"That's good." Zhou Ziye thought for a while and said, "I will stay in the United States for three days. If you want, I will play in the United States for a few days. Later I will accompany you back to Argentina. I am very willing to be at this time. , Go to Bariloche and enjoy the beautiful summer life there for a few days."

Amila kissed Zhou Ziye excitedly, "This is really good news. I have always wanted to spend a vacation with you only with us and no one else."

Zhou Ziye feels a little embarrassed, speaking of it, he owes too many "women" to him, and even going on vacation with him in secret has become an extravagant hope.

The plane landed at Dulles International Airport, and Ivanka made a special trip from New York to meet him here. They did not stay at the Adams Hotel opposite the White House this time, but stayed at a Houghton Company property in Virginia.

This forest villa is located on the west bank of the Potomac River. On the other side of the river is the embassy area of ​​Washington. Although it is a bit far from the White House and Congress, the surrounding environment is quite quiet and is also conducive to security work.

Ivanka is also very happy about Amila's arrival, because she has always liked Amila's twin sons very much. In her opinion, she and Zhou Ziye will also have such a pair of "fascinating" little angels in the future, then It couldn't be more perfect.

This pair of twin sons perfectly inherited the excellent genes of Zhou Ziye and Amila, plus they are of'mixed' blood, they are very beautiful. Ivanka didn't want to let go of this hug and that hug for a moment.

Amila laughed at her, "I like children so much, you can also have a couple."

"Not yet, at least two years later, when all my work is on track..." Ivanka thought for a while and said, "I want to surpass you. I want to have three or four children at once, so I don't need it in the future. Hard work again."

Zhou Ziye looked at her looking forward to her expression, really didn't want to hit her, she was pregnant with four children at once, it was really suffering!

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