The war is about to begin

We walked to Zack's house. I dropped Sammie off and went back home. I thought I saw Clay in the corner of my eye. It might have just been me. I stopped and looked the way I thought I saw him, and no one was there. "Clay please come back…." I thought out loud. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw Clay. "Cl-clay? You need to leave. You can't stay here…." I looked up at him.

"I'm just in your head. Do anything you want." My eyes widened. I quickly pulled him into a hug and he hugged me back. "Alex…" I nuzzled my face in his chest. He felt so real. He was warm. I got lost into thought until I felt him pull away. "Be strong until I come back. Please." I nodded looking at the ground.

"I love you Clay." I looked at him. Clay smiled. Great, I'm talking to someone who doesn't exist.

"I know." That was the last thing he said before he disappeared. I went inside the house. Be strong for me. Keep playing in my head. If you ever do come back. I'll tell you that I love you. I went to my room and laid down. I sat back up remembering that Clay had a phone when I lived with him. (I mean who doesn't nowadays. *cough saying someone I know who doesn't and cough again* Anyway y'all might need some popcorn because this story might get better.) Before I could go get my phone off my desk I felt like throwing up. I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. After I stopped throwing up I brushed my teeth and went back to my room going to the desk picking up my phone. I looked for Clay's number without finding it so I called Zack. Zack answered right away.

"Hey Zack, did you remember Clay's number? For-" Zack cut me off.

"Alex why don't you move on. Forget about Clay, he's not coming back." After he said that he hung up. Wow what a good friend, wait I can call Heather. I quickly called Heather. She picks up on the second ring.

"Heather come over please. I need to talk to you." She agrees and says she'll be here in a few minutes. I sat on my bed thinking of things to tell her. I might as well tell her that I been throwing up a lot. I hear a door open fifthteen minutes later I quickly get up and go downstairs. I smile brightly. "Heatheeer!!" I run up to her and give her a hug even tho I just saw an hour ago but I love seeing her. Heather hugs me back.

"Hey sweetie have you eaten?" I let go of her and she does the same. I shake my head. "You need to eat."

"I can't, I'll just throw it up." Heather's eyes widened. "What?"

"Zack told me what you and Clay did. Do you think you could be pregnant?" I give her a grossed out face. "You could be. I mean that's the only reason you could be throwing up." I sighed looking down. "We can find out. They still have the girl stuff in a cellar in the kingdom." I look up at her.

"Why would they do that?" I ask and look at her. She smiled and grabbed my hand telling me not to worry about it. We go to the kingdom. I really didn't like being here while Clay was gone. I tightly grabbed Heather's hand making her whine in pain. "Sorry." I let go of her hand and followed her instead.

(I hate not having ideas time skip UwU because yeah =~=)

~7 years later no one's pov~

It's been seven years since Alex found out that she was pregnant. She now has a beautiful little boy who's now seven with a ten year old daughter. Alex was getting used to not seeing Clay. Alex walked around the kingdom of all genders, that was the name Zack wanted to call it that. She kinda got used to being out ever since Clay left.

~A week later~

Alex was woken up in the middle of the night to banging on her door. She gets up and walks downstairs to open the door. She opens the door and sees Clay standing there looking at her. "C-clay um why are you here?" Alex asked. Clay moves her over and walks in. Alex closes the door.

"Why did you lock the door?" Clay looks at Alex. Alex looks at him and smiles.

"You're finally back. I have a lot of things to tell you. First your old kingdom is named 'The kingdom of all genders' Zack named it that. Him and everyone didn't think you'll come back at all. There's more girls now around my place I might make a kingdom. And lastl-" Clay cut her off.

"Why the hell did you lock the door. You never did that before. Are you hiding someone from me? You knew I'd come back for you. You know what let's just go." He grabs her hand and pulls her close to him. "We're going somewhere they'll never find you and you'll be mine forever." He kisses her but Alex breaks it.

"I'm not going anywhere with you at all. I have a great life her." She yanks her arm away from Clay's grip. "You need to leave or else. I love everything about this place and a lot of people in it." Clay looks at her in disbelief and leaves angrily. "I'm sorry Clay…" Alex closes her door and locks the door. Alex walks back to her room and goes to sleep. The next few days were normal, Clay wasn't seen, Alex's son, Marshall would always go out with Sam to play with the village kids, and Alex she would visit her sisters. Everything was perfect until Clay came back.

Clay came to the kingdom with soldiers. They all had bows, swords, axes, poison potions, dogs, and a witch with them. Clay and his soldiers went to the place Zack was staying. Clay shot Zack in the head with the bow and arrow. Heather saw and ran out of the house but she met a soldier who cut her neck open. Clay ordered his soldiers to kill everyone and didn't stop until he ordered them to. Alex went to visit the kingdom to get something and her kids. Alex stopped in her tracks when she saw a few soldiers chasing after her kids. Alex pulled out her axe and killed them and grabbed her kids hands heading to Zack's house. She was stopped by Clay calling her name. She turned around seeing him with a bow pointing it at her. "Clay Why are you doing all of this? This place used to be your home." Clay gave her an evil laugh.

"Oh Alex you rejected my love for you. So you and everyone dies. Zack your beloved friend is dead him and his lovely wife." Alex eyes widened and shock her head. She looked at her kids and so did Clay. "Who kids are these Alex. You made kids with someone in this village huh? Well their lives should go before yours. I still have a lot of things to talk to you about." Clay shoot both Sam and Marshall. Alex started to breathe heavily and screamed loudly that everyone could hear it. She fell to he knees and held her children.