The internet battle

Chapter ten

The internet battle

Chi An gave the two girls drinks, and they opened them with a puff, continuing to chat happily.

Jumping around, Nuan Mei said, "Chi An, you have no idea how Mey persuaded me to accompany her to this game. Angling closer to Chi An, Nuan Mei added, "I've noticed how coldly you treat her. You should be kind to her because she nearly broke her voice cheering for you." Nuan Mei teasingly winked at Jun Mey.

Calmly looking at Nuan Mei, Jun Mey thought, 'As expected of my baby.' Jun Mey knew that Nuan Mei would speak for her. So she wasn't surprised when she did.

Maintaining his blank expression, Chi An thought, 'Treat her well?' Chi An suddenly turned his piercing eyes at Jun Mey, 'This girl had repeatedly stepped beyond her bounds. Even when she knew wolves and hunters couldn't mingle, she still involved me in her business.' Chi An took a breather.

Responding indifferently, Chi An said, "I like my life enough to stay out of trouble."

Not accepting it, Nuan Mei pouted, sticking out her tongue. She said, "Isn't it risk-worthy to be with her?" Nuan Mei jumped on the neutral face of Jun Mey, saying, "Don't tell me you're unaware of my lovely sister's love for you."

"What are you talking about, Nuan Mei?" Nuan Mei scored points on Jun Mey in a matter, causing Jun Mey to blush as she defended herself. Despite remaining calm, Jun Mey couldn't help feeling excited emotions.

Suddenly a persuasive tone interrupted Jun Mey, "What makes him so special? I'd like to know." After a pause, Bai Fang innocently said, "However, that's no longer important. Come party with me tonight, Jun Mey." Bai Fang felt that Jun Mey wouldn't miss the opportunity to stay with him, a well-known rugby player. He hinted that there would be a lot of fun.

Hearing that provocation, everyone looked at the speaker. Jun Mey remained calm, while Nuan Mei had an exaggerated frown. However, Chi An furrowed his brows.

Rolling her eyes, Nuan Mei asked, "Do you not respect others?" Stepping out as though full of strength, Nuan Mei shouted in her child's pitch, "Were you included in this discussion? Get the hell out of here!"

As Bai Fang heard Nuan Mei, he scowled, 'What's wrong with this excited fly?' He couldn't understand how someone could be that active. So he quickly went to hit her, but Jun Mey calmly stood up. However, Chi An puffed his chest, his face blanked.

Bai Fang suddenly relaxed like a meek sheep, thinking, 'Do you consider yourself a great man?' Looking at Bai Fang, no one would ever tag him as a hater because he veiled his face with only innocence. He wanted to pull down Chi An because he felt offended seeing him stand in his way. After a pause, Bai Fang stated, "Jun Mey, get ready to party with me tonight. Otherwise, you would not enjoy this uninteresting drama anymore."

As Bai Fang walked away, he thought, 'How dare this girl disobey me! That's quite interesting.'

{Internet platform.}

While Jun Mey and Nuan Mei stayed with the blanked face Chi An in the rugby grandstand, the internet exploded with the sudden news of another death. The information had quickly diffused.

Someone typed, "What? Someone died again?"

Another message popped up, "Yeah. I heard the girl's name is Tai Keixin."

Someone responded, "Why are people dying so much in this institution?"

Another internet user typed, "I know that girl. She used to hang out with Xia Wuya."

Someone suddenly replied, "Do you know if Xia Wuya caused her death?"

After seeing the previous user's musing emoji, another user responded, "Maybe. After all, she's sad and miserable, so she should be the one that leaked her video."

The whole school and the internet exploded with speculations. People began to discuss the sudden disappearance of Tai Keixin and her death.

{Xia Wuya's dorm.}

Xia Wuya sat with a baleful expression, 'That moron. What happened to her?' Quickly recovering from her disappointment, Xia Wuya thought: 'Do you know, Mey.' Cracking an evil smile, she pondered, 'I can pay you double if I spread a story that her death had something to do with you. Xia Wuya laughed like she was insane.

Thinking of her shame, she took up her phone from the desk before her and visited a particular website. This website was unique because all the posts had no identity. People reported things anonymously.

Making her first post, Xia Wuya frowned, thinking: 'No, this is insufficient.' She concluded she would use her bogus accounts to pique the interest of more students, thereby spreading the news to more people. Looking at the deed she had done, she cracked another evil smile saying, "You have no choice but to accept the title of a murderer, Jun Mey." Xia Wuya made the heartless decision to propagate the rumor that Jun Mey had a conflict with Tai Keixin, which led to her death because she didn't want to admit defeat in the war. Consequently, the website's story quickly shifted as others joined her account to spread the rumor.

Trolling Jun Mey, someone wrote, "How daring can Jun Mey be to murder her classmate?"