Suspicious: trying to see the connection

Chapter Eighty-three

Suspicious: trying to see the connection

As she was about to leave, Hong Qi's manic voice echoed through the restaurant. He hysterically yelled, "Hey, get me another bowl and add sauce!"

Upon hearing Hong Qi's rude behavior, the restaurant customers frowned, believing they had been neglected for too long. They turned their gazes toward him. However, Hong Qi remained unfazed, indifferently waving them off and holding them in low regard.

Regardless of who Hong Qi was or how wealthy he might be, his attitude angered everyone present. Most of them wanted to confront him, but the menacing look in Hong Qi's eyes sent chills down their spines. Their hearts quivered, and sweat dampened their backs.

Seeing the other customers were unhelpful, the young girl did not dare ignore the unruly man. She hurriedly approached with the packaged food on her tray.