Chapter 4.2

Chapter 4.2

Grrr, grrrr! The Kâppa snarled, pacing around in maddening anger.

He dashed and instantly hit Jun Mey, but she defended herself by crossing her arms. The force, though, knocked her back. Jun Mey's back slammed against a tree because of the impact of the hit. As she was falling, she noticed something that surprised her. Her eyes opened wide and relaxed. It happened in a brief second.

However, Jun Mey had recorded what she saw in her head. She didn't expect to see someone seriously training in this secluded area. Moreover, it was someone familiar. Although it surprised her, she quickly maintained her calm.

The person Jun Mey saw was Chi An, the new student. This guy used the trees in the forest as his rugby opponents.

Although Chi An arrived the Ma Liu university today, he had mysteriously come here to train. His enthusiasm surprised Jun Mey.

"Weird," Jun Mey mumbled, calmly returning her eyes to the Kâppa. She calculated in her heart to determine whether someone had planned this outcome or if it was a coincidence.

She couldn't defy gravity, so she eventually smashed to the ground after her free fall. Slamming to the ground, Jun Mey grunted with her back bowed.

The Kâppa, however, was not ready to let her breathe; he pursued her with such ferocious frenzy that he even jolted Jun Mey back to reality. That speed was unfathomable to the average human, and Jun Mey was no exception.

Kappas were not humans, but they were also not wolves. They stood in the center of two creatures; however, they were more wolves than humans. These strange creatures have the physical characteristics of wolves and not their spiritual qualities. Wolves may outlive humans, but they are not immortal. Cultivation seemed to be at play, where the mightier individuals lived longer. So Kappas shared the same lifespan as humans.

The kappa hurtled toward Jun Mey like a shooting star, and she involuntarily closed her eyes to her death. Jun Mey worried about nothing, including fate.

The kappa slashed his claws over her neck, causing the space to ripple. The impact seemed to shake the surrounding environment.

Chi An, who had pretended not to be worried about the girl's life and death, sighed at this point.

'I'd like to avoid attention,' he thought, frowning. 'But this danger has found me whether I desire it or not.'

"Those damn alpha kings," Chi An mumbled, clenching his fists. "Why are they letting these worms wreak havoc here?" Chi An spoke in a rapid pattern, stressing his last sentences.

Chi An strode forward, disappearing with ease. His eyes were already sanguine the next instant he appeared. Chi An vanished on the spot and reappeared alongside Jun Mey, grasping the claws that could have crushed her neck.


"Ah!" The kâppa shouted the moment he felt his hand snapped. "Grrr, Grrr," the Kâppa snarled, his eyes trembling as he unconsciously shifted back. Even though the Kâppa was so angry, his fear of those demonic eyes surpassed any stubbornness.

Snort! Chi An snorted, effortlessly flinging Kâppa.

Furrowing his brow, Chi An appeared directly before the falling Kâppa and pressed his hand against his chest, causing a red light to emerge all over his body. This red light created an incredible force. It was like unknown pressure. And it minced the Kâppa's body and burnt him to crips.

'Why me?' Jun Mey asked her heart, her eyes calm but her thoughts chaotic.

Jun Mey didn't know why those things would be interested in her, but she believed her foster parents should know. They had solved previously hidden assaults, so she wanted to question them about who she was and what had happened to her parents.

Chi An, who had initially intended to kill the girl, changed his mind and showed up before Jun Mey just as she was about to speak. He forcefully poked his index finger onto Jun Mey's forehead, causing a colorful riot light to shine and knock her down.

'I only spared you 'cause I had an alternative,' Chi An reasoned, maintaining an expressionless face.

"Why in the world did you do that?" Jun Mey calmly gauged Chi An as she asked in an unhurried tone.

"Huh!?" Chi An furrowed his brow, silently contemplating his thoughts.

'It's not right that this girl woke now or remembered this event,' Chi An pondered, turning with his sanguine eyes flashing.

Initially, Chi An stopped his killing intent when he noticed a golden bead on Jun Mey's glabella, surrounded by a network of lines resembling veins. Additionally, a green stone necklace shimmered as if it was preventing the golden bead from activating.

"Hmm? I see," Chi An paused, still maintaining an expressionless face. "Something unusual."

Although Jun Mey had many questions, she could feel Chi An killing gaze.

'This guy could end my life for good in a mere swing,' Jun Mey thought, calmly judging her circumstance.

"Meh!" Chi An suddenly turned around.

Upon witnessing the reaction, Jun Mey swiftly raised her right arm to call out, but the bead and light on her forehead faded, causing her to faint. Nevertheless, this action caught the attention of Chi An.