Qing Yuan plan

Chapter 214

Qing Yuan plan

After seeing this information, Jun Mey looked at the map again and calculated the places with water bodies in the "Starlight Nation." She realized that the only place with a water body and was also a town was "Waterways." "Waterways" bordered "Topbeard" and "Anqing" towns. It was right in the middle of them.

Jun Mey typed "Waterway" into her computer. She learned that this town's water surrounded and most residents lived on the shore or the water. Jun Mey felt she should visit this place to investigate it.

Jun Mey wanted to go there, but transportation was a problem. As she was thinking about this, she noticed more information uploaded on the USB. Jun Mey realized Nuan Mei could update this USB in "real-time." She clicked on the information and saw a mountain.