Double Moon and the Blockade

Chapter Fourteen

Double Moon and the Blockade

As Jun Mey slowly leaned Chi An to the rocky wall, she calmly murmured, "I've never seen this person this feeble."

While Jun Mey was nursing Chi An, the emergence of the double moon caught the attention of many strong men across the Starlight nation, who began to devise a plan. In the north, many sanguine eyes shone in several dark rooms, where dreadful black and red coffins were present and mournful melodies filled the air. Similarly, in various places in the south, many meditators opened their eyes as the arrival of the second moon in the sky divided the strength of wolves in half and weakened the hunters tremendously. This event caused the hegemon in the wolf rank and hunters to wake from their slumber, stirring an undercurrent of tension.

{The blockade.}