Moving and meeting a new face pt 1

Me and Zack went up the mountains and found a good spot to build my house at. We used Jungle wood, cobblestone, clay, and Pink ivory (pink wood). I smiled looking at how beautiful my house looked. It looked better than how I made my sisters' houses. I sighed. I should try to visit them when Zack leaves. I decorated the inside of my house and Zack did the outside. It was getting late. "Zack you can leave now, it's getting late. I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled at him. "Maybe after I get things for the house because I need more stuff. I'll come get you kk." Zack nodded and left. I waited until I saw him go to the kingdom. I drank an invisibility potion and went to the lovely 'Flower circle' , something Raji calls it. It's cute and if she wants to call it that she can and so will all of us. I went into the cave and pressed the stone button that opens a hidden tunnel. I walked inside and went up the ladder. I saw Ylee reading on her pouch. I giggled and smiled walking towards her. "Hello stranger." Ylee and I don't really talk to each other since I left them here by themselves.

Ylee looked up from her book. Her eyes widened when she saw me. "You need to leave. We don't want to see you here again." She threw the book at me and I dodged it. "We all fucking hate you. You left us and haven't come back for a week since you last left." She gets up and runs in her house locking the door. Ugh, I hate when they do dumb shit like this. I walked to Raji's house and opened the door. I heard a noise in her potion area. I walked there.


"Here." She gave me a box of potions. "Now leave. Don't come back. Goodbye." I grabbed the box and left. Looks like I didn't have to come back here. I left and went home. Guess they don't need me anymore. I went to my room and went to sleep.

In the morning I woke up in someone's arms. I turned around and saw Clay. I got out of his arm and got up. I sighed after everything he still came to my house. I already knew Zack would tell him where I stayed. "Clay get the hell up." Clay looked at me.

"No…" Clay's voice was deep. I kinda liked it. I pulled him off my bed.

"When I say up that means up." Clay got up and grabbed my waist. He's been really touchy with me. Maybe he's horny this month I mean why wouldn't he be I sexy as fuck. Who wouldn't want to. He kissed me but I broke it. "No Clay." I pushed away from him. "You need to leave now. I have things to do and so do you." I looked him in the eyes. He walked away and left. I sighed and went to eat some toast. I grabbed the box of potions and went to a village with humans. I went to an alleyway and waited for a random person to come. Someone walked in there to smoke a cigarette. I knocked them out and picked them up and took them to my house, putting them in the basement. I grabbed a potion and cooked some food. I put the potion in a cup and went to the basement putting the food on a table. I wrote a note and put it beside the food. I went upstairs to my room and put it on Mask by Dream. I loved listening to that song, mostly all his songs. Maybe because I simp for him and everyone else in the Dream SMP, but I didn't really care. I fell asleep listening to Mask on repeat.


I woke up and looked around. My head hurt badly. I rubbed my head and stood up seeing a table with food. I walked to the table and grabbed the food. It was chicken, mashed potatoes, and corn. I started to eat. Whoever put me here knows how to cook. I saw a note and read it. 'Meet me upstairs when you get done eating, also I gave you something to drink. I hope you like it :3' This person seems too nice to try anything. I got done eating and drank the thing in the cup. It was sour. They should have put some sugar in it. I walked upstairs and saw a beautiful living room. I smiled and walked towards the couch sitting down. I waited for someone to walk in the living room. An hour later a girl walked down the stairs. "Oh hey you're up. Did you eat?" I was surprised to see a girl for the first time in years. "Hello earth to person. Are you there?" The girl was suddenly in my face poking my cheek.

"Hmm. Oh yea I-i did." I looked away blushing because she's too close to me. The girl walked to the kitchen and I looked at her. She grabbed a cup and filled it with water. She walked to me and gave it to me. I took it and drank it. I slowly felt dizzy.

"You'll be a girl in an hour just go to sleep for now ok..." I saw her talking but I didn't hear the rest. I slowly fell asleep. When I woke up the unknown girl gave me some clothes. "You should put these on so you'll be more comfortable." I looked down and saw my chest had grown big. "What was your name?"


"Cool now your new name is? Since you're a girl now of course."

"I want to be Heather." The girl smiled and messed with my hair. Some of my blonde hair got in my face. I heard the girl giggle then a door open.

"Oh am I interrupting something?" A boy asked.

"Yes, yes you did Zack." The girl stopped playing in my hair standing up and turned to the boy. "Me and my roommate were just making out." The girl said jokingly and looked at me. I was a blushing mess slipping on the shirt the girl gave me. The other one was ripped because I wore a tight one before I passed out. I stood up and saw the boy about my age looking at me. "Zack this is Heather, my roommate that I was making out with. She-" She stopped talking when another boy walked in the house. He looked at me and gave me a cold glance. "Clay this is Heather my roommate sh-" The Clay guy cut her off Now looking at her.

"She needs to leave. I don't want her in this house." He sounded mad. He walked up to us. "Pack your stuff Heather. I don't want you to be in the same house as my girlfriend." The girl pushed him to the ground and looks like she's stronger than him.

"I'm not your girlfriend. And this isn't your house to say who can or can't live with me." Clay got up.

"You've been my girlfriend ever since you let me kiss you for the first time."

"That doesn't mean anything. It was just a dumbass kiss it doesn't mean anything." It must be only me but I thought I saw the girl's eyes flash red then normal. Clay turned to Zack and Zack nodded. Clay looked at Alex again and grabbed her arm pulling her upstairs. "LET ME GO YOU BITCH!!!" I covered my ears not trying to hear them shouting. Zack patted me on the shoulder signaling me to come outside with him. I followed him and uncovered my ears.

"Do they do this a lot?" I asked. Zack looked at me.

"Ever since I've known them. They started when Alex left for two days straight and came home at four in the morning."

