Trials of the 'Eyes': Embracing Strength and Making Deals

Chapter 189

Trials of the 'Eyes': Embracing Strength and Making Deals

Upon hearing Dai Ming's words, Zhong Guangli understood that it would be challenging for Dai Ming to let go of his hatred. He would struggle to love people and would remain ruthless. Zhong Guangli also recognized that by affording Dai Ming this opportunity, his body might become a target for Dai Ming. If he hadn't singled out Dai Ming by adopting him, the situation would have resulted in more disorder and confusion. So Zhong Guangli sighed, thinking, 'This guy's hatred runs deep.' Then he maintained his casual and laid-back tone, saying, "I want you to become strong enough to see the true nature of things." Without waiting for Dai Ming to respond, he added, "Only the strong can perceive the true nature of things. Besides, if I ever disgust you, you can challenge me."