Battling Supernatural Forces: Jun Mey's Stand

Chapter 194

Battling Supernatural Forces: Jun Mey's Stand

Thinking about Jin Feng, Yanay had confidence that he would not make a mistake. They had trained him, and he had all the cues to know when to act and refrain. So she inhaled and focused her gaze, thinking, 'If we want to rally faster, we need to eliminate.'

However, on the other fighting ground, Guo Wei swiftly cut with his sword, causing the black wolf fighting him to slide back. Simultaneously, the sword extended, shooting toward the wolf, not giving him a respite. The wolf's "crimson red" fur shone brighter as it roared. It hurtled toward the descending blade and clashed with it using its claws, sending the sword back. The wolf then rushed toward Guo Wei, but he staggered back. Still, Guo Wei used his blade to stop his stumbling. He frowned and looked around, realizing they had forced him into a fight.