"Are they dating?" Zack shook his head. "Then why is he angry when she came home late?"

"He's in love with the only girl who was supposed to be alive." He looked me up and down. "Not trying to be rude. But how are you alive?"

"Oh I used to be a boy an hour ago. I don't know how Alex turned me into a girl without getting blood everywhere. I could ask her lat-" I heard glass break. "I should go for a while." I started to walk away and heard footsteps behind me. I sighed and walked to a nice clearing a mile away from the house. I sat down and picked a flower. Zack sat next to me and I looked at him. "Why did you follow me?"

"I need to keep you safe. You're my little sister's roommate that she makes out with." He chuckled. I don't know why but I found it hot. I nodded and smelled the flower. I've always liked the smell of flowers. My dad would call me gay for it. The sun started to go down and I layed down looking at the sky, Zack did the same. I slowly fell asleep.

~Alex pov~

I woke up in Clay's arms and the sun hitting me in the face. I didn't remember what happened last night. Then I remembered me and Clay fighting then him kissing me roughly. I blushed deeply. -Did we?- My mind was all over the place. I quickly got up and ran to my dresser grabbing clothes to go take a shower. Before I could make it to the door of my bathroom in my room Clay had his arms around me. "Where are you going love?~" He said in his sleepy voice. I shivered and took his arms from around me. I walked to the bathroom and closed the door, locking it. That guy was getting on my nerves. I took off my clothes and went in the shower. When I got out of the shower I did my daily things. I put make-up on the love bites Clay left on me. I got out of the bathroom and went downstairs. I saw Heather sleeping on the couch but didn't see clay. He must have left, I sighed. I went to the kitchen and started to cook pancakes. I hummed 'Heatwaves' as I cooked.

Heather walked in and hugged me from the back. "Hey." She was still sleepy I could tell. "What you makin'?"

"Pancakes." I said as I smiled. Pancakes were the last thing my mom cooked when she was still alive. I made five plates and put three in a bag. I set mine in the microwave. "I'll be back I have to take these somewhere. I grabbed the bag and walked outside. I went to the circle and saw no one outside. I put each plate on each porch. I hoped that they'll see it and I was about to leave until I heard one of them call my name. I turned around and saw Raji she was smiling I rolled my eyes and left. Since they wanted me to leave so badly That was the last thing I'll be giving them. I went back home and saw Zack at my door. -Dammit- I walked to Zack. "Is he here?" Zack nodded. I ran inside and saw Clay on the couch. "Hey Clay." He got up and walked to me looking at my neck.

"You covered them?" I nodded. "Why? I wanted everyone to see how much I'm in love with you." I felt my cheeks getting warm.

"Shut up." I looked Clay in the eyes. He smirked and bent down to my ear.

"I see you want more.~" He whispered and I pushed him on the couch. "Oh also Heather's in your room sleeping. Zack put her in there." I nodded and walked to my room. I opened the door to see a beautiful sleeping Beauty. I walked to her and laid beside her. She wrapped her arms around me.

"Alex sleep with me please." She said sleep talking.

"Why and how did you know it was me?" I started to play in her hair. She opened one of her dark blue eyes.

"You're the only one I would sleep with, and you're the only one who has boobs." I giggle.

"Ok ok. I'll sleep with you." I cuddled her as she fell back asleep. I grabbed my phone and watched some tik toks slowly getting sleepy myself. I fell asleep pulling Heather closer to me. She was so warm. Maybe if me and Clay don't work out I could date a girl when I make more that is.

~Alex dreams No one's pov~

Alex looked around seeing all white around her, then three doors appeared. Alex read all of them. "David, Katie, and Willam" She sighed and went to Katie's first. There were two kids fighting over toys, one of them looked like Clay and the other one had blue hair with pink tips. She smiled watching the two.

"MOM!" The one with blue hair shouted. An older Alex ran to the room.

"What's going on?" The older Alex asked.

"David's not sharing the toy." Alex sighed and grabbed a toy from the toy box. It was the same one Alex had when she was little.

"Here Katie." Alex smiled and gave her daughter the toy. "This one is yours anyway. Play with it."

~End of dream~

Alex got woken up by Clay kissing her head. "Eww. Simp stop, that's gross." She threw a pillow at Clay's face.

"Alex wake up. I made dinner."

"Not hungry."

"Just come eat. You didn't eat all day."

"I said I'm not hungry. I don't feel like eating right now."

"Fine." Clay walks out the room and Alex went back to sleep. When Alex woke up she got out of bed and went downstairs. Clay, Zack, and Heather were watching a movie. Clay's arm was on Heather's shoulder. Alex went to the kitchen quietly and warmed up some food Clay cooked. He doesn't like her so you have nothing to worry about. You don't even like him. Alex thought. She knew she liked Clay even if they fought she still liked him. Alex got her food and started eating, she felt like everyone was watching her. She looked up and saw them looking at her.

"What?" She said with her mouth full. Clay laughed his arm wasn't on Heather anymore.

"You were hungry huh?" Clay got up and walked to the kitchen. "You're so cute when you look mad." Alex looked up at him.

"Shut up or you'll be pinned down." Alex took a spoonful again and ate it.

"On what? The bed~?" Alex choked on her food.

"N-no. Get your head out the gutter you dirty pervert." Clay smirked and leaned in her ear.

"Oh, I know you want to~ You've moaned my name once and might want to do it again~. Do you want to know how much I loved it when you screamed 'don't stop, Clay please.~' Your body was dripping with sweat.~" He whispered. He got up and looked down at Alex. Her face was red. "You like me do you?"

"What ew no. Who would ever like someone like you?" Alex pushed Clay a bit to make him move away from her.

In the comments tell me if Alex should get pregnant before her and Clay go out or after