Clash of Fates: Sueh Yen's Stand

Chapter 121

Clash of Fates: Sueh Yen's Stand

The wolves quickly regrouped, with their leader at the forefront, his eyes blazing. As he advanced, steam rose like a fog, and in an instant, the five beasts vanished. Suddenly, skeletal claws burst forth from unexpected locations, rippling through the air.

Qing Yuan, keeping a watchful eye, closed her eyes and tracked their every movement. She marked their emerging positions and swiftly fired five bullets in all directions. The resounding shots reverberated throughout the space, colliding with the skeletal claws."

Upon seeing the "blue bullets" suppress them, the "alpha armies" leader grunted, realizing the unfavorable situation. He scanned the area, hoping to catch a glimpse of Sueh Yen. He concluded in his heart, 'We need to retreat for today.' Their plan to subdue Qing Yuan immediately after they made a move had failed.