Chapter 12.3

Chapter 12.3

"He's boosting his speed and strength with his life essence," Chi An mumbled, his face blank. moving forward with his frosty eyes, Chi An thought, 'But such things won't work here.' Chi An's coldness was like a glacier sea without the sun, freezing everything in its path. Within seconds, he appeared before Bai Fang, who was overjoyed to have thought he had escaped Chi An; despite being kilometers away, he shattered his confidence. Within moments, Chi An passed him like a shadow and covered Bai Fang's body in intricate red lines before an explosion occurred.

{The woodland.}

Effortlessly killing Bai Fang, Chi An returned to where he saw Jun Mey injured.

Chi An approached Jun Mey and placed his palm on her glabella, transferring life essence to her. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a portion, which he opened and put into her mouth. Finally, he placed his hands beneath her leg and head region before vanishing.

After some time, Chi An entered the makeshift shelter and untied Nuan Mei, who was already asleep. He woke her up with an irritating gas, causing her to fling her hand at him. However, he grabbed her hands, and his sanguineous eyes triggered, changing the color of Nuan Mei's eyes. Although the color faded after a while, Nuan Mei fainted again. Chi An then took her away.

{The waterfall.}

After dealing with all the other business, Chi An arrived in front of a high mountain with a waterfall.

As Chi An passed by the waterfall, he murmured in amazement, "I could have never guessed there's a waterfall in this school," his blank expression contrasting with his glowing sanguine eyes.

He set several candlelights within the cave for warmth and illumination. Jun Mey softly grunted and awoke at this point.

Waking up, Jun Mey looked around calmly. She said, "What am I doing here?! Nuan Mei...," Jun Mey deliberately tried to stand up.

Upon regaining consciousness, Jun Mey demanded to know the whereabouts of her companion, Nuan Mei, and what had happened to her while her vision was still adjusting.

"Relax, I've returned the girl," Chi An said, leaning back on the rock. He continued with his fast-paced tone, "As for where you are, you only need to listen to know." Chi An spoke indifferently, staring into the candle flames, oblivious to Jun Mey.

After hearing Chi An's indifferent response, Jun Mey exhaled a sigh of relief. Although her face remained calm, her heart panicked somewhat.

"Thank you for coming to my aid," Jun Mey spoke unhurriedly, using a conversational tone. Looking calmly at the burning flame, she added, "But why didn't you send me back?"

Chi An instantly interrupted Jun Mey, "What do you think?" Chi An blankly turned to Jun Mey, but she steadied her eyes on Chi An. He couldn't help but get annoyed with how the girl had made things difficult for him.

Seeing Chi An looked at her coldly, Jun Mey recalled how every guy wanted her attention but found it impossible. However, it was different with Chi An. So she always thought Chi An was unique.

As Jun Mey wanted to speak, Chi An interrupted, "You attract too much trouble." Puffing his chest, he added, "What's the deal with that?"

Hearing Chi An's accusations, Jun Mey calmly answered, "How am I to know?" Surprisingly, she had never been afraid of Chi An. She felt completely at ease with him—like he couldn't bring himself to kill her.

Jun Mey slowly turned her eyes to the candle flame, letting her thoughts trail. 'They want to bed me, or they're jealous,' she thought, feeling lost for what to do.

Seeing how Jun Mey calmly weighed and gauged, Chi An asked, "How come it's always those folks hunting you?"

"I'm not sure," Jun Mey responded, slowly picking a stone and hurled toward the fire.

Chi An quickly interrupted, "Are you certain?"

Jun Mey steadied her eyes on Chi An and said: "How am I to know? But I have a feeling..."