Chapter 6.2

Chapter 6.2

Xia Wuya thought that she must seize Deli no matter the odds. So she believed Jun Mey was the only obstacle to her goal. Xia Wuya wouldn't mind going the extra mile to make her life miserable as long she got Deli.

Neglecting her thoughts, Bingwen Deli folded his arms to his chest. He said, "the department heads called me." After a pause, Deli smirked and said, "I've made the necessary changes. So you'd best work hard to solve this problem, or you'll become my cannon fodder."

Deli thought it was Xia Wuya's fault for not being careful. So he didn't care much but only wanted her to solve the issue.


Bingwen Deli immediately interrupted Xia Wuya's contention. He pointed, saying, "let me advise you." Frowning, Deli continued, "I will remain silent even if the school suspends you."

Xia Wuya gritted her teeth and pondered, 'Jun Mey, I will fight you even in hell. Why do you exist?'

Xia Wuya implored Deli to mitigate because exposing her won't help much since she held some secrets about them.

However, asking for this help, Xia Wuya gave up something valuable. She avoided eye contact with Deli, saying, "during the previous two days, I noticed Jun Mey emerge from the jungle with the new guy."

Xia Wuya exposed only this much, expecting Deli to explain what happened himself. She also insinuated that a new guy received something that Jun Mey had refused to give Deli, which hurt his pride and made him slam the table before him.

Pouting, Deli decided in his heart, 'I'll never allow you to enjoy a happy life.'

Xia Wuya believed she could sow the seed of hatred between Jun Mey and Bingwen Deli even if the school suspended her and that it would be difficult for them to reconcile. She thanked Tai Keixin in her heart for providing this opportunity, as she was the one who reported seeing Jun Mey to her.

{Jun Mey's dorm.}

While Xia Wuya and Deli argued, and the rumor continued wild spread, two security men came to visit Jun Mey.

One of the two older men with a black cop uniform knocked on the red door of Jun Mey and Nuan Mei. The uniform they wore was the modern Chinese cop uniform. Furthermore, they wore a round cap. The two white older men looked solemn.

The man who stood by the right had a knitted brow. He said, "we work for school security."

After deliberately wasting time, Jun Mey opened the door to see two uniformed guys. However, her eyes remained calm.

Jun Mey flipped her right hand slowly, gesturing for the two officers to enter. She thought, 'these officers look suspicious.'

The officer by the left side, who had an eye close to the chartreuse color, waved her hand, interrupting Jun Mey from entering the house. He said, "we don't need to go in." The officer paused with a frown. He solemnly said, "we can say what we want here."

Jun Mey calmly gazed at the officer, pondering, 'why does the officer have the same spirit as the one who followed me that night?'

Seeing Jun Mey look at him with deeper meaning, the officer didn't look happy about it. He pondered, 'have I committed a crime?'

Seeing his reaction, Jun Mey slowly widened her hand receptively. She said, "please, officers, it is better to discuss inside." Jun Mey stood more relaxed, steadying her breath. She said, "it's difficult for me to stand, thus my suggestion."

The police officers reluctantly followed Jun Mey inside her room, where she quickly made them coffee.

"Please," Jun Mey said, gesturing for them to pick their coffee. Jun Mey maintained eye contact with police officers, and it surprised them.

They noticed they couldn't make out Jun Mey's thoughts, so the officer by the right spoke, "officer Pie is my name."

The officer by the left interrupted, thinking there was no need to sound friendly with a crime suspect. He frowned, saying, "we are investigating you and your roommate for hacking." The officer spoke after gaining the silence, "we've come to check your system."

Jun Mey listened to them without fidgeting. She steadied her gaze on the two cops. However, just as she wanted to speak, someone opened the door.

Nuan Mei stepped inside the house, dancing around. She rushed to the table and picked up the remote control, and queued up music. Nuan Mei began to dance and hum immediately after the music started.