Dual identity

Chapter Twenty-five

Dual identity

Ma Liu City

Ma Liu, located in the west, is a hub of prominent figures and lively activity. It boasts a rapidly developing science laboratory and a fast-paced way of life, much like Sha Tin. Ma Liu characterized their local language by a distinctive rising intonation.

{Ma Liu University.}

While Chi An dragged Jia Jig back to Ma Liu City, Jun Mey was already back on campus with her best friend, Nuan Mei.

Lost in thought, Jun Mey wondered, 'What would I do if the wolves were responsible for my parents' deaths?' She reasoned if she could forgive Chi An. However, she speculated he wasn't the one that did it. She acknowledged Chi An wasn't active then.

Noticing that she was speaking to herself, Nuan Mei pouted, "Mey, are you listening?!"