Chapter 1.2

Chapter 1.2

Bingwen Deli disliked the thought of people challenging him; his pride and arrogance were paramount in his tiny existence.

Even now, he believed Jun Mey was attempting to stand out more than he was. Furthermore, he was willing to go to any degree merely to antagonize anybody who threatened his life or fame.

"Why did you call me here, Deli?" Jun Mey asked, perplexed.

'I can't have sex with her, after all. Am I not handsome, rich, or powerful enough?' Deli refused to believe that there was anyone better for Jun Mey except him.

"We've been dating for at least a year, yet you only hugged me once,' Jun Mey maintained her calm. "And you only did that because I asked. Not to mention that I haven't even seen your stunning naked body," Deli felt unbelievable.

'Sigh, as predicted. This guy only wants to have his way with me and drive me away,' Jun Mey was unpressured.

"I'm disappointed that you didn't give me your body for my birthday," Deli said, his tone becoming more serious. "I feel like your body should belong to me because I'm more worthy than anyone else."

After a brief pause, Deli softened his tone and said, "But don't worry, I forgive you. I'm planning a party with the brothers. Would you like to come?"

'Is your mind stuffed with sex, is a question I would like to ask. But forget it,' Jun Mey opened her palm. "What happens after sex? Do you merely regard me as a sexual object?"

"How can I do that? You're not like those other girls," Deli interrupted to make his point.

"Is it? Why are you so obsessed with sex anyway?" Jun Mey maintained eye contact with Deli.

"So you don't want to have sex with me?" Deli refused to give up; he felt it was his God-given right.

"Why are we even talking about this so casually?" Although Jun Mey seemed tired, she maintained a calm face.

'It's my mistake. And I think I've decided,' Jun Mey sighed.

"Is this the best you can do?" Deli yelled at Jun Mey. He never wanted her soft appeal.

'I understand now. Because I couldn't have sex with you using my beauty or money—I sought authority,' Deli laughed at himself for being a fool. He decided not to waste his time being nice to an ingrate as he tagged it.

"You are wicked, Jun Mey," Deli shouted, seeing no reason to hold back anymore. "My pals despise you because you're too unreasonable," Deli paused. "This second semester, I don't want to see you any closer to me," Deli yelled, pointing his index finger at Jun Mey.

After Deli passed his judgment on Jun Mey, he left the place.

"I should have called it a quit, not you," Jun Mey laughed, expecting as much. She felt Deli rode over her by portraying her as a failure. But Jun Mey was still thankful for getting rid of him eventually.

"It's time to go," Jun Mey mumbled but noticed the shrub wriggling to her left. Seeing this, she crouched and picked up a stone, launching it to that side. Someone yelled after the rock landed.

"Hey, I know you're there," Jun Mey stated, but not too loud or low.

A young woman with a reddish face and leaves on her head emerged.

"Nuan Mei, It's you again," Jun Mey said, expecting as much. The girl's determination to follow her through the storm and rain made her speechless.

{Reflection: In the dorm.}

Thinking about Nuan Mei, Jun Mey remembered something irritating.

"I suppose this affluent person was admiring you, Sister Mey," Nuan Mei paused. "And he even talked well about you."

"Why don't you go for him if you love him?" Jun Mey inquired.

'I don't see why I should,' Nuan Mei reasoned. 'Why would I deal with that arrogant ghost?' Nuan Mei shrugged in her heart; she felt she only helped the guy because he paid her.

"How could I?" Nuan Mei paused with an uncanny smile. "Isn't it a tragedy to love someone who does not love you? He's not in love with me but with you."

"Are you referring to me or my body?" Jun Mey asked Nuan Mei, still calmly scanning through her chatbox.

"Mey, you are Ma Liu's most beautiful girl. Of course, it's not just your body."

"Whatever, Nuan Mei, I'm not interested in his opinions," Jun Mey paused. "That type of guy does not appeal to me."

"But he's attractive and affluent. Why don't you think about it?" Nuan Mei gently caressed Jun Mey's back. "We could turn him into our bank."

"We?" Jun Mey paused. "Why should I worry about his incredible wealth? And when you say "we," what do you mean?" Jun Mey turned her calm gaze to Nuan Mei and asked, "Are you the one that would spend most of your time with him? Or will you be the one he runs after for sex during all hours of the day and night?"

But Nuan Mei leaped on Jun Mey, suddenly interrupting her, "Think about it, Mey."

They sat on the same large bed, and the room appeared lovely but slightly tiny. They shared a dorm.

{End of flashback.}

Nuan Mei's footsteps jolted Jun Mey awake. 'It was this ghost that started this farce,' Jun Mey stood up and stared at the girl before her.

This girl had a strange appearance but a bright smile. Her smile (on the other hand) appeared mocking. Nuan Mei had bobbed hair and petite lips. She also had somewhat larger eyes, which made her stand out.