Confrontations and Shadows

Chapter 113

Confrontations and Shadows

Commander Ming Tun wasted no time discussing irrelevant matters as he introduced himself in his usual staccato style. "I'm Commander Ming Tun. I'm sure you've heard of me," he stated, raising an eyebrow mockingly and flashing a victorious smile.

Huan Bik nodded in acknowledgment. Ming Tun continued, "Here, sitting beside me, is my deputy, Kong Quon." The deputy leaned forward and nodded while the police commander maintained his staccato rhythm and gestured toward the person on his left. "This is Inspector Lok." Inspector Lok responded with a quick hand gesture before relaxing as if he hadn't done anything. Huan Bik keenly observed these subtle characters.

Establishing gentle eye contact, Huan Bik smiled warmly and adopted her usual friendly tone. "The school director has declared full support for your team," she informed them.