
Chapter 293


Zi Hao quietly tightened his fist and pondered, 'Why should I let a child interfere with my revenge?' This world used to be his home, but it shattered from the "Hellvoid."

Zi Hao resolved himself to bring down Hou Yi from his throne. He was ready to shatter his world out of pure disgust and rage. So, should no one dream anymore? Should they not connect spiritually to Changé if they couldn't physically be with her? Zi Hao didn't care if Hou Yi's motive was valid or invalid. He found it absurd to end so many lives over such a trivial reason.

Zi Hao prayed for reincarnation, and some unknown force granted his wish. When he regained consciousness at age two, he remembered his past. Since then, he diligently prepared for his revenge.

Zi Hao could be considered one of the key figures who led the wolves out of the "Dark World" (another realm of the "Hellvoid"). Hou Yi's wrath wasn't as active there, but it eventually surfaced.