The fool that always causes trouble

Chapter 252

The fool that always causes trouble

These two people were the followers of the "tyrant wolf leader." Yong Zhengi squinted at them and wondered, 'Why did these two come here of all places?'

Even though hunters and wolves were enemies, they knew each other's existence. Of course, the hunters paid more attention to the wolves' activities than the wolves did to the hunters'. The wolves were too proud to bother themselves with these guys.

Su Pie quietly clenched her fist and thought, 'These two disappeared more than ten years ago. So they're finally showing up.' From what she knew, Zhong Hong ranked among the most talented wolves in the "wolf community." The "tyrant wolf king" personally chose him.

Although Zhong Hong was arrogant during his time, he had the skills to back it up: his strength. So whenever the emerald wolf appeared, people below the "seat of war" had to make way for him.