Was "sniped" by the girl

"I'll fu*k him"

"Is this him eating shit!"

"I fu*ked him"

The little anchor slammed the keyboard angrily and yelled, but the audience in the live broadcast room did not agree with him.

"Did you see this ID? Stupid anchor!"

"The other party is [ming], don't you know me? New Asian server first."

But the little anchor turned on deaf ears and continued to spurt.

"The first j* in the Asian suit, a dog, the first Asian suit who opened up the game, go to him..."

This behavior completely dissatisfied the audience in his live broadcast room.

"If you don't understand it, just spit it out. This kind of anchor is really disgusting.

"I went to the shark to see Myojin, and it was just a blow."

"When you meet a master, say it's hanging up? Is it so difficult to admit that others are strong?"

"If someone else is a suspect, please come up with evidence. Both the great **** and the little lion said it was not a failure. The monitoring stations said it was okay. Are you more professional than them?"

"I liked you quite a bit, but I didn't expect you to be such a virtuous person. Take the pass and goodbye."


The number of online users in the live broadcast room, which originally had hundreds of thousands, plummeted to a few tens of thousands.

These tens of thousands of viewers still cursed him in large numbers.

After watching the live broadcast for a few months, the attention that has been accumulated after a few months is lost in less than a minute.

The little anchor is completely dumbfounded...

Jiang Siming didn't know this, even if he knew him, he would just treat this kind of person as an ass.

Just solved this little anchor, the third player who had been hiding at the top of the stairs to beat the blood to recover.

A head came out gloomily from the stairs, wanting to launch a sneak attack.

But Jiang Siming, who had been paying attention to him, could do what he wanted. As soon as his head came out, Jiang Siming turned around and took a shot without turning on the sights.

The man fell on the stairs with a face of astonishment, the audience sounded a silly trough, win94 can also snipe!

"Win94's damage is actually very high, equivalent to 98k, and it has a hidden attribute. You don't know that its damage can be superimposed. As long as you hit the first shot, the second shot's damage will increase a bit, so as long as you If you can hit it, even if you only hit the opponent's armour, three shots are mortal."

The Murder Room does not forget to popularize science to the audience.

Touch the opponent's A and medicine to clear the second floor, and continue to the third floor.

Coming out of the boxing gym all the time, Jiang Siming had seven kills.

It was mainly because he couldn't find the gun when he landed, and he couldn't shoot the birds. When he came over, many people had already died.

At this time, Jiang Siming is carrying two win94s on his back, and they are all equipped with bullet bags, so the speed of loading bullets will be greatly improved.

Da da...

On the top floor of the Red Building of the Boxing Stadium Hotel, a player who had been in ambush for a long time raised his gun frantically at Jiang Siming.

The level of high-segment is really high. This person is stuck in the corner of a window, only revealing a very small head.

And the opponent's marksmanship is very good, three shots even on Zhongjiang Siming's body.

Jiang Siming, who was in the second grade, couldn't hold it very quickly, and his blood volume dropped.

"If you encounter this kind of yin person, don't panic, don't just run away, just like me, first twist the angle to hide the bullet, and when he needs to adjust the direction, turn around and fight back!"

After speaking, Jiang Siming has completed the above operating instructions, and shot the enemy above him with a headshot!

[6666] in the live broadcast room is endless.

Watching Jiang Siming's game live is like watching a killer highlights show.

It's just that it is difficult for others to perform a collection-level operation, but Jiang Siming can see it almost every moment, as long as he sees the enemy!

Jiang Siming hides in the corner to fight medicine for the guy who solves the yin people upstairs.

At this time, a blonde girl drove in from outside the city, and the direction was Jiang Siming.

Thinking that an enemy was coming, Jiang Siming just wanted to raise his gun.

But the other party honked frantically, and the puzzled Jiang Siming turned on all the voices.

"Myojin, don't hit me, I am your fan~"

Jiang Siming was happy, but he didn't expect to meet a water friend, and she was still a girl water friend!

Of course Shuiyou didn't kill him. Putting away his gun, Jiang Siming smiled and said to him, "Sister, how did you get to me?"

"Sniper, I will drive when you open it," the girl replied.

"Well, did you come to me to give me equipment? Thank you." Jiang Siming smiled kindly and pleasedly.

"No, I'm here to challenge you." The girl answered straightforwardly.


Jiang Siming was choked and could only cover up his embarrassment with a dry cough.

The audience in the live room was happy.

"Myojin: Are you my breeder? Suiyou: No, I'm here to beat you."

"It's so embarrassing, the anchor doesn't want face~"

"Is this girl so funny, challenging the Ming boss?"

"Hahaha, Ming Dashen coughed and coughed, and I must be mmp in my heart."


Jiang Siming was also very helpless. The first time he met a female fan of Water Friends, he actually came to kick the hall.

"Well, what do you want to compare with me? You can use whatever gun you want, and I will use the win94 in my hand."

But the girl did not agree.

"I want to fist with you!"

Just kidding, fight with Jiang Siming? Xiao Hai Weishen couldn't do it, she was not so stupid.

Than fist, this is very spiritual.

No one will practice this thing specifically, right? If you are lucky enough to kill Jiang Siming, then you have to blow.

"Are you sure?" Jiang Siming showed a meaningful smile.

He has the skill [Fist Proficiency], and has never used it.

"Yes, we are in the boxing gym, and you are not allowed to wear head armor. You must hit full blood first." The sister said.

"No, this bit of blood is enough, just let me give you two punches first." Jiang Siming said openly.

The girl was also welcome, and the two entered the ring of the boxing gym.

"This girl thought I only had a gun to play with, but he didn't know that I had another identity, Jedi'Mike Tyson'!"

The audience obviously didn't believe this sentence.

"Blow, then blow!"

"Myojin is so handsome as well!"

"Sit down and be slapped in the face by a girl."

"Waiting to see the anchor being solo killed by friends~"


It's not too big for the audience to watch the excitement.

The girl opposite Jiang Siming also warmly reminded: "Myojin, I often play custom boxing matches. I won the first place many times, so be careful."

"Hey, I also met the'Female Boxer'. Okay, I will go all out." Jiang Siming responded with a smile.

The boxing match officially begins!

The girl began to walk left and right on the ring, squatting from time to time, and punching provocation.

It seems that there are so many points of play.

"Sister, are you performing acrobatics?" Jiang Siming asked with a smile.

"Myojin, this is the'Jedi Free Fight' that I invented. You can't do it." The girl said proudly.

"Okay." Jiang Siming smiled and then asked the audience seriously:

"Such a cute girl..."

"She should cry for a long time if I punch it down?"

The audience laughed. Does this sound human?

Cute girl, do you want to punch others?

Lao Jiang, are you floating!

After speaking, Jiang Siming rushed towards the girl, leaped high in the air, and struck out with a punch.

While swinging his fist, Jiang Siming also cried out in a weird way: "Pegasus Meteor Fist!"

The girl wanted to walk away, but Jiang Siming accurately predicted the position and punched her head.

With a heavy punch, the girl was knocked out by a punch...

"The player [ming] kills the player [qaqzz] with his fist."