Full of hexagons!

Arlo has analyzed the comprehensive strength hexagons of all professional players in China. The best ones are the little lion of OMG, the shou of 17 team, Zhou Lili of the original 4am team SSS, IFTY's big brother A+, etc. .

Their hexagons can only be compared with those of the great gods, some are close, some are a little taller.

Now that this new hexagon is coming out, Allo can pat his chest to ensure that, whether at home or abroad, this hexagon is absolutely second to none!

"Really, it's full?" Xiaoqian still didn't believe it.

Coach Allo laughed and said: "I didn't dare to make any conclusions about the two points of consciousness and command before today, but just after seeing his operation, I can conclude that even if this person plays four rows, It will be a very qualified Lead!"

"What else are you talking about, I'll get in touch now!" Manager Lu Yun was also excited to clap his hands.

"There is a question, he is live broadcast on Sharks, our whole team is in Huya, will there be trouble?" Allor worried.

"I will negotiate with Huya and Shark about the live broadcast. It's best to dig the other party to Huya. Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't dig. The live broadcast will not be delayed on both sides. This is his personal freedom." Manager Lu Yun said.

Weishen added: "And fast, I think other teams must have thoughts about this person, especially OMG and 17, they are recruiting personnel themselves, I'm afraid they will be the first to get there."

"Then I'll get in touch!" Lu Yun became anxious when he heard the words, and left immediately.

The Great God guessed right, not only they were interested in recruiting at 4am, but many PUBG professional teams have varying degrees of interest in Jiang Siming.

Among them, 17 and RNG teams are the most eager.

OMG didn't have much interest in Jiang Siming, because the staffing of their team was full, and the various members worked together for more than a year. They were very tacit and would not easily change players.

But RNG and 17 value Jiang Siming very much, and their team needs a pillar-level personnel.

Team 17 relies on 17shou's individual performance, and the strength of the other three members is very average.

RNG is the average strength of all staff, the technical level is similar, not bad, not bad, there is no outstanding point.

I invited XDD before, but this kid is just like playing matchmaking. He is impulsive and show-loving. He is not mature enough, let alone directing. He can't bear the brunt at all. He is still undergoing coaching training.

Jiang Siming didn't know that all the sub-teams were wooing him.

This game, Jiang Siming played more and more exciting.

There are so many people in this finals, Jiang Siming can always meet two or even three opponents at once.

The intense excitement also allowed Jiang Siming to maximize his state of mind.

Almost every battle is a **** moment of life and death!

Every viewer in the live broadcast room is always in fear and danger.

At the last moment of the finals, Jiang Siming used his two win94s to kill four masters again in a row.

"Huh! This one is very tired."

Jiang Siming breathed a sigh of relief. Mainly he only had two win94s. Every time he swiped the circle, he was a scourge. The location was too awkward and there were so many people. It was a miracle to be able to eat chicken.

The audience enjoyed it. The local tyrants in the live broadcast room showed up and gave rewards. Gifts floated all over the sky.

I believe those UP owners are busy tonight, but they are very happy.

This is all a highlight operation, and it will definitely attract a lot of fans for themselves.

Seeing that the level of the live broadcast room has risen by two levels, Jiang Siming is also very happy, and the chicken just broke two pieces for him.

One gold, one black.

Jiang Siming hasn't seen the black fragments yet.

First open the golden shard, the contents inside make Jiang Siming's mouth water!

"Pick up [single-family villa in Shanghai Lujiazui Second Ring] fragments*1 (1/3). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

Single-family villa, Shanghai Lujiazui, within the second ring road.

Jiang Siming seemed to see a baby of tens or even hundreds of millions beckoning to him.

But now he is not the old poor boy who was excited for five thousand dollars for a long time.

As long as he wants to continue live broadcasting for a year or two, he can definitely afford a villa.

In addition to the signing fee of 2 million that arrived in the account, the gift money Jiang Siming received in the past two days was nearly 2 million after dividing the account with the platform.

In addition, the golden renminbi fragments he obtained in the game are as high as more than one million.

At present, Jiang Siming's bank card has a balance of nearly 6 million.

Putting away the fragments of the villa, Jiang Siming continued to open the black fragment that had never appeared before.

"Pick up [Black Technology Series·Game Program Tamper] Fragment*1 (1/1). This fragment is full and can be used directly."

Black technology?

Jiang Siming was a little surprised and clicked to use it immediately.

There is something similar to a chip in his hand, and there is also a miniature screen on it.

The information of this thing also passed into Jiang Siming's mind.

[Game program tamper]:

There is no need for any hacker means to tamper with the internal programs or data of any game in the world, even the most powerful firewall in the world cannot detect it.

Note: This tamper can only be used once within 15 days, and it is recommended that the degree of tampering is not too heavy, which is easy to attract attention.

After learning about this thing, Jiang Siming was surprised.

Really black technology, this kind of thing is too advanced.

Easily break through game loopholes and modify game programs at will.

Jiang Siming only needs to input the game name into this chip with his mind to complete the above operation.

This is simply a nightmare for the world's major game companies.

Use this chip to brush money in those online games, and change the game account and equipment at will, and you can sell it for cash.

But this thing can't be used too much, otherwise it will definitely attract the attention of other companies.

Temporarily put away this black technology, Jiang Siming continued to broadcast live.

A cell phone ringing interrupted Jiang Siming's live broadcast work.

Jiang Siming glanced at the phone. It was an unfamiliar number. He thought it was a promotional advertisement. He connected the phone with the idea of ​​hanging up in one second.

"Hello there..."

As soon as the other party spoke, Jiang Siming blocked his words.

"I don't buy a car, I don't buy a house, I don't have the money to invest in a shop, I have bought social insurance without commercial insurance, and I have won a Mercedes-Benz this year, two Volkswagen CCs, three Rolex watches, four global travel tickets, and There are nearly 20 million in cash from various David TVs and major variety shows, so I don't need to win the prize reminder. After that, do you have anything else to add? If you don't have it, I will hang up."

The audience laughed at Jiang Siming's series of thief-introductions.

"Speaking so skillfully that it hurts people, how many times have you said it?"

"Hahahaha, Mr. Ming seems to have been annoyed by selling advertisements many times. He is so experienced."

"Promoting ads is very annoying. The winning text messages and phone calls I receive are similar to Myojin.

"With a grin, the other party was speechless, hung up and pulled you into the blacklist."

"Salesman: What can I add after you finish my line?"