The hooded girl

Chapter Seventeen

The hooded girl

Ci Xi finished threatening the recruits and boarded the chopper with everyone, taking off immediately. The helicopter's blade whooshed, resembling the fury of a dreadful hurricane. After rippling the sky with a thunderous noise, they eventually departed from the night sky and landed on a private island. The island exuded a sense of calmness like a serene monk, with lush greenery and the gentle sound of water, making it look like a newborn. The helicopter circled the island briefly before choosing a landing spot.

After taking an aerial view, one of the recruits asked excitedly, "How wealthy is the director to have control of these assets?"

Another person asked enviously, "Can a single person buy a helicopter and a private jet?"

Another said calmly, "It implies the director will be able to stand and speak with the president without fear."