
Chapter 297


Even though Chi An defeated him first, the guy had real strength that no one could ignore or make fun of.

Another person arrived on the battlefield and released a colorless poison that caused every creature to choke to death.

This person appeared bright and cheerful, which was in contrast to his dangerous and foul bloodline. His name was Huan Heng, and he was the fourth genius on "God Wolf Island."

Just like Sheu Te, Huan Heng was also very outgoing. He got along well with people on "God Wolf Island," unlike loners like Qiao Rufen.

When this guy fought Chi An, it was like a grand spectacle. Everyone hoped that Chi An would lose badly. However, Chi An defeated him, which annoyed them even more. They wondered why Chi An had to defeat the guy. The people felt that Chi An didn't care about their feelings. At that time, Chi An felt like killing all these foolish fans.