You can avoid bullets by walking!

His guitar skills have collected four pieces, and one piece can be synthesized.

Jiang Siming found that the refresh rate of the white shards had become lower. It may be that the game skills were almost finished, so Jiang Siming rarely picked up the white shards in the past two days.

Today's task is not to pick up debris. Jiang Siming's goal is to be the first in the Asian server!

After walking out of the closed city, Jiang Siming drove the Yadi electric car outside the city to the most likely place for people.

Where does anyone go, soeasy!

Bang bang bang!

Passing by a private house, Jiang Siming was blocked by a passerby.

However, he who possessed [Jedi car skills] didn't panic at all. The electric car drove into an S-shape, and it was fast and slow, and the opponent could not hit a single shot.

The audience was amused.

"What are these buddies doing? Are you shooting a salute?"

"This spearhead, the human body stroke Dafa?"

"Fools who don't understand, don't blame that person, it's completely Myojin's car skills are too good?"

"Did you find that Myojin's car has always been outside the opponent's gun head. How did he do it?"

"What kind of ability to have a car to hide from bullets, there is a way to get out of the car and walk to hide from bullets! I can dodge a wheel of bullets and I will get ten super fires!"

"Is there a brain problem upstairs? Do you think this is a moba game? If you can hide, I will give you my house! Stupid dog!"


Jiang Siming took the time to look at the barrage, just to see this barrage.

"Since someone wants to watch me move and hide from the bullet, then I will satisfy him. It doesn't matter if I am super hot or not. If I do, just send a [Dad, I am wrong] barrage."


The audience was amused, Myojin is a bit bad.

Unexpectedly, the owner of this barrage jumped out again.

"No problem! You can do it, I will not only send barrage, I will give you ten super fire!"

It was a little duke who sent this barrage, and he seemed to have this economic strength.

"A word is a deal."

Jiang Siming really stopped the car, switched to fist mode, and stopped carrying the gun.

The guy who was blocking people looked overjoyed and thought that Jiang Siming was panicking and jumping off the car.

Immediately changed the bullets and single-pointed at Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming was in this clearing, and he started walking frantically, sometimes squatting, sometimes jumping up, and sometimes turning around like ghosts and animals on the spot, looking a bit silly.

But what made the audience dumbfounded was that the other party's bullets, as if Yu Jiang Siming were insulated, only flew by Jiang Siming each time.

Every bullet is almost hit, but it just can't.

[Extreme Position]The skills are fully displayed at this moment.

"He still has thirteen rounds of ammunition, if it is installed to expand." Jiang Siming also took the time to calculate the number of bullets on the other side.

The guy who fired the shot also got angry, and he could see that Jiang Siming was playing with himself.

He jumped directly out of the room.

With a wider field of vision, he was confident, and aimed and shot Jiang Siming again!


The other side's bullets attacked Jiang Siming intensively, but he was still avoided by Jiang Siming with all kinds of incredible twisting and shifting positions.

"The last one, I blocked it with the pot on my butt."

After speaking, Jiang Siming turned around, turned his back to the man, and jumped into the air.

The other side's bullet, as if it had eyes, hit Jiang Siming's pan obediently, making a crisp sound.

"Okay, you have enough fun, it's time for me."

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Siming's 98k cut back to his hand.

Turning around, he fired a shot without even opening the scope.

The man's head accurately caught the bullet and fell to the ground!

This gun operation was completely shot after turning around, there was no such thing as aiming and previewing.

After a period of silence in the live broadcast room, then a crazy barrage mode began!


"I drop Guanyin Bodhisattva Tathagata Buddha, what did I see? I saw the gods!"

"Is it really possible to walk around and hide from bullets? Is it because I don't know enough about this game?"

"Ming Shen Niu beep!! I am Buddha! Where's that dumb duke, get out!"

"Mom asked me why I was watching the live broadcast on my knees..."

"Big Ming, you once again used the operation to show me!"


All audiences were impressed by this operation.

Even if it is a particularly long distance, it is indeed easy to dodge.

But Jiang Siming is less than twenty meters away from that person! And there is no cover yet.

This kind of distance and environment, even the level of the stroke of the human body of Daxiaomei can hit the opponent at least five or six shots.

But that's how the magic happened, I saw it with my own eyes!

You have to say that the other party is an actor, Jiang Siming finally used a pan to catch the bullet, which is simply not what acting can do.

Many well-respected audience members have started to pay for gifts, as if only in this way can they express their feelings at the moment.

All of a sudden, planes, rockets, card applications, and even a super rocket.

Forget it, these gifts are worth more than five thousand.

Then, a purple barrage of the Duke floated out in the live broadcast room.

"Dad, I was wrong, Ming Dad, you will be my idol from now on, and I won't go anywhere!"

"The Duke [Wangchuan Scholar] rewards [Ming] Live Room Super Rocket x10!"

The Duke user was very trustworthy and brushed ten super fires and sent out five ordinary rockets.

"Thank you for the gift given by the Duke, let alone everyone. This buddy keeps his promises. At first glance, he is the material for big business. I will give you a housekeeper in a while." Jiang Siming said with a smile.

The Duke was even more grateful to Jiang Siming and sent five rockets again.

Easily convinced a Duke user, Jiang Siming found that Yuexiu's operation, the more the audience loved it.

Since this is the case, get your knees ready!

Picking up that person's bag, Jiang Siming picked up all the six grenades inside, and even skimmed a lot of bullets for this.

After getting on the battery car again, Jiang Siming drove to the safe area.

"Too few bullets, right? Only sixty rounds, is it enough, Myojin."

The audience asked worriedly that they were not good enough to play a game with two hundred bullets.

"It doesn't take that much. Sixty rounds plus a dozen of the sniper rifles are enough for me to kill 20 people." Jiang Siming replied.

This time no one was scornful, because Jiang Siming had already proven himself with strength.

The battery car arrogantly drove into the center of the safe zone and picked up an airdrop. Inside was an AWM, the most powerful sniper rifle.

But Jiang Siming didn't pick it up. He just picked up the bullet, leaving only one round, and then found a place to throw it away.

The audience laughed and scolded Jiang Siming as being too bad. If anyone came to pick up the airdrop and saw this AWM without bullets, he would probably swear.

One bullet, don't pick it up, let it go, pick it up, and only one bullet is not enough.

People who choose phobias have to drive crazy...

After doing bad things, Jiang Siming smiled, drove the car up high, and began to wait for the prey.