Battling shadow: hidden identity

Chapter Sixty-eight

Battling shadow: hidden identity

Observing their approach, Jun Mey pondered, 'They're... no, wait.' Rubbing her chin with her left hand, she added, 'These guys aren't Kâppas.' She squinted deliberately, thinking, 'Their aura is not what a Kâppa should possess.'

The first person among the wolves to catch up was Guo Liang, Choa Xiang, Gan Hu, and Jaw Long came in last. Jun Mey recognized them all as Chi An's rugby teammates, as she had paid attention to the sport due to Chi An's involvement. The rugby players had a distinctive presence that was hard to forget, so even though Jun Mey didn't immediately recognize them as Chi An's teammates, she associated them with the sport.

Jun Mey knew that they hadn't pursued her for a peaceful conversation. After all, why would peace negotiators arrive with such a large group of people?