Shadows and sacrifice

Chapter Ninety-three

Shadows and sacrifice

{In the forest path.}

As Chi An exited the student security area, Yeman, the black wolf with dangerous blue eyes, chased after another black wolf with white ears. Promptly, he closed the gap and slashed his cold white claws on the other wolf's hip region. This black wolf had white fur around his eyes, and one of the eyes was emerald while the other was ochre, indicating his life sacrifice to elevate his ranking to half-step "Beta Army." This wolf was Gan Hu.

Gan Hu recognized the cold and seemingly robotic wolf with blue eyes as a deadly diabolic wolf created by the seats of wars. However, seeing its gaze, he realized it wouldn't spare him. He thought, 'What a mess. How did this thing track me? Not to mention, it has already killed Guo Liang and Choa Xiang.' Gan Hu paced restlessly, feeling frustrated. In his wolf form, he squinted his eyes and thought, 'This creature won't even explain why it's killing us.